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Posts posted by Earbrass

  1. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1322146348' post='1447197']
    The brain's memory capaicity is currently estimated at 2.5 petabytes (according to The Scientific American magazine) anyone know how many songs that is????

    Edit: About 800 million!
    [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1322146614' post='1447203']
    That's at what compression ratio/bitrate?

    Note too that you can remember more lyrics if you learn them in a smaller font.

  2. I haven't read the whole thread so apologies if this point has already been made, but the big problem for me with the 'dislike' facility is that it is unclear what it means. It may mean that one disapproves of a post, because it is rude or aggressive in nature, or simply that one disagrees with it. A member with a net negative score, and hence a 'bad' reputation, may have acquired it through persistent boorishness, or by consistently defending, however politely and reasonably, unpopular views. This seems unfair to me.

  3. English, Irish or Scottish?

    If it's English, you might want to check out [i]The Bismarcks[/i] (bass parts played by piano left hand, but you'll get the idea).


    There's also the great compilation from the EFDSS "Hardcore English"


    You can buy the book, the double CD or both together.

  4. Perhaps because I am a keyboard player first and foremost, or perhaps because I spent years "knobbing about with sequencers etc" producing soundtracks, I tend to start off by sketching everything out in MIDI. This means I can tinker with the tempo, the key, the instrumentation and the structure very simply and quickly, until I find a version that works. I then record the MIDI tracks to audio, and then use this a kind of guide scaffolding to record the real tracks round. Most of the MIDI stuff usually ends up being replaced by real instruments, but not all - drums and percussion I tend not to try recording for real, and MIDI piano / keyboard / tuned-percussion lines can sound very convincing (and I don't have a real piano / organ / vibraphone etc).

  5. I've posted these before, but what the heck...

    Mari Boine: Sami music from the far north of Norway



  6. Big Gong fan here. My favourite album is Angels Egg, with I Never Glid Befoa as probably my all-time favourite Gong track. Very fond of side 2 of Camembert Electrique too.

    I first saw them in 1975, just after Shamal had come out. I also saw Hillage a couple of times - once soon after Fish Rising and again a year or so later. I saw Daevid Allen with Euterpe for the Good Morning album promotion tour, and then saw him again teamed up with Here and Now, who I used to go see fairly regularly round Essex in the late 70s.

    Happy daze. :)

  7. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1319126219' post='1410337']
    Oops, I didn't mean to dis the follicly challenged, who can also be quite distinguished :)

    I have long hair :) AND am increasingly follicly challenged :o - slowly developing a sort of clean-shaven Bill Bailey look :)

  8. I completely understand where you are coming from. I joined my last band at just this point in the process - luckily they let me re-record the bass parts as they weren't all that happy with the existing ones, but if they hadn't, I think I would have felt the same ambivalence as you towards the album.

  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1319051417' post='1409419']
    I like Helium! Very much my cup of tea. This is not easy listening, but it's damn good! It couldn't handle The 5 Minutes, sorry, but I did like Acht. Your bass tone is really nice, deep and rubbery in the low end, and loads of chorus (I think). Quirky playing, not sounding like Karn, but with lots of his sort of attitude if you know what I mean.

    Having bought the "[url="http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/FearofBicycles1"]This Is Not A CD[/url]" album download a few months back, [i]Acht[/i] is still my favourite track. [i]The 5 Minutes[/i] (which isn't part of that album) sounds a lot like a "free music" outfit I played with for a while in the late 1970s - to be honest I think that stuff is a lot more fun to play than to listen to. Recommend the download, though - good stuff aplenty.

  10. [quote name='mildmanofrock' timestamp='1318866778' post='1407116']
    Hi fella - I took it off as I realised my song sounded really out of place with the other great tracks here - and was more me playing everything within a song format than showcasing any particular bass skills.

    I think there's room for all sorts of stuff - not just bass-based (??) music. I think your track is cool, and fits right in.

    [quote name='mildmanofrock' timestamp='1318871018' post='1407220']
    Yours too Earbrass - fantastic sound and arrangement.

    Too kind. :)

  11. Hi Davide,

    I gave your tracks a listen - I think it's a good recording / mix, and there's some very nice bass playing in there. Not crazy about the vocals, to be honest, and I think the songwriting could do with a bit more variety. I'm probably not your target demographic, to be fair. :)

    All the best with it, anyway.

  12. Anyone else noticed how random the soundcloud statistics are? If you go to the "Your Stats" page, the figures on the left of the screen don't match those in the little world map on the right. Neither of these match up with the number of plays against the "You / Sets" and "You / Tracks" pages, and the latter two can be out of sync with each other, even when, as in my case, I've only uploaded one track and created one set with the one track in it. :)

    Also, mods, any chance of pinning this thread? I think that, in combination with the Basschat soundcloud group, it could be a really useful part of the site.

  13. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1318502068' post='1402869']
    I used to perform in musicals and always called them 'shows'
    Now I act in plays .. I still call them 'shows' just to annoy the other actors.
    But if I'm perfomring with my comedy improvisation group, that's a gig.

    I used to do a lot of music for theatre - if I recall correctly, the term "show" was much more commonly used than "play" (perhaps because a lot of the stuff I was involved with was quite fringe and arty, rather than traditional theatre).

    I have a similar issue now I've started performing with the morris side - they don't seem to have a convenient noun for their performances. They refer to the activity of performing as "dancing out" (ie out in front of other people), but I baulk at "dance-outs", and so tend to just call them "gigs".

  14. Typing "solo double bass" into the Amazon search bar throws up a few options - mostly classical by the looks of it:


    ...though there is this jazz one (bit pricey mind)


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