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Everything posted by BlackCrow

  1. And if that is not enough information, I only use Duracell batteries to power the active EMG pre-amp and active pickups running to a Mogami Gold 6ft cable with one straight 1/4 inch end into the pedal chain and a 90 degree 1/4" end into the bass. The Voodoo Labs pedalboard which powers all my pedals ( no 9v batts in pedals) which are all all connected by Mogami Gold 3" patch cables. The Mesa amp power cable is stock. I run all this through a Furman RMI/EFI/Surge protected power conditioner. I keep my bass in a Gator hardshell case. I use a Franklin black leather strap about 4 inches wide with some nice padding over my left shoulder with some nice brass conchos in the empty adjustment slots that hang on my right side behind my ass. Play mostly two-finger style, but can make do with a plectrum if a song requires more "bite". Usually wear jeans and boots and a t-shirt to rehearsal and gigs. I have more hair on my face than I do on my head, and usually wear a cap, but how all this info will help me determine if a particular Barefaced cab will work for me is beyond my comprehension...just trying to supply all the info I can...
  2. Thank you Gentlemen for the replies. More info: Mesa d800+ head 400w @8ohms into GK 212neo 500watts RMS@8ohms.. Bass: EMG DCX@ Neck. EMG CSX@ bridge. EMG BTS active e.q.. Daddario NYC Nickel Rounds light guage...(Have tried Flats as well).. Pedals: TC Polytune Mini into Keeley Bassist compressor into DarkGlass Vintage Microtubes (set mostly clean)..Band: Drummer with an A.S. degree in music with a jazz background with good dynamic control...2 guitarists with Epi les pauls on a Peavey 50watt 2x12 and a Fender 25watt, both with various Boss Delay, Reverb pedals. Gigs: Decent P.A. support with some mixes better than other depending on the sound guy...Rehearsal: No p.a. support. We try and get a mix as best we can.. Rehearsal Space: Large enough that we can spread out into a "stage type configuration and spread"...Music Played: Original "Alternative Metal" in Drop-D tuning with one guitarist focusing on harmonic riffs, 2nd guitar focusing on complimentary rythm, bass and guitar driving the band on an equal footing, but since he is a good drummer and i am no slouch on bass, we have our moments to shine within certain songs. Mesa head and GK cab have sufficient db for rehearsal. But there is a baked in "clank and grind" to the GK cab that i have not managed to e.q. out with the bass controls or the e.q. on the Mesa head or the e.q. on the Darkglass pedal. This tone does not sit well in the mix with this band...Thus the interest in Barefaced cabs. Have tried an Ampeg PF500 through the GK cab. Same "clank and grind" no matter e.q.... Tried another bass, ESP Vintage214 P/J with EMG GB passive pickups with passive e.q through both heads....same GK tone. Pretty sure its the GK cab with the tone that isnt working.. Thus the question regarding Barefaced cabs and regarding the db capacity of the BF210ST 8ohm that if it could fairly equal the db through the GK212 that i already have regardless of manufacturer posted specs of cab db. Was looking for real time opinions of if BF210 is loud enough all other things being equal vs reviews and opinions of other 210 cabs which i have read on multiple other forums as not being loud enough, realizing that "Loud Enough" is a relative term. Thank you all and goodnight.
  3. Yessir, i think i knew the answer to the question before i asked, meaning a BF210 might keep up, or it might not, depending.. I Understand your response. I feel now that i was hoping for some BF afficianados to overwhelmingly respond with positives so i could justify the expense in my own mind and convince myself it wasnt g.a.s. and that i actually "need" it. 😉
  4. Hello fellow bassists. I am looking at the Barefaced 210 8ohm. I am going to pair with a Mesa D800+ head which will output 400w @ 8ohm. I have researched extensively and exchanged e-mails with Alex@BF, watched all of BF you-tube vids regarding their product, but was interested in some real world feedback. My question is : How does a BF210 hold up for a rehearsal with a fairly loud band with all other factors considered being equal? Thank you.
  5. Strangely, i think a bit of the differences can be assigned to the marketing depts. of record labels, F.M. radio marketing, etc...thinking that "this" is the market where they need to push that bands single or record or tour. In the old days all you had was what was on the radio or in the local record shop. Thank goodness for modern streaming platforms where you can sample music from all over for pennies on the dollar. pence on the pound?
  6. I always went with no religion, no politics discussed within the band, from either end of the spectrum. And no drunk girlfriends at rehearsal.
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