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Fender American Deluxe (Questions)


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At the momment i am saving up for a high end bass (Music Student) ;D . I was looking at the Marcus Miller Bass (4 String) but that's really a 4 string with active electronics. Then i thought instead of shedding out 900 pounds why not go for the American Deluxe which has the active electronics already in there and different finishes to choose from.

My questions are that

Worth the money
Your experiances
3Band EQ
Does it stand out like you can tell when your in Passive or Active ?
Smooth to play

These are just a few questions on my mind before paying £700 for it

Thanks =]

Oh this is the link for the bass


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I have owned a MM before and I own a 5 string AD so I could be in a position to offer credible advice. I am impressed by the American Deluxe and I would prefer it over the MM. To answer your questions, yes, its worth the money, I have had mine for 2 years and it hasnt failed on me not once, my experiences have been positive and every gig I have gone to, other bass players have ended up asking to have a go on it.
As for the EQ, I did consider changing it for a John East pre-amp but I am happy with the tone it gives me and yes it does easiy stand out be it in passive or active, I usually interchange the 2.
Finally, its as smooth as it can get as far as a Jazz bass is concerned. What I can say is look for one and have a go before you make up your mind. My taste or anyone else's on here may not be similar to yours but if you love Fender then this is the bass for you.

All the best...

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[quote name='bass12345' timestamp='1323600207' post='1464760']

The bass in the link looks more like a Mexican Deluxe,which doesn't have a passive switch...if my memory serves me correctly
. I have a both a 2011 and a 60th Anniversary American Jazz Bass.
Wonderful basses, i did change the pre amps on them, only because i wanted more control over my tone.

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The bass in the picture is indeed a Mexican Deluxe. Here's a US model; http://www.fender.com/products/americandeluxe/models.php?prodNo=019458

If its the Jazz you're looking for I can tell you a bit; the American Deluxe is a different instrument to the Mexican, it has an additional fret and the body cutaway is deeper to allow better access. This is most easily seen in the three screws along the bottom of the smaller scratchplate to the four screws on a normal Jazz scratchplate.

The pickups for the Am Deluxe have changed over the years, not sure if the pre-amp has. I have an early AM Deluxe with the original Suhr pickips (one large magnet per string) and they are very powerful but I can't quite get that classic Jazz bass sound, but that might be me. However they have changed them and I think the current models have Fender pickups. Its a great bass, from the top of the range of Fenders. They also have little luxuries like block markers in the recent versions etc.

The Mex Deluxe is equal to it, way cheaper and has the traditional body. My lad is a music student too and he played a Mex deluxe once in a shop and, not having the snobbery of his Dad regarding place of manufacture, set his heart on one. He got a secondhand one from ebay for £300 in superb condition and he could not be more delighted with it. He gets a great Jazz bass sound from it and considers it the perfect bass especially as it has the traditional Jazz bass body. The electronics are, apparently, made in Corona (US). Regarding sound and playability it is at least as good as the Am Deluxe (the lad reckons better), albeit with one less fret!

I can recommend either, the other alternative is the Custom Shop version seen around, Seth Govan uses one with terrific effect. It has the standard body and, apparently, the electronics are the same as the Mex and will cost at least a grand more.

You can get details here if you're interested; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_American_Deluxe_Series

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