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Hi - new to this- heard bout it thru Wal site- well am a fretless player- its the main sound!!, altho it has lost me lots of chances to join other muso's, ( think they're scared)- in the past - where do i start
Kasuga 4001- ( Ricky copy- first bass)- Glo red
Fndr Prec fretless- plain finish
Fndr Jazz- defretted- dark sunburst
Fndr Jazz- defretted- candy apple red
Ibanez MC940- ( heavy as fcuk!)
JG Rodie 1, ( had extra pickup fitted- WOW a fretted
Tokai Jazz fretless- ( the Jaco model- suburst/lined fretless)
Status 4000, ( I think- fretted, carbon bolt on / dark wood body)
Wal custom fretless, ( heaps of exotic wood, ebony unlined board)
Ashbory ( what were these guys on !!!!)
Custom Jazz- Jazz frteless- EMG's, unmarked ebony board, Schallers- nat wood finish- constructed by Ian in Aberdeen- a good friend and amazin luthier

Ibanez 30w combo
Yamaha B100 mk 2 amp
Laney 4x10 cab
Ohm 6x10 cab-( wow what a sound
Trace 150w gp7 amp
Trace 1x15 'green combo'- valve pre amp- 300w
Trace BLX 150 1x10 'mini combo'
Ashdown Mag 300w 4x10

Various pedals- chorus, delay.octaver- not a big fan of 'effected'fretless

After so much history
Ashdown combo
Custom Jazz- theyre all i need
Havin owned so much stuff- there's little thats new under the sun- bass wise!

influences- the usual Jaco, Percy Jones, Eberhard Weber,John Giblin, Mike Rutherford, Geddy Lee, some guy from a band called YES, Tony Levin etc etc

So thats whats been- am a lover of music n bass- but even after all that - still cant read, n if you say this is in c- whats that about- ofcourse i can slide my way there- he he.
anyone who wants to chat - drop me a line- Zak


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