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Posts posted by Bassnut62

  1. I'm in! Will do likes in a mo


    Live disco band looking for functions and weddings in 2015 in E Mids and S Yorks

    If you want to check us out live and come to a great party, we're doing free party for New Years Eve at Pitcher & Piano, High Pavement in Lace Market, Nottingham

  2. Bad drummer with no potential = walk away.
    Bad drummer with potential, but doesn't work at it = walk away.
    Good drummer, who won't do enough work on songs = walk away.
    Ok drummer with potential, who works hard at it = stick around to see he/she can cut the mustard
    Good drummer, who works hard at it and plays kit musically for the song = definitely staying with that band

    Same goes for rest of band and singers.
    If any of them have unbearable attitude = get rid of offending individual or walk away

  3. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1419179538' post='2637284']
    Back to the OP - had a weird turn of fate the other week. Fairly well oiled in a tiny pub in Ramsgate, people dancing away to an extended version of The Message. Got talking to the DJ and turned out it was Skip McDonald ! He lives in the area and hosts a night there once a month. Naturally we then had a drunk (well I was drunk) conversation about Doug Wimbish.

    Pub is Queen Charlotte, Ramsgate. Any BC'ers ever in the area PM me and I'll join you for a pint. :)

    My old mate Jeff is largely responsible for the rise of quality funky nights in Ramsgate. He moved there some years ago after much DJing in London and created a scene!!

  4. Gumtree is good for selling gear too; but best to trade locally face to face for cash.
    I guess that would be a popular amp though; so unless you are in especially remote area you should be able to sell it on there.

  5. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1418420319' post='2630192']
    Nile Rodgers makes it sound simple, but it's actually an incredibly hard style to master. Very underrated and innovative player, and a very clever and decent chap to boot.

    Lesson from Justin here : [url="http://www.justinguitar.com/en/RF-007-LeFreak.php"]http://www.justingui...007-LeFreak.php[/url]

    here, here....and Le Freak is remarkably hard to get right...most players murder it, including me!

  6. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1414139203' post='2586225']
    Anything with Nile Rodgers or Keith Richards in it.

    I wouldn't describe Nile Rodgers guitar playing as simple. It is effective; but remarkably complex in its apparent simplicity. Quite a lot of his playing is very hard to do too, at least if it's going to be done right.
    Frankly, nobody I have ever heard sounds exactly like Nile Rodgers, which says something about the man's marstery of rhythm guitar.

  7. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1418899229' post='2634546']
    This is Jazz/funk:

    Herbie Hancock Headhunters 1974: [media]http://youtu.be/GAlejqkd-gg[/media]

    Paul Jackson on bass. Groove personified.

    This is the truth about Jazz and Funk and where the two genres meet.

  8. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1417969058' post='2625568']
    This may not convert anyone to the Funk but it does show that P-Funk isn't always as many think it is..............

    aaahhh....Eddie Hazel.....he should be ranked with Jimi Hendrix in my book!
    check this bit of Eddie out...

  9. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1418036710' post='2626103']
    I agree with BetaFunk on this, (and this is a man who sounds like he knows his P-Funk from the YouTube vids!). It's difficult to make recommendations as it's dependent on what type of funk music you're into.

    I've yet to see the BBC4 program but have recorded it. Even if it's a basic introduction to the genre, it's great to see some funk back on TV

    I agree with the two Bs on all of this.

    Re P-Funk generally; I would say that it has to catch you and you have to catch it at the right moment in your sub-conscious/consciousness. Listening and/or dancing to anything related to George Clinton is definitely a trip that will take you to places that you never could have known existed. His imagination and awareness (both social and musical) is limitless and awe-inspiring.

    Re the funk documentaries on Friday night - what a disappointment! But I guess it could be a valuable revalation to anyone who has not been touched by the unholy groove yet and definitely good to have some Funk on the idiot box again.

  10. I suggest forget Fender and get a G&L made in the original Fender plant in CA. I just got one made to my own spec for £795 thru Andy Collin of Black Cat Strats in St Albans. Quality is just as good as a CS Fender for fraction of the price and Leo Fender himself designed them and said they were the best guitars he ever made! Lots of cool models to choose from, incl J, P and MM types and other interesting unique models that are totally G&L. Their Asat Bass is über cool and capable of extraordinary range of tones in active or passive mode.

  11. Hi
    Sorry to rain on your parade; but your name is very misleading. I thought you were the original Defunkt for a moment there and was amazed but ready to travel to see you play and I expect others would do too. I'm sure your band are probably be very good! But I would have been very pissed off to have come down to find I had been mis-sold a band.

    I don't suppose Joe Bowie and the real Defunkt would be happy with you using their name.


  12. defintely skip the Mooer stuff - it's crap!!
    I had the blue Mooer compressor and it was truly horrible on both bass and guitar.
    I have tried quite a few compressors and theone's that have stuck are the Keeley 4-knob and the HBE CPR

    they may both be around £175 new; but could probably be picked up for closer to £100 used.
    The smaller box CPR would be good and the 2knob Keeley has the attack and clip controls on inside.

    You might wnat to visit here for great compressor reviews too

  13. I picked up the G&L S500 on Friday night and have now had a chance to play it for a few hours over last five days.

    It is a very stable platform with a beautiful neck. Normally I don't like very flat necks (this is a 12" radius); but this one feels v comfortable and accessible for funky rhythm playing on three strings and for licks and solos you can easily bend two whole tones without chocking off the note.

    The build quality throughout is exceptional. I don't think I have ever seen such a snug neck/pocket fit and all the hardware is very present, smooth and accurate. The paint and neck finish is beautiful and the rosewood neck has a lovely dark grain with a few nice flecks or swirls of deep burnt orange.

    The medium jumbo frets are very well finished (no surprise really with G&L Plek-dressing machines) and the factory set-up is pretty nice; though I think it could be improved and the action could be lower.

    The trem is fantastic, compared to more traditional Fender trems. It is very stable; but the B string does seem to stick a little at moment; I am nto sure if this is just the string settling or what. I will let the guitar and strings settle for a few months and then get it set up by usual techs, who know all my preferences; this should take care of any little details like string sticking when tremmed.

    Then there is the sound - it is very modern compared to traditional Strat tones. It is cleaner sounding and a bit more authoritive and it doesn't quack quite as much as your old Fender; but traditional Strat sounds can be found with a bit of adjusting of tones with the Passive Treble & Bass system. This guitar definitely has it's own character and can drive an map a bit harder than standard Fenders.

    The toggle switch hooks up the bridge and neck pickups, so that whether in positions 1, 2, 4 or 5, both pups are on. 2 and 4 give you all three pups. Soundwise you can get good approximations of anything from an accoustic, via Tele to Strat. the G&L MFD pups also sounds full and beefy enough to pass for a light humbucker or P90.

    I especially like that whatever pick up setting you use, you get exactly the same output level from the guitar; whereas my old 54 reissue Strat has a noticeable drop in volume between positions [size=3]2 & 4 vs. [/size][size=4]1, 3 & 5.[/size]

    [size=4]And yes this brand new USA G&L built for me to my specification in the factory at Fullerton, CA in little more than 8 weeks did really cost me just £795 in total. And the Tolex case it comes with is v nice indeed; as is Andy at Black Cat Strats, who organised this great deal for me. I cannot recommend him or an S500 highly enough![/size]

  14. [quote name='grandad' timestamp='1414527432' post='2590339']
    Hi there, I also use my Ampeg B115E as my main giging cab and love the well balanced tone across all 4 strings. It's easy to lift with hinged and sprung side handles also easy to move on castors. And it looks cool.

    I briefly owned an Ashdown ABM 115. Tone-wise it had huge low end but little else. It was big, weighed a ton, uncomfortable side handles and no castors.
    The Peavey TVX 115 I found fairly close tone-wise to the Ampeg.

    Why not replace the speaker if the cabinet is still sound?

    Absolutely agree here.

    A while back I went to tour music shops to buy a new 1x15 bass cab. I had £800 in my pocket. I did lots of comparisons and in the end plumped for a tatty looking old ported Musicman cab (I think it's an RH115) The grille clothe was ripped, it had no badges and the Tolex was horrible; but it sounded so good and so loud......and the best part was it only cost £100. When I got it home I tarted it up to match my Fender head and checked the speaker, which turned out to be a beautiful vintage Italian RCF speaker in excellent working order. I still use this cab for bass and it still sounds amazing and 'a while ago' was over 15 years ago!

    So I reckon Grandad is right, just try a few out and listen to them very carefully before you buy. I would add, make sure you use a very long instrument cable and get yourself a long way from the cab to see how well it shifts that air and throws it across the room.

    Here's a pic of said cab all tarted up to match the head, which I bought for £75 out of Admag from some twat who said it didn't have enough lights on it. He should've listened with his ears, not his eyes!

  15. Defo a can of worms here....anyway here's my two penny's worth........

    Poet by Sly Stone.....it's such a sexy groove and has some of the best lyrics ever written about being an artist IMO.
    I love the rising high-on-neck bass line (or maybe it's an octave down guitar) towards the end of the song.


    In case you're wondering what he's actually saying, here are the lyrics:
    [center]My only weapon is my pen[/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]And the frame of mind I'm in.[/size][/font][/color][/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]I'm a songwriter, A poet.[/size][/font][/color][/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]I'm a songwriter, A poet.[/size][/font][/color][/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]And the things I flash on Everyday[/size][/font][/color][/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]They all reflect In what I say.[/size][/font][/color][/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]I'm a songwriter I'm a poet[/size][/font][/color][/center]

    [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]I'm a songwriter, Oh yeh a poet.[/size][/font][/color][/center]

  16. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1414878071' post='2594364']
    Someone not mentioned here yet is Willie Weeks,
    check out his work on Donny Hathaway Live, to my mind one of the funkiest recordings in existence.
    Thing is with Willie is that his lines are super musical as well as very funky, and by all accounts he's a lovely guy too, a pal of mine has recorded with him (and Steve Jordan)

    +1 for Willy Weeks...that Donny Live album is one of my faves, along with the Curtis (Mayfield) Live album recorded around the same time, and I think it might have been Willy Weeks on the Curtis album too.

  17. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1414928052' post='2594666']
    For anyone who has an active bass that lives under the bed, a quick plea...
    Please for God's sake [b]take the battery out[/b] :)
    I have three active basses in the loft, where they've been lying untouched for at least three years. I just legged it up there in a panic with screwdriver in hand to remove the batteries...........what a relief to find that I had already done it, presumably when I laid them down (like fine wines in a cellar...not my cellar tho)

    The basses are a 79 Stingray, an 89 G&L Asat Bass and an 08 Sandberg California JM4; they've not seen battle since I took up guitar. I couldn't let the Stingray go, as it was my only bass for over 20 years and we did hundreds of gigs together.
  18. El Bumpo!

    BTW these go new for about £85; so £45 is a steal and this one has been on my small board at home, but never left the house, so in excellent condition with velcro on bottom and has all original packaging and instructions, plus rubber feet.

    This is a high quality boutique clone of the amazing and v.expensive Hermida Zen Drive. This has a nice mod switch too.
    if you want Dumble tones and others at a bargain price, buy this pedal!

  19. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1414827863' post='2593651']
    Another vote for Robbie Shakespeare here plus
    Family man
    Flabba Holt
    Paul Jackson
    Lee sklar
    Pino [p bass only]....i dont kno where to stop :)

    +1 for Paul Jackson. I met him backstage at a Headhunters gig and asked him how he gets that tone. he just showed me his fingers; there were huge deep welts through his callouses. He said I hit those f***ers as hard as hell!

  20. I like compression as an effect as well as a tool.
    Just check out the heavy squich use of compression by Doug Wimbush on Rapper's Delight by the Sugarhill Gang, then compare it to Bernard Edwards sound on the original Good Times by Chic.



    of course you could just enjoy the Sugarhill video....!

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