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Musicman pickup (cover?)


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The pickup cover on my MM (circa2005) keeps "moving up" when it does, it chokes the sound. string too close to pole pieces. neck looks straight, it beats the #### outta me whats going on.
all is ok when I screw it back but it keeps (independantly) happening,curious as to why ,anyone else have this happen?
is it just my luck?
seems a bit "twighlight zone" cant work it out!!
these are the only pics I have but wonder if they help, its the black,fretted one BTW,the fretless is fine, if underpowered by comparison. Ideas gentelmen?

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[quote name='tommorichards' post='1215137' date='Apr 29 2011, 05:41 PM']It may sound like a dumbass question, but by pickup cover you mean the pickup?

At any rate, try a slightly larger screw.[/quote]
Im not sure you can on that era of Ray I think they have a captive nut system so its a proper machine screw so a bit of thread lock dribbled down the screws one at a time to keep the position of the pup right might be needed. Curious now as to how they are held down I might have to go aand have a look......

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Just took one out of my 2002 Ray4 and as I thought its a course threaded machine screw rather than just a wood screw, The spring behind should in theory push against the back of the cover and keep things tight but you know what Ideas in theory are like! Might be worth checking that the springs are in place though if someone has withdrawn them at some point and either left them out or they have moved into the pickup route when the screws were put back that would cause you similar issues. :)

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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1215208' date='Apr 29 2011, 06:32 PM']Sorry me again! Im not sure there are any screw springs on them anyway? They have the big ones on the back of the pole pieces instead (maybe aswell?) Whip it out fully and see whats behind is the best bet just make a note of the pup height on both sides first :)[/quote]
Thanks Pete! :lol:
the thing is I'm not sure, and a bit worried about taking things apart cos when I do I end up with more bits than I should!! :D you aint NW based are you? if not, a trip to MB1 :) will most likley be the one. he knows most things MM as well ( he's had loads of 'em!)
thanks for your help, which I'll refer him to
ps do you know why the F/less is "weaker" output wise? tried the obvious battery/lead/pickup height thing still flummouxed about that too!! wiring is too much for me!!
advice much sought thanks

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[quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1215291' date='Apr 29 2011, 08:31 PM']Im in the midlands mate, If you take measurements from the pick guard to the top of the pickup next to each screw you wont go wrong :)[/quote]
I'll try that.
if its wrong,I'll seek you out!!again.
thanks though
wont be gluing stuff though :)

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Just the vibration alone will unturn a screw thats why lock thread is used on most moving parts of cars to stop bits falling off although you do need to check that there are some springs inside behind the pup and that they have enough strength left in them to push against the pup from below its only that friction of the casing pushing below the head of the screws that is stopping them spin out everytime you play. How far out is the pup? If you are a really light player maybe the springs are not long enough for the pup to be that far out and need a gentle stretch to gain the extra distance? Get it open and put up some pics thats the best bet :)

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