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Posts posted by Golchen

  1. Amazing looking beast there! In an ideal world of money and available space I'd get it just for a go, but sadly I don't have the money or the space.

    I'd edit a few of the bumps out, you only need one showing!

  2. I haven't touched a bass for two weeks. As a non-gigging multi-instrumentalist I go hot & cold on some instruments occasionally, but that's the most I've been off the bass since I bought that one about 16 months ago.

    What I find frustrating is our annual holiday - the wife bans ANY instrument! (to be honest there isn't room with 4 kids and all gear in a single vehicle).

    You could have done with one of those tiny Ashbory basses, they are supposed to be really good:

  3. I'm always up for temptation!

    Good to see the pix, it's a great looking bass indeed. My next purchase [i]probably[/i] won't be a bass as it happens, but I always check out stuff that sounds interesting, as you never know. I'm slowly building the GAS fund again right now and keeping options open ...

  4. Damn that Avatar! I was just thinking what's CrazyKiwi doing in Glasgowshire when the penny dropped. Can I suggest you getting an Avatar that hasn't been used extensively before!

    Anyway, I assume that it's a MIM? I'm kind of half thinking about a Tele at the moment, but I'm a bit short of readies right now as I was underpaid last month! Still not sure about a Tele, but I'm thinkin ........

  5. I managed to pick up basic technique somehow, but I seem to have been stuck in a rut for ages as to where else to go with it. I guess I need to go work out some RHCP or summat???

    Love playing slap though, with the right track there's nothing like it for fun!

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