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Posts posted by essexbasscat

  1. Just for those that love to see some very able musicianship


    ( if anyone knows how to post a you tube clip directly onto here to avoid the link, would you please leave a 'how to' ? - Ta )

    enjoy !



  2. Hi folks

    Would you please vote for the month that would suit you best for this event.

    I could have done this a while ago, but got distracted with other issues TBH.

    For now, I'm would like to get this event off the ground and suggest to everyone that for this year, we adopt the 'keep it simple option' suggested by some good people here.
    The general consensus seems to be just one or two rooms for this year. Is that ok for now everyone ?

    I began a while ago with the idea of organising an event that would suit the majority of people, with the aid of some excellent feedback from previous events. This kind of thing, while well intentioned, has proved to be too complex to organise in the very short term and is perhaps better organised over a longer time period.

    For anyone that has got fed up, felt ignored at all or in other ways felt dissappointed with the things so far on this project, please accept my apologies. I hope this all works out soon



  3. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='758903' date='Feb 27 2010, 10:02 AM']Climax Blues band are somethng else. I used to go see them everywhere they played in the early 90s in London. Always really tight and always had a sh*t hot bass player (they used a few as far as I know including a black bloke who was f***ing amazing) in the line-up (sh*t hot musicians to a man as it goes). I've got most of their stuff and still listen to it now. Brilliant band.

    essexbasscat, I think I may have even seen your band - (what were they called?), as the Standard was just down the road from me in the 90s and I think I saw the CBB every time they played there up during that time.[/quote]

    At the time it was called The Thin Blue Line. I don't know why, it was just a name the guitarist used for bands from time to time. THe guitarist was Steve Green, drummer Clive Nash and another guitarist who's name escapes me at the mo.

    I would go and see the CBB again anytime. fantastic band.

  4. Hi there

    Firstly, a big thank you for posting that clip, always loved that song. I played the slot just before the Climax Blues Band at the Standard Walthamstow in the mid 90's. They were a great band. The bass player used a Smith 6 string and was even nice enough to comlement me on my playing the first chance he got. Bless him.

    The hearing problem. Have you practiced listening to intervals by themselves with a piano or another similar instrument ? going up and down the keyboard may identify any difficulties with certain frequency ranges, but you won't know until you try. Just an idea here, not based on previous experience or research etc.

    Or is it the presence of other instruments in certain frequency ranges while playing the bass ?

    just my 2p's worth

    Good luck with it, whatever happens


  5. A band I was with in the 90's did this one. The drummer had the devil of a time with it, until we picked out the two bass drum beats at the end of his travel around the kit in the intro.

    Then add vocals to get the riff.

    Once we sorted out when the different instruments came in during the intro, it was sorted. Listen to the drums first, then add one instrument at a time.

    Once this was done it's just a count to work out where the start begins in the riff.

    Hope that helps


  6. I just know I'm presenting myself at a target for all kinds of polite (?) abuse here, but I found a lot of exploration on the topic of improvisation in Victor Wooten's book 'The Music Lesson, A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music.' ISBN 978-0-425-22093-1

    Gives a few different slants on the topic


  7. I asked for some advice on setting up an event. Nik came to the fore and offered info that will be invaluable in the future. What's more, Nik didn't bat an eyelid at the volume and extent of correspondence involved.

    Can't see how he could have done any more really. Top man



  8. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='752577' date='Feb 21 2010, 10:31 AM']that is dead sexy. why, o why did you let it go ? who did it go to ?



    Whoever owns this, I would like to talk with you about a first refusal if you ever sell it. Serious. No bull. Try me.


  9. [quote name='Flanker' post='751939' date='Feb 20 2010, 05:09 PM']Anyone remember this bass of mine.......is it still around? Looks nice!


    that is dead sexy. why, o why did you let it go ? who did it go to ?



  10. was told by a luthier that chips in the paint that go through to the wood allow moisture to creep in under the paint and top coat, which causes that 'bubble'. Left unchecked, that bubble can grow in area.

    The advice I was given is just to use a small bit of enamel paint or cellulose laquer just to seal it to prevent the ingress of moisture.

    Just my 2p's worth


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