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feeler Parts built jazz bass


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interesting one this

this is my parts built jazz bass. The body is from a westfield jazz bass, i believe it to be alder (same as fender jazz's). has quite a nice grain underneath the finish. has a few marks/scratches here n there. has a 3 ply black-white-black scratchplate, again with a couple scratches. some of the screws screwing this onto the body unfortunatly have damaged threads in the wood and so wont tighten, bout 4 i think, a couple of longer screws no doubt would sort this. It has japanese fender pickups installed, which sound fantastic, i played a mim fender jazz couple of weeks ago just out of curiosity, and this just sounded better. the bridge i have no idea who made it, but its very sturdy and a big improvement on the old bent tin bridge. one screw is missing from the bridge, again down to damaged thread in wood, but again a longer screw would work fine. the control knobs have been replaced with genuine fender jazz bass knobs. there is a genuine fender neck pickup cover drilled on nicely, which imo really makes the bass look the part. now onto the interesting part, the neck. the neck was made by a luthier who distributes his parts on ebay (or at least used to). it is the usual rosewood/maple jobby with a skunk stripe, and it is fully nitro lacquered to great effect, and is fantastic to play, and has a very similar feel to the neck on my old contrevesial precision/jazz. the neck alone usually sells for over £100, its very high quality. the rosewood grain is very dark and i really do like it. headstock is blank without any decal, tuner machines i know nothing about. the nut seems to be made out of ivory. the neck itself is great, its how its attached to the body which could be a problem. the screws for the neck when i got the original bass had badly damaged screw heads, and when installing the new neck, in my infinate stupidty, i didnt replace the screws, and instead forced them in again. this led to the neck being stuck to the body. i eventually managed to get 3 of the screws out again, and replaced them with new screws with spring washers (new screws i think are too long, didnt wanna risk going through the fingerboard!) so to summarise, one screw is stuck in the body/neck with a badly damaged screw head, but the rest are all fine. i cant think of a reason why you would want the neck off anyways, the truss rod is at the nut so it should be just fine. i think iv set up the bass fairly well, bit of fret buzz but not bad.

so, its a bit of project bass, cosmetic it has its flaws, but playability wise it sound really good, as i said better than a mim fender, and the neck is a dream to play!

because of the neck screw thing, im forced to sell this bass for quite a bit less than what it cost me to build

more pics can be taken if required

£100 collected from Bristol, £120 shipped.

this and my peavey are feelers, i doubt il take offers on either a they are both as low as il go :)


Edited by BassManKev
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if for whatever reason you HAD to take the neck off, then this product sounds like it could sort the screw out


theres a couple of other different types of extractor on the site too, so looks like itd be pretty simple after all

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