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    Harstad, Norway

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  1. Hi, thank you for the prompt reply 😊👍! May I ask you about: 1. the temperature you used? As I understand the glue used for the fingerboard has 60 degree centigrade melting point. 2. the time used for heating? (For possible reseting the wood properties?) 3. what kind of neck inlays on your bass? My 455 has celluloid type of inlays, and celluloid is not fond of heat as I understand. Did you take any precaution regarding the inlays when you heated the neck? 4. what type of heating device did you use? Did you measure the temperature, and if so, how? (Excuse me for my «Norwegian-English) Rgrds Frank
  2. Hello, I see this topic is 5years old, anyway- did you get the neck repaired? I got Hofner 455 with the same problem. regards Frank
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