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Posts posted by Richie_b

  1. 16 minutes ago, PatrickJ said:

    Thanks @Richie_b .. I ended up ordering the one @Dazm66 tipped me off about,.  £597 from Peach Guitars, it seems crazy they are selling them for that price, free next day delivery and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow before lunch :).

    PS. @Dood - I hope your health starts to improve!

    Gg on finding one from Peach. That's where I got mine. Price & service was crazy good! Enjoy when it arrives.


    & likewise @Dood, hope things get better for you!

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 21/05/2024 at 23:13, PatrickJ said:

    I stopped into Stompbox Northwood at lunch today and gave the Space 5 they had a go.  I really really liked it , I’m looking for a five string and this seems like a lot of bass for the   money, even at £750.


    the one thing that put me off was the volume control , it seemed to be either on at full volume or off within a very small range of movement in the master volume knob.   There was no tapering.   The guy at the shop told me this wasn’t a problem and the pots could always be upgraded but it didn’t feel right to me. 

    @Dood did you do your test of these, was it something you noticed (or anyone else who owns one, or spent a bit of time playing one) or were the electronics on this one a bit dodgy? 

    Bit late to this, but can confirm Dood's response, my volume control on the Space 5 works as expected, so that sounds like a fault on the bass you tried....

    Gigged mine on Sat.  Terrible gig for a range of reasons, but the Cort worked really well with a really nice sound & worked very well.  Only got a bit stuck at the back of the night when the stage was waaay darker than expected and it was hard to find the right start point for a song that started mid fretboard 🤦‍♂️.  Very solid and have really enjoyed playing.  Would recommend.  Even, as you say, at £750

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  3. 20 hours ago, jimfist said:

    ZOOM B6 recognizes Guitar Lab for windows. Always has.

    Yep, I picked up a cheapy secondhand one & it works with windows.  Takes some work to get used to, but it's functional at least

  4. 1 hour ago, dannybuoy said:

    Personally I can’t stand clicking through menus on multi-fx. I’m a hands-on-knobs guy. This looks new one from Boss looks cool however:


    I have seen this and was wondering about it, but then started remembering why I wasn't keen on the ME80 that I had...  I think the fixed signal path bothered me.  For example, with the ME80, you couldn't do stuff like putting stuff in front of the amp for lots of the new wave tones I like...  With the ME90B, I don't have the knowledge to want to mess like that, but one example I've already seen is the compressor before the envelope filter.  I mean, that'll work, but not well, right?
    I want something I can grow wth too...
    &, as mentioned, no midi & I am starting to use MIDI commands for stuff, which is a new and exciting world 🙂



    1 hour ago, joel406 said:

    Get a Quad Cortex.


    Problem solved.


    You're welcome.

    & this is def a pedal I could grow with, but I'm still maybe £1k short and I'd be even more lost than I currently am lol.

    Lots of good advice elsewhere too, so thank you all for taking the time.  Esp on the building knowledge on how to.  It's very much appreciated.
    Largely thinking it's a shake up between the B2-4 and the B6.  Just checking on the B2-4, is that controllable from PC?  & is the android app live now?  I am not a huge fan of bluetooth control & prefer to my laptop, but vaguely remember issues from reviews with the B2-4...

  5. 21 hours ago, tauzero said:

    Just noticed that the Cort is down to £649 at Thomann.

    Peach Guitars have both colours available just now at £597
    I got mine there a bit back and fast delivery & nice set up....

    From a fairly newb perspective, mine is awesome.  Absolutely awesome to play & the headless system is a joy.  & it sounds lovely acoustically too.  Slightly underwhelmed by the electric sound, but need to work out if that's my set up, or the bass.  My Harley Benton HBZ2005 might just have had hotter pickups....

  6. Thanks all for the responses and sorry for the slow answer; it's been one of those weeks!

    I have a HXFX with a Tonex pedal, so capable of generating sounds that are good, but I am really struggling to do so.  Having spent years playing with guitar amps, I know what sounds I like & how to get them.  Being a lot newer to bass, I am still unsure about what sounds I like, still less on how to get them & my current setup relies on a bit of know-how., which I just don't have.  I have a couple of nice sounds that I like, but just upgraded bass and now they need rework again to work with the new output.
    Worse still for band mate with a very, very guitar amp pedal in his rig.  Hence the idea of the shared bass pedal.
    So whilst I could get the sounds from the current rig, I am really struggling to find the time when I actually want to spend more time playing and getting better technically.

    The idea is to have a bass channel going straight to mixer and 2 guitar channels (there's 2 of us and 8 channels, so not an issue for the mixer), with only 2 being live at any point.

    In terms of what I want is the ability to be able to switch between a few different sounds.  We don't need to change mid-track, but 5-10 patches to cover all our songs will be more than enough.
    Not too expensive is def <£500 & c.£300 is ideal. 

    & @tauzero WRT to the B2-Four, my understanding of that was a horrible display and not the same sounds as the B6, but I am trying to read everything and treading new ground, so happy to be corrected!  I think this review of the guitar equivalentreally made me think I needed to spend more: https://guitar.com/reviews/effects-pedal/zoom-g2-four-g2x-four-review

    Not sure how valid that is for the bass version, mind, but I am lucky enough to have the room to get the B6, if it's an upgrade....

    Saw that the ME90b is out too, not sure how useful this is, I didn't like the ME80 much, but this is many years on.  I have spent a fortune over the years buying the wrong guitar kit and selling it, so trying to take my time on this one & TY in advance for the input!! 🙂 

  7. Hi all

    Looking to tap into some of the collective wisdom here....

    I play in a two piece band where we swap between instruments. Both of us have straight-to-DI boards & both are a little more guitar focused, since both of us did guitar first.

    We discussed getting a relatively simple bass set up that we share, which means that we can produce consistent bass sounds....

    I have looked around a bit & note the Zoom B6 gets reviewed well. So the questions are:

    Is this happy gigging? (I assume this is a yes) &

    Are there other things I should consider? & how do these options compare to the B6?


    It needs to be bass-focussed (I am still learning how to get bass sounds I like & my guitar-focussed rig offers waaay too many options, many of which don't work well with bass, so I struggle to narrow it), it needs to amp & cab model & not be too expensive. I've seen the Boss GT 1b, but no idea how it compares, but there may be other options too.

    Your thoughts would be very welcome....

  8. On 11/04/2024 at 09:01, Paolo85 said:

    I had one, I thought good but stupidly heavy. If I was to go for a 5-string again I'd probably try a HB B550 or something Ibanez

    This is my exact review.  It's good to play, sounds good and is silly VFM.  It is, however, insanely heavy.  Like, I-can't-stand-for-30-mins-with-this-on-without-backpain heavy.  I play in a band where we swap insrutments about, so it's not too bad, but I dread having 2-3 consecutive bass tracks, so have got something lighter for everyday.

    So it's great for messing with and playing seated.  It isn't a bass I'd want to gig without some serious gym work, though!

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, tauzero said:


    Specs available at https://www.cortguitars.com/product/item.php?ca_id=103020&it_id=1707895430&page=1#tab_Specifications


    D'Addario EXL170-5SL which are 45-65-80-100-130


    Don't make any decisions about pickups until you've tried the MK-1s. They seemed OK to me. If you feel determined to change them, check out what people have replaced the pickups in the Ibanez EHB1005 and EHB1265 with.

    Awesome.  I've been looking for this info for ages, but never thought to try the manufacturer's website.  Feels a little stupid in hindsight! 🤦‍♂️
    Really helpful to know what gauge you are using when it's time to change them! 

    & WRT to the pickups, you and Bass Apprentice are right.  Will give it a some time and see what sounds I can get with it & how they work with my setup. 


    • Like 1
  10. Hi all
    New here, but jsut picked one of these up.  My current bass is insanely heavy, so this feels like a nice option!

    TY for the feedback and comments so far; they've been really helpful in making a decision.

    A couple of questions, though:


    -what gauge strings does this come with?  I plan to replace sooner or later with DR Black Beauties and it'd be useful to know so I work out what gauge I will want...

    -there's a lot of chat about the Bartolini Mk1 pick ups being rubbish.  If I were to choose to update them, would the Fishman Fluence pickups fit?  I come from a guitar background and bass pickups just seem a lot more variable than I am used to...

    TY in advance & look forward to seeing Dood's review too 🙂

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