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Posts posted by ficelles

  1. I sold smb my Warwick Corvette fretless - he turned up on time and paid in cash, reliable and great to do business with!


  2. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='1295209' date='Jul 6 2011, 09:19 PM']This is a great example.


    I have to say that lightning-fast pizzi technique - while impressive - leaves me a little cold, but following that link led me to La Silhouette which has some stunning arco playing...

    I think arco is really his metier.

    Edit: should really have listened all the way through before posting - after the first couple of minutes it gets really interesting!


  3. Listening repeatedly to Alboreá, I'm finding myself quite taken by the playing of the other bassist (Yves Torchinsky) who is taking the traditional bass role... it's almost irrelevant what instrument Garcia-Fons is playing as he is simply "the soloist", well apart from those great accordion passages that put you mind of Amélie :). Torchinsky is playing some great jazzy lines underneath it all.


  4. [quote name='Mike' post='1290142' date='Jul 2 2011, 02:55 PM']I can get a very bassy sound but the top end doesn't sound nice and woody at all - quite crisp and brittle.[/quote]

    A brittle sound is a characteristic of all piezo pickups, irrespective of instrument - it's still the best choice for acoustic instruments except for a microphone.

    I have had huge problems finding a bridge piezo to fit my bass until recently (thanks Keith :) ) so have been relying entirely on microphones. Amazingly the best sound I have yet had outside of a very expensive studio mic in a recording session last year has been an SM58 placed almost at random about 10" above the bridge.

    Best is a combination of piezo and mic.


  5. Too long in the past for a claim I fear (I think I bought it in 2008 and it's sat in the cupboard until now), however I gigged it a festival on Sunday and the chassis-hammering exercise seems to have worked as it sounded fine. Not sure it would handle a 5-string but I guess I'll use it until it fails and consider it a lesson...


  6. [quote name='chris_b' post='1292363' date='Jul 4 2011, 04:16 PM']The money is immediately credited to your account but actually takes a few days to transfer. Both banks have to run their computer update programs to send and receive the money. Your bank asks for the money and it NOT found in the other bank. The money is not put into your account and the amount is removed from your grand total.

    This can take several days and upto 6 months when clearing cheques.[/quote]

    I thought a bank transfer happened there and then and the payment was only made against cleared funds with the BT amount deducted at that time. The only way it can be recalled is in the event of a fraud on the sending account i.e. someone using someone else's account.

    Btw computerised banking doesn't work quite the way you suggest, thinking back to my days with SWIFT and the BoA. It's a little more event-driven.


  7. [quote name='ZMech' post='1269611' date='Jun 15 2011, 07:43 AM']Got to appreciate the adverts attempted use of those magical marketing words, 'hand made'.[/quote]

    You're surely not suggesting it came out of a CNC machine?

    I dunno what you guys are bothered by really... could be an interesting project for someone who is into instrument DIY and with a bit of tidying result in a perfectly playable - if somewhat rustic-looking - EDB for not much money.

    I didn't bid btw :)


  8. [quote name='73Jazz' post='1292260' date='Jul 4 2011, 03:05 PM']2 days later the bank transfer is invalid and the money is taken away from your account.
    so you do not have an instrument/amp etc anymore and no money as well..ripped[/quote]

    What I don't get is how a bank transfer can look ok then become invalid?


  9. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1271281' date='Jun 16 2011, 12:05 PM']You are probably right, Myke. I am probably overreacting but, having played ther twice several years ago, I have to say that it feels a bit like a meat market. I don't like the vibe at all. The turnaround of bands is too quick (no decent set up time/soundcheck etc) and, bearing in mind they give their time for free, more than a little disrespectful, IMO. I never even heard anyone say 'Thank you'.[/quote]

    Try running a festival or even crewing and you'll see a different perspective! Crew generally work hugely long hours for little or nothing and everyone's a [b]Star[/b][i][/i]...


  10. Whenever I've tried slap, it's most definitely more crap than slap.

    There is a really top slap player round these parts though who is an education to listen to - plays a Wal about 3cm from his chin and is so fluent in his playing you can barely believe what you are hearing. Actually come to think of it there's another from down Bude way who is pretty good as well. Maybe this is slap country :)

    Me, I prefer finger funk. That isn't a euphemism btw.


  11. I really should have known... I bought a B-stock Eminence Gamma 12" a while back from a well-known electronics chain (the one that sounds like it should be a holiday camp). A brand new 12" Gamma for £25 which is pretty fair, looked just fine apart from some scratches on the chassis and the magnet label.

    Well finally I got round to using it and it seemed to work great, but when I cranked the amp got some horrible vibration at higher volume levels, so took it out for a close look and the base of the verdamnt chassis is warped! So I have spent a fair part of the evening very carefully tapping it back into a sensible shape, seems to look ok and in the brief high-volume test I can get away in a flat with sounded ok too but I won't know for sure until I gig the darn thing on Sunday afternoon...

    I think there may be a lesson in all this about B-stock speakers!


  12. [quote name='shantijoe' post='1274462' date='Jun 19 2011, 10:11 AM']Hiya
    so how did eBay go? Is this a 'made in Korea' Corvette- academic inquiry if you sold it!
    thanks, joe[/quote]

    Pulled if off eBay after a change of heart but now re-advertising it here and on Gumtree.

    This is a German-made bass from '09 - as far as I know Korean production didn't start until 2010 with the Pro series?


  13. [quote name='Conan' post='1287284' date='Jun 30 2011, 08:15 AM']Also, because there are so few mainstream bassists who are known for their fretless playing, anyone who is new to the instrument tends to want to sound like either Pino or Jaco or some bastardised chimaera.[/quote]

    I want to sound like a bastardised chimaera - is there a book/cd?


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