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Posts posted by Tegs

  1. Hi all,

    I've decided it's just too big now and would rather use the car for gigs instead of the van!!

    AH-500 head, 7 eq, all usual Trace stuff, with footswitch.

    1048H cab, 4 x 10 with horn.

    1518 cab, 1 x 15.

    I love this rig and the versatility of it and the massive sound, but I think I just need something smaller.

    All in top condition with original covers. The covers are scuffed but no tears or anything on the cabs or head.

    Get a big green monster!!!!!!!!!!

    Looking for about £950? Sound fair? Let me know.

    Cheers :)

    Ps In North Wales but would be happy to work some delivery thing out.

  2. [quote name='lee4' post='903541' date='Jul 23 2010, 08:30 PM']Hmm,could be a process like that used to make a product called Thermowood(I sell it).
    Timber is exposed to high temperature steam which causes the cells to 'die',making the timber highly resistant to rot or fungal attack,and also approx 15-20% more stable.[/quote]

    That's it exactly I'd say. What it does for a guitar though who knows....? Maybe deep frying will be the next big thing!! :)

  3. Heard about DR's on here and bought some Hi-Beams............. the difference from the Rotosounds I was using is stunning, I can actually hear every note through the band. Everything else is the same so it has to be the strings!

  4. Make sure they are the right drugs mind..........

    Really though, its down to mood, desire to play and being relaxed. I find sometimes if I'm practised up to the hilt, it all goes wrong on the night, whereas if I haven't played for a bit it can all be fluid as if its a relief to be playing again................. of course, this also works the other way around on occasion!!! :)

    Those nights where its right is what makes you keep going back :rolleyes:

  5. Best looking bass ever. Simples.

    Just like everything though, there's good 'uns and bad 'uns. My 1998 Gibson IV has absolutely no neck dive, sustains to the end of the earth and as for them being a pick only bass, I have to disagree as I never use one.

    The Epi I have has a wider neck than the Gibson but you soon get used it. I can see why Entwhistle created the 'Fenderbird' though!!

  6. Sounds like the way to go to me. Defo no filling and sanding as there's no way you will a) match the colour and :) contain the filling/sanding area to avoid ruining the finish around it. You must be getting bad neck dive to bother though, where are you moving the button to?
    Mine stays right where it is but I know that some are worse than others.

  7. Fair play to you, you must be a demon on the wetstone :)

    Whilst I love working by hand as much as possible, the workshop has to earn, which means bleedin' windows and doors most of the time. Working myself up to a life of furniture and basses!

    Woodcare (Wudcare?) do a 60 minute pu now which is really useful by the way.

    Sorry everyone for turning this into a woodworking thread :rolleyes:

  8. [quote name='henry norton' post='856384' date='Jun 3 2010, 06:29 PM']Holy Sh#t! I have nightmare visions about losing fingers/hands/arms in my machines - I can't believe your finger had an argument with a planer and you're still playing. Just think Tony Iommi I suppose :)[/quote]

    I've defo done my joinery apprenticeship, and have been very, very lucky to keep working, nevermind playing. I spent almost two years not using the little finger but now its virtually back to normal, albeit a bit shorter and fatter! Quite good to be forced to use the third finger though cos I know a lot of people don't at all. Don't mess with machinery kids and keep your mind on the job :rolleyes:

    I'm starting to feel it would be ashame to cut the Peavey up too........... Might take good advice from you guys and try a neck from scratch... just need to pull my finger out........(oh dear, sorry! :lol: )

  9. Looks like a solid enough job mate :) Tell me you haven't planed all those walnut strips by hand....? I will hang my head in shame :rolleyes:

    I use a fair bit of pu glue (Woodcare is best I reckon) but would hesitate to use it on something like a guitar body as there's a risk of putting too much on. You can easily end up with faces not quite coming together due to the expansion, which is why I asked, as any spaces would obviously be catastrophic in something like a laminated neck.

    Look forward to seeing the finished product!

  10. Cheers for the ideas........ going to have to look up some bits and pieces. Any recommends on suppliers..? Have stripped all the gubbins off and it will only take a moments boredom to throw it through the bandsaw :) (the same bandsaw that severed my index finger tendon before Christmas and nearly ended my bass playing career altogether!!!!)

    Love the bike Henry!

  11. Been looking at the Barefaced Vintage now................!

    I'm happy with the AH-500, I took my old Laney 4x10 (1980's?) to practice the other week to leave it there (save taking the van!) and I was very bloody surprised to find that it sounded very nice, even with one blown driver. So maybe the TE cabs just aren't for me.

    I can well imagine that a pair of DB's would be a big difference from just the one though.

  12. You're not wrong Mikey :) but I figure the neck is the thing that needs most knowledge, accuracy and time. Accuracy I have, time I do not! I guess I can glean the knowledge from somewhere though.

    Maybe as its a first go at it I will stick with the original fretboard as its hardly played anyway.

    I'll try and get some photo's of the 'dungeon' up for you!

    I think maple but defo not walnut. Looks mahogany like, some exotic hardwood anyway. And the wings I believe are Koa. Its a very light bass so would be nice to get some heavier sides on.

  13. Have been thinking about this for a while so any ideas/advice very welcome.......
    I bought a 5 string Peavey Zephyr? I think, for next to nothing. Hate the shape, hate the sound but the neck seems very playable and is a 7 ply laminated through neck, so, I got to thinking.......

    How about cutting off the wings and re-attaching some wood in my own shape/style/species, cutting sides off the headstock and doing same again, adding some decent pups and electronics and hoping to get a unique and good sounding 5 string? (I'm a joiner by the way so the wood side is not scary at all).

    I'm not into slap or too bright a sound, deep banging bass is my thing.

    So any advice on..... pups, passive/active, bridge, tuners, new fretboard or not etc. etc. etc

    Trying to get photo's up of it.

  14. I knew it was GAS :)

    I think two GS would be my preference, seemed to be more bottom end from the mahogany ply, just a shame they don't do them in the colours!

    Thanks for the replies......... there may be some TE gear in the for sale section soon.........

  15. I got to try the Aguilar DB112 against the GS112 today and am having a thought process...... any tips appreciated.......

    Currently using Trace AH500 over a Trace 1048H and 1518 but have found that not using the 15" is much better for me in small venues (thanks to previous good advice on here). So now thinking, ditch the 15" and get either the DB or GS to sit on top of the 4x10.

    Question is, does anyone think I would have anything to gain from this or is it just the onset of GAS from too much Basschat browsing...??!!!!

    Cheers all :)

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