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Posts posted by Tegs

  1. Anyone have experience of setting up a Gibson Thunderbird....? I got the guitar about 6 months ago and spent a bit of time setting the neck, bridge and intonation and think I got it playing pretty good, low and buzz free. Just recently though I've noticed the action getting higher. The bridge is virtually on the body almost as low as it will go (it was actually on the body when I got it) so I'm wondering if these are prone to neck bend or if my strings are wrong for it (Rotosound Nexus black coated - Or even is the bridge wrong? Any ideas greatly appreciated!

  2. Just thought I'd update this thread..................... have now played two gigs since, one with only the 4x10 'cos the place was so bleedin' small and one with the full rig but the 15" being nothing but a glorified stand......... and guess what? Could hear myself clear as a bell, no booming bottom end or flapping trousers :)

    Obviously still good to have the 4x10 off the floor but when standing that close, it just sounds much better on its own.

    Cheers for the advice everyone!

  3. Been away so just come back to all this ace advice, cheers everyone. I suspected to hear that the 15" could be part of the problem : ( and will reluctantly give it a go next gig cos the next venue is tiny! Been playing with the eq too and need to move away from my tendancy to up the low end (well, it is a Thunderbird!). Hoping to have some friendly ears at the next one so should get a better idea of what's going on.....

  4. And the second rule of BassClub is............. :)

    I had been considering a wireless just to see what happens out there. Being a small band we don't have a sound guy so I'm also responsible for the pa. I will try putting a bit in the monitors to see if it helps. Its often difficult to get further away from the amp in small venues!

  5. Wondering whether anyone could shed some light on an issue I think I have (or may have conjoured up through paranoia....),
    I play in a three piece blues based covers band and pretty much play in small pub rooms. I'm lead singer as well and we usually end up squashed into a corner. Thing is, I find that I can't hear what I'm playing clearly all the time. I'm using a Trace AH-500 with 4x10 and 1x15 underneath, a bit of a beast really and usually end up standing no more than 2 meters in front of it and find that, especially with higher strings that the sound kind of goes away, as if its going straight through me. Of course, then you start edging up the pots bit by bit.... :)

    I guess my question is, is it probable that although I cant hear myself that well, the rest of the pubs up the street can hear every note and every dropped note clear as a bell while I occasionally get a rumble through the floor on bottom E??!

    Anyone else have this experience and indeed any advice?

    Is it possible (horror of horrors :rolleyes: ) that this rig is just too tasty for this type of gig?

    Cheers all!

  6. This looks like the place to start.......... been playing bass on and off for about 12 years, picked it up from guitar because the band needed a bassist, but only recently been playing with quality gear for the latest band, a blues based three piece. Got half a little finger on the left hand from a work accident and only two real usable pluckers on the right due to a near severed hand when I was a young 'un...... do my best though :)

    Recently got the guitar of my dreams............... Gibson Thunderbird, sunburst, 1998 model, mint. Running it through a Trace AH-500 with 4x10 and 1x15. Wicked.


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