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Shure PSM200 IEM Advice - anyone using one?


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Hi there,
Our live setup consists of a PA (vox, keys and 2 x acoustic guitars go through it), drummer (no amplification), bass (my rig standalone - not into PA at all), and 3 monitor wedges for the talent.

I tend to place my rig out front with the PA heads to keep stage volume acceptable, so I can't hear a damned thing I'm playing! On Saturday, we played to a noisy 250 people, sounded great out front, vox could all hear themselves fine, but I was playing purely by feel!

I'm going to invest in a Shure PSM200 personal monitoring system (I'm wireless instrument wise anyway) and wondered how you guys set up your 200's?

I'm assuming I get an aux from the desk, that can pass through the 200 and into the next wedge in the chain. But what about getting the bass into it? Would I take the line out XLR that would normally go to a desk, or do you plug the instrument into the 200 and then out into amp? I don't really care about hearing my tone correctly (would be nice though), I just want to hear the bloody notes I'm playing!

Thanks very much,

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Fortunately on my amp I've always been able to take the separate line out to feed to the PSM.

The great thing about these though is that you can take the di straight in the unit, then send it back out of the unit to the desk.

Then the next channel you can get a feed from the desk and balance accordingly.

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[quote name='Walker' timestamp='1335207889' post='1627355']
One quick thing - does it introduce any noise or is it pretty quiet?

Never had any trouble with the 4 i had, still got 3 and they're silent. Sold on of them to our own Shep and he's a stickler for noise so i'm guessing he'd not had any.

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Received mine today. Quite a bit of background noise before bass is plugged in. Silent if I use a wire and not wireless, so radio background noise I suppose.

When I plug a mic in, crystal clear signal.

When I plug my bass in, it's awful. Imagine a badly set noise gate trying to keep up with a high gain pedal. Pluck a string and it gets all hissy. Stop the string vibrating and quiet (well, just radio background noise). I've used the line out of the amp, DI'd into the PSM and back into my amp, gone direct into the PSM, everything I can think of.

I've tried passive basses and an active bass. I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas? I could sure do with some help!

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I am having the same problems with my Audio Technica system, I just can't get a clean quiet bass signal. If I go through the desk with the rest of the band it is better but I want to be able to have my signal seperate so that I can adjust myself.

Again if anyone can help it would be appreciated!

[quote name='Walker' timestamp='1335387378' post='1630449']
Received mine today. Quite a bit of background noise before bass is plugged in. Silent if I use a wire and not wireless, so radio background noise I suppose.

When I plug a mic in, crystal clear signal.

When I plug my bass in, it's awful. Imagine a badly set noise gate trying to keep up with a high gain pedal. Pluck a string and it gets all hissy. Stop the string vibrating and quiet (well, just radio background noise). I've used the line out of the amp, DI'd into the PSM and back into my amp, gone direct into the PSM, everything I can think of.

I've tried passive basses and an active bass. I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas? I could sure do with some help!

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