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Posts posted by Golchen

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='856453' date='Jun 3 2010, 07:37 PM']What's wrong with being a poser, mate? We're in the entertainment industry right? What's wrong with dressing up on stage and giving the audience a show?

    What do you wear on stage then?[/quote]

    I didn't actually say that there was anything wrong with being a poser! I'm all for it as far as performers go.

    Me on stage? I’m the sad git that doesn’t even play live, but if I did I’d be very dull and boring as I don’t have any extroversion at all. I would change quite a few of my traits if I could.

  2. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='851834' date='May 30 2010, 02:43 PM']... someone dug out some genuine 70s [b]NMEs[/b] for us to pour over. Fantastic.[/quote]

    Surely [b]SOUNDS[/b] was the paper of choice for the discerning progger???? As it happens I have a pile of then in the loft from late 70s/early 80s (~The wife keeps threatening to ditch them)

    Pendragon - great band!

    As it happens, they have written one of my favourite ever instrumentals - EXCALIBUR - Which I am trying to learn right now (as in bass, guitar and keyboard parts - the drumming is WELL beyond me but I shall thump along never the less ...)

  3. iMovie is very easy to use.

    Throw the video in, turn off the sound track. Crop to the bit you want.
    Throw in sound file, line up with video, crop to right length.
    put a fade in from black (if you want)
    add a fade out to black (if you want)
    put title info at the start
    export to movie file

    I do it all the time. My iMovie isn't the latest though, it's version 6, I think that the later ones are a bit less obvious and a bit more complicated (I could be wrong)

  4. [quote name='mrtcat' post='854280' date='Jun 1 2010, 10:53 PM']Thanks all, wedding is next year and she'll be selling a kidney before i sell anymore basses. Sadly I only earn brownie points in 1's and 2's but I seem to spend them in 10's and 20's.[/quote]

    Didn't someone say that women only deal in single brownie points?

    Buy her a car: 1 point
    Buy her a rose: 1 point

  5. I have to say that I never quite get the trade thing? Why not go for cash and then buy any bass that takes your fancy? Surely there must be an extremely low percentage of people who want your bass and actually have something to exchange that you want?

    No harm in trying I suppose ....

  6. [quote name='yorick' post='851523' date='May 29 2010, 11:29 PM']Thoughts Of Emerlist Davjack :), In The Court Of The Crimson King, 2112, Script for A Jester's Tear, Fugazi[/quote]

    I have all of them (on vinyl of course!). I was a BIG fan of the Nice back in the day.

  7. I never really thought about jazz basses, I kind of didn't like the look of them for years before I got into bass playing. But a couple of years ago I was suddenly hit by the beauty of them, and I really liked the timeless classic look. I had spare cash and the plan was to get a 5 string American. I spent a few months trying to find one to try out (do any shops stock them!?!) when up on eBay sprung a Reggie Hamilton custom shop V. It was brand new condition so I took a punt with just over 1K (all I had) and surprisingly won it! I think that they are around 2K new.

    This bass is just too good! Infact way to good for a hack bassist like me. I think that it's totally amazing, it feels a beaut to play and it's great to have the precision pup growl as well.

    I voted sig model but it's also custom.

  8. I find that kind of thing very un-rock n roll. A bit like that wooly cover that someone produces to cover the whole guitar body. Uggh.

    I pretty much agree with the sentiment of others here, if you're bothered by buckle rash (Fenders - no, expensive boutique bass - yes) do something free and simple instead. It's a bit like someone inventing a machine to tie your shoelaces.

  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='849134' date='May 27 2010, 08:22 AM']Y'know, I didn't see that programme but I can guess it was pretty low-level and aimed at Joe Public, rather than hardened musos like ourselves. If you want to hear about bass players, log onto Basschat. BBC1 isn't really the place.

    Seriously, get over it. :)[/quote]

    My thinking precisely

    [quote name='wateroftyne' post='849134' date='May 27 2010, 08:22 AM']Also, I like Lauren Laverne. She's been there and done that.[/quote]

    +1 on that as well!

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