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A few years back I had a herd of basses but more recently I whittled them down, until about a year ago I was left with just one.
A Sandberg California II - VT4, that I gig in my blues-rock band.
Very recently I got myself a MusicMan guitar, which reminded me how good Musicman gear really is and got me thinking about another bass.
I've had 3 Stingrays in the past, the most recent being an HS model.
A wonderful bass but I found the fingerboard just a little too wide.
Anyway a friend of mine who owns a smallish guitar shop locally had had some EBMM basses over the last few years and had just one left in stock.
It had been in a while because most of the local bassists, like the rest of the UK, seems to love Fender above all else.
So it was already at a very good price but then my mate offers me it at cost.
Now that's an offer I couldn't refuse.
So now an all black, with all maple neck Stingray 4, is sitting in my music room.
All I had to do was lower the action by a tiny amount and this beauty is ready to go.
What I love about this bass, is the absolute simplicity of it's one pickup and 3 knob EQ system.
Getting that solid Stingray tone to how you like it is a real doddle, then it's just down to your fingers and imagination.
Top quality build and finishing just give you a bass that will fit with any occasion.
Looking forward to the next next rehearsal/gig.




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