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Posts posted by Gamble

  1. Did anyone else know about this? I just tried to visit their website and was told the "Thank you for all the years of support. The OLP brand has been retired, starting in 2009." Seems a shame if you ask me, from what I could tell they were decent quality for the money.

  2. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='367058' date='Dec 31 2008, 01:30 PM']oh, and whats with his trousers in this video :)


    That clip was awesome! Gotta love a bit of showmanship, my whole reputation's based on it!

  3. What sort of bass is that? Looks right up my street! I searched Google for JFG basses, but couldn't find anything.
    I couldn't find anything about DW basses when I looked either, Dougal had one at the SE Bash and it was VERY nice. Unless I've got the name wrong.

  4. One of my guitarists is selling a thru-neck Peavey 5 string, I'm not sure which model it is but it looks much like this:

    He's not after much for it and if you're interested I'd get my hands on it and try to get you some more details. I've played it before and it felt and sounded really good, plenty of tone control if I remember correctly.

  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='348879' date='Dec 8 2008, 06:00 PM']"sounds to me like it's keys and guitar that drive it along."[/quote]

    I can barely hear what I [i]think[/i] is the guitars on that vid (I know the balance is out 'cos of the overlayed bass tho), and the keys are sporadic, so how can they be "driving the song"? Bloody Plank-w***ers.

    I guess every musician secretly thinks it would all fall apart without them though, no matter what instrument they play. Gotta remember it's a team game!

  6. I think one of my local music shops has started to oil the strings on basses that have been there a while, not sure though. I played a Rockbass Fortress in there a while back and the strings were so dead I just couldn't get on with it, I think it was the same bass I tried again recently and it was much brighter. Didn't look like new strings, just much more slippery and brighter sounding. I'm not sure what products do that, but it might be worth investigating.

  7. The fella from (not very) Good Charlotte has a bass clef tattoo'd behind one of his ears, nearly put me off getting mine done.
    I don't think small tatt's that are visible but tucked away look bad, but that nasty, chavvy trend of innitials on the side of the neck is a bit rank. Just shows a completly blind willingness to follow a trend - ANY trend.

    A friend of mine has a couple of stars behind her ear and that looks ok, but she's got plenty of other tatt's and piercings to distract you from it anyways!

    'Scuse the blood, she sent me this when it was brand spankin'!

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