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Dave Vader

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Posts posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='dave74200' post='941914' date='Sep 1 2010, 12:14 PM']Apparently so. You'd better iron your uniform Chuck![/quote]

    Excellent, I needed to shed a few years. Ta.
    Btw, I think your rig is very nice.
    Too expensive (and heavy) for me, I've got two teenagers to support, and a back problem.

    I also think there are better ways to make your point than slamming everything else. I also spent way too much time fixing my old vox/fender all tube guitar amps, and want reliability over all else now, yay solid state!

  2. [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/darthsquirrel/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]Here's a load of rickenfaker bits I've got left over, shameless plug really, sorry.[/url]

  3. 6, 3 working,

    Much rebuilt Sunn Mustang P-copy (mainplayer since 1989 and counting)
    Rebuilt Rockinbetter (Hipshot bridge, Hondo 2 single coils and b=pickup mounts)
    82 Ibanez roadstar frankenstein with generic fender copy fretless neck)

    3 projects
    Jazz body looking for a neck
    Half done Fretless P-copy
    Hondo Rickenfaker, probably about to go on the bay in bits.

  4. [quote name='Jigster' post='937795' date='Aug 27 2010, 08:38 AM']cheers guys -

    also can anyone advise me what this wire does ? It's the remaining wire from when the body was stripped of all pots and pups etc. It goes back towards the bridge - what role will it play when the new pots/jack get installed?



    That's your string ground. Solder it on to wherever you've got your other main ground (probably main vol) and your earthing will all work. Plus if you've still got hum you can just put your fingers on the strings to stop it :)

  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='937493' date='Aug 26 2010, 08:40 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibenez-Rickenbacker-Replica-Bass-guitar-/220660435027?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]"Ibenez"[/url]

    Local to me too, if anyone wants a report, an excuse to go play with it would be nice.[/quote]

    Listing gone, ricky police strike again.

  6. [quote name='iamapirate' post='931969' date='Aug 21 2010, 03:57 PM']I trust ashdowns not to blow up.[/quote]

    I did that once, you'll never guess what happened... :)

    I confess that I play in an 80s electro/new romantic tribute band.
    I also confess that I am currently learning Dancing on the Ceiling by the singing biscuit for that same band. Oh the shame....

  7. Might not be the tuners, if you do a lot of string bending, the strings might be sticking in the nut or the bridge, try lubricating the strings (wd-40, fast-fret, other stuff) before you spend out on tuners. I did it years ago with my hofner, only to find it was just sticking.
    If it is the tuners, I've always found wilkinsons to be cheap, and reliable.

  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='915789' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:02 PM']Did you have to tell us about your instrument abuse? :)

    I can't see that it isn't a technique issue. Even supposing there was a physical fault with the bass, to combat it you just have to pluck harder (ie. adjust you technique) on the down stroke.[/quote]

    I like your theory, it didn't work yesterday, not pulling as hard on the upstroke (chuckle, sorry) worked better, though can't keep playing everything quietly.
    Might just put her back in the box for a bit and play my P, like usual.

  9. In all my long years of instrument abuse, I've never come across this. On my Rickenfaker, when playing with a pick, the downstroke is noticably quieter than the upstroke.

    And this is not a technique thing, I mostly play with fingers, but thought I'd try a pick for a Frankie goes to hollywood track with the band. It's not a huge problem, but it is a little annoying.
    I've adjusted my hipshot bridges up and down adjusters both ways, and not made much of a difference.

    Although it only occurred to me this morning to try soloing the pickups and having a listen to the difference.
    Mostly only noticeable on the E, but seems to be present all the way up.

    Will update you later when i've had another fiddle. Just interested to see if anyone else has come across this before.

  10. Chrome is fine here as well, run it on the windows 7 machine at work, and my XP installation at home/ no probs with BC.
    had to mess about with the firefox on my linux install though, fonts were all typewritery, fixed now though.

  11. [quote name='CraigPlaysBass' post='915267' date='Aug 4 2010, 07:09 PM']In the words of Michael Buble: " I just haven't met [the bass] yet!"

    Because I'm only 16 and somewhat lacking in funds :)[/quote]

    Or so you think.

    I am still madly in love with my crappy old P-bass copy that I've had since I was 12. basses come and go, but my old Sunn Mustang still feels right (has been completely gutted and rebuilt about 5 times mind you).
    Could have saved myself a fortune if I'd realised that a long time ago.

  12. First gig would have been in about 1989 with an acoustic guitar and ugly hat, at about 12 years old. Yellow Submarine, which my mother roped me in to play for a big twinning association do at the pollyfield centre.

    First bass in public, with my first proper band, (the unfortunately named radioactive flowerpots) about 1991, bideford college theatre, about 14, I was the guitarist/singer, but me and the bass player switched for a few songs. I definitely did bass on smells like teen spirit (hangs head)

    First gig as a bass player, spudgun, 1996, golden lion tap. about 19-ish. The drummer and guitar player were also bassists. 3 of us were called Dave. all original, all drop-D, a bit helmet round the edges. Went back to guitar for a good ten years after that.

  13. [quote name='ironside1966' post='907501' date='Jul 27 2010, 07:46 PM']A lot of the players who don’t know the rules stay safely within the rules but without knowing and when most of think we are breaking the rules there is a rule for that.
    Hope that makes sense[/quote]

    Yep, sums it up nicely. :)

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