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All thumbs

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Posts posted by All thumbs

  1. After buying two full stacks (to use one either side of the drums) and four heads for full Bi-Amp operation I've decided it's simply overkill lol!

    So here is one of the heads for sale at an unbelievable price of £149 or nearest offer!!!


  2. After buying two full stacks (to use one either side of the drums) and four heads for full Bi-Amp operation I've decided it's simply overkill lol!

    So here is one of the stacks for sale at an unbelievable price of £299!!!


  3. [u][b]“The magic bullet”[/b][/u]

    Out of all the people I've had come to me for bass lessons over the years, most are looking for the same thing – they want to be able to improvise and play more inventive & musical lines and fills. They see other players play these exciting lines and fills here and there and want to do the same.

    Well that doesn’t sound like a big deal does it? They’re already good solid players, maybe even making good money doing a great job holding the low end down! Well here’s the thing – it’s a MASSIVE deal!

    Us bassists spend 99% of our time pointing out the root notes of the chords, and to a slightly lesser degree the 5th. This is especially true in rock music. Nothing wrong with this of course – it’s usually what the music calls for. But say you get to the end of a 16 bar section and you get that feeling inside urging you to play a nice line to bring in the next section of the tune, unless you know exactly what chord is being played at that point and how that chord is constructed the chances all you can really do is bluff it! Sometimes you might get lucky and accidentally play something cool, but more often than not it not going to sound good at all!

    So it turns out for that mere 1% of your time playing fills outside of the usual Root/5th you need to know EVERYTHING about the harmony of the music your playing. Now that’s a LOT of work for what might seem like very little gain isn’t it? We’re talking about a lifetime study here with many thousands of hours work and practice! Phew – not worth it is it?!

    It’s so worth it if you’re serious about your playing! Once you start on a journey of understanding harmony and other concepts relating to improvisation etc., you’ll never stop! But you’ll have such a great ride along the way. You’ll have dips and peaks, you’ll have plateaus, you’ll have periods where you simply lose interest for a while and get on with some other pastime or calling. In the end it’s all about taking a piece of music and making it your own and there’s nothing like coming off stage and knowing that you ‘spoke’ through your instrument.

    Improvisation is just as creative as any other form of writing – in fact it IS “composition on the spot”! If you’re really serious about bass I urge you to make a start on your journey into the world of improvisation today and take your playing to places and heights you never dreamed it could go.

    Oh and ‘the magic bullet’ – sorry there isn’t one!



  4. [quote name='Balcro' timestamp='1333146953' post='1598255']
    Sticks head above parapet!

    I'd suggest some more "light 'n shade". Dip the master volume a touch during the verses and then let the volume rise during the choruses. The rhythm guitar with effects pedal is often too prominent and competes too strongly with the vocals and other instruments.

    The bass is nicely in the mix; sounds great when you give it some welly!

    So how's that from someone who is a complete amateur and doesn't know his fuzz from his overdrive.


    Thanks for your input Balcro - much appreciated!!!


  5. Here's a nearly finished track I wrote featuring Joe Crabtree from Wishbone Ash on drums, Paul Williams on guitars and myself on bass, vocals and percussion.

    It's kinda 'Extreme' ish?!

    I used the Farida FJB-6 on this di-d then through the Ampeg Bass amp plugin.

    A bit more rocky than my usual stuff :-)


  6. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1331189614' post='1568988']
    Thats a nice bass Scott. As you say for 150 quid its brilliant. I dont plan on selling my FPB 18 any time soon, but I will give you first refusal if i ever do. Farida make wonderfull basses dont they? I just wish they were more widely known.

    My FJB 20 is also pretty cool sounding ( if heavy) I have swapped the strings on the FPB 18 again. This time I have some Status Flats (made[i] in house,[/i] not re badged)

    Here are my FJB 20 and FPB 18 side by side. The FPB 18 has really [i]hot[/i] pickups. The hottest pickups of any bass I have ever owned in fact.

    [/quote]Lovely :-)

  7. [left]Scott Whitley is now offering bass guitar lessons anywhere Worldwide via Skype! This means anyone can now draw on Scott’s extensive knowledge and technical expertise from the comfort of their own home. Skype students also get free exclusive access to a vast library of online reference videos.[/left]

    Scott has been the in-house Bass Tutor at Blackburn College for some ten years. He is one of the most accomplished bassists in the UK and has a very friendly, relaxed and informal teaching style.

    Study areas include basic technique, advanced techniques, chord theory, scales, tone, bass setup, styles/genres – the list is endless!

    Each student is assesed and taught what they want/need to learn at their own pace and level.

    [left][b]See how it works here... [/b][/left]



    [left][b]Free sample lesson...[/b]


    [left]To purchase lessons visit either my website - http://www.scott-whitley.com/index/bass-lessons/ or purchase securely through ebay here - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330833779678?var=&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649[/left]

  8. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1331227224' post='1569896']
    I got my white FJB6 yesterday and love it. It was £149.99 delivered. It turned up set up really well, plays great and sounds fantastic.
    I'm knocked out at the quality. Whilst I havnt used it on a gig my impressions at home are very positive. If anyone wants a simple, well made jazz bass for a stunning price this is it!
    Thanks again for the review Scott.

    No prob's - glad someone else has bagged this bargain whilst it lasts :-D

  9. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1330784205' post='1562970']
    Thanks for another great review - just a couple of questions....

    What does it weigh?

    Also, how would you compare the output of the pick ups to a Fender Jazz?
    I had a 2010 MIM model, which had a much quieter output than my old '63s pick ups.

    Finally, can you re-string it with flatwounds and play over the neck with the tone off using just the neck pick up?
    Just kidding, but I want a new bass for reggae, hip hop and old skool soul - I don't slap or have any treble in my tone so it's hard to tell from your vid if this bass would be up to providing a very deep, smooth tone.

    Thanks again - great playing btw.


  10. I want your bass lol!

    Just bought one myself which I'm head over heels about as you can see lol - http://youtu.be/Aks3fSHA1jU

    Trouble is I want an [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]FPB 18 now but there aren't any :-([/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Let me know if you ever consider sellling :-D[/font][/color]

  11. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1330782354' post='1562929']
    Got agree with you Scott, i picked one of these up last year and for they money they are stupidly good!

    Yeah - amazing! I'd love one of their 'P-Bass' styles models but there are none available currently :-(

  12. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1330784205' post='1562970']
    Thanks for another great review - just a couple of questions....

    What does it weigh?

    Also, how would you compare the output of the pick ups to a Fender Jazz?
    I had a 2010 MIM model, which had a much quieter output than my old '63s pick ups.

    Finally, can you re-string it with flatwounds and play over the neck with the tone off using just the neck pick up?
    Just kidding, but I want a new bass for reggae, hip hop and old skool soul - I don't slap or have any treble in my tone so it's hard to tell from your vid if this bass would be up to providing a very deep, smooth tone.

    Thanks again - great playing btw.

    Hi Steve.

    It's not a lightweight, but then it's no-where near as heavy as many 70's Fender Jazz's. I'd say it's just a nice comfortable weight, you know your wearing it but it won't break the back :-)

    The pickups seem pretty hot for passive so I'd say no problem there! Hard to directly compare to a Fender Jazz I don't have a 'real' one anymore since I've discovered the joys of cheap Chinese basses lol! But from my experience they're easily as powerful.

    With flats and the tone rolled down it's sound great I reckon. I'm using Funkmaster .030-90 stainless roundwounds so a good fat set of flats will deffo give you what you want! Even with my skinny strings it sounds pretty warm on the neck pickup :-)

    Hope that helps.

  13. Don't know if you bought a bass yet but I noticed someone mentioned Farida basses. I've just bought one and it's incredible! As good as any Jazz bass I've ever tried that's for sure (and I've owned several :-) ).

    Here's a video review I've just done of it - http://youtu.be/Aks3fSHA1jU[

    You can currently pick them up for £149!!!

  14. Hi all!

    I bought a new Farida FJB-6 the other day for a mere £149!!! It's REALLY great so I thought I'd do a full video review/demo.

    Here's the link...

    insane deals on these at the moment if you search Google Shopping :-)


    • Thanks 1
  15. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' timestamp='1310478454' post='1301098']
    Have you got,or tried the fretless ?


    I've not tried or got one pf the factory fretless basses but I do have a Richwood short scale that I de-fretted myself! It sounds really awesome!

    Also got a Vintage V1004 Fretless (another cheapie!) that is INSANE!!! It's the best fretless I've ever owned (including a Warwick Thumb Thru Neck!!).

  16. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1310419908' post='1300390']
    Have you got Fender tattoo'd on your ring finger?? Great video, I enjoyed your previous soundclips of the richwood stuff - i'll buy one soon!

    Sorry for a ridiculous delay in responding lol!

    It's my wife's name 'Janet' on the tattoo :-D Glad you enjoyed it - you'll not regret buying one.

    Just out of interest I'm just using the standard bridges on them now and they sound just the same tbh!

  17. Hi Basschat peeps!

    I've done a quick demo video of my Richwood Basses as quite a lot of folks have asked what it is etc.!

    Hope this helps anyone who may be thinking of buying one of these cheapies :-)

    P.S. I don't have any connection with Richwood - I just LOVE 'em!!

  18. [quote name='Andy' post='1295666' date='Jul 7 2011, 09:15 AM']Excellent stuff Scott! - I just watched them all - very clear / concise and, as you said your were aiming to do, demistyfied the basic technique.

    I hope you're going to keep going with these lessons - can't wait to see the intermediate/advanced series :)[/quote]

    Cheers Andy :-D

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