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Everything posted by Thebassman75

  1. Hi, I know what you mean. I'm currently in a similar position and have found myself slipping into late night internet voids searching for the perfect purchases. However, I think I've got it clear in my head that its almost impossible to have everything in one bass (enjoyment, investment, resale etc.) It sounds like you've got a few nice basses there as workhorses, plus they should hold their value, so the Ricki would certainly be different and a great addition to any 'collection' but you simply won't know if you're going to like it until you pick it up and play it. Even then, you might decide that it's not a gigger but still has investment potential (which they do but not like an old Fender it would appear) and decide to keep it tucked away somewhere. I had to play one on a gig we did in Spain and I hated it, not because it wasn't a great bass but because it was so different from what I was used to and I had to fight all night to play a set I usually breeze through. The neck was thinner, the pup cover was exactly where I'd usually pick on my Jazz, the body balanced differently. Perhaps ask yourself what the Ricki is for.. Is it for THAT sound, or the look, or just cos you're bored with Fenders and fancy a change. If you're still really not sure, buy one second hand so at least you don't lose so much on depreciation. Failing that, go and check out the Italia Rimini. I use one and its pretty close to a Ricki without the price and is certainly a change from a Fender, even for just a few songs.. Happy hunting..
  2. I don't know about this particular bass but I own one of the gold Jive Basses and its totally superb. I wanted something I could travel with without fear of it being trashed and £ for £ IMHO its the best jazz copy I've ever owned. It looks the bees knees with the matching headstock and growls like a Stingray (I kid you not). Most importantly though, it comes out the case, tunes up and plays great all night. Sure, for the price I might replace the pups and the bridge but thats more for the pleasure of customising something. If I left it alone, it would still be a great bass and for the money, what do you want!!?? It just goes to show tat you don't need a vintage collection or custom made bass to get out and gig and a decent level..give one a go if you get a chance, might get a burgundy mist one next!
  3. Thebassman75


    Hi, My name is Russ and I play bass for London based soul/pop band Lucky Soul. I'm an Ashdown, Elite String and Italia Bass endorsee and have a new album out in March, entitled 'A Coming of Age'. Our website is being updated for the release but a holding page is at www.luckysoul.co.uk I've been a reader of various threads for some time now and thought it was time to get involved a bit more. Aside from playing with Lucky Soul, I teach schools workshops and freelance for a couple of other companies to keep the pennies coming in. I still enjoy depping other gigs, although having moved to a new area a few months ago, I'm finding I'm back to the start with networking and the such-like but its fun getting out and meeting new bands and players. I have a real love of blues and have played in a few good line-ups in the past and would love at some point to be involved with a really solid blues band, maybe getting into festivals and a few small tours which would fit around my other commitments. Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and that 2010 proves to be successful and prosperous and I look forward to hearing from other players out there and getting to know a few new online friends. Russ
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