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Posts posted by Minininjarob

  1. 5 hours ago, Nice Guy Rich said:

    @bass_dinger I have faith in myself and one other.


    Back in the day, baptisms were a big deal but nowadays, nobody wants to put themselves out. 


    Everybody else seems to have adopted a "that'll do" attitude.


    Hey if you just go for it and try your best then you will be blessed. It’s not the people or instruments you may or may not have, it’s the spirit in which you do it in. 
    I think people don’t understand or forget what a privilege it is to lead people into worship. 

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, BigRedX said:


    Did you send that second photo to Truetone in the course of your email conversation?


    If so I would search them out on social media and tell them how poor your think their product and subsequent customer service is. Maybe that will spur them into action.

    Yes I did.

    Quick rundown

    Pin broke - went back to Amazon who linked me back to manufacturer in USA. Who couldn’t understand why I was contacting them and sent to to UK distributor. Who asked why Amazon hadn’t sorted it out (had to explain why to them). After a few emails back and forth they just started ignoring me completely. So I went back to USA contact and told them what happended and they said they’d send me a new one (bear in mind they had the original info of the problem) which I waited a a while for (not realising it was being sent from the USA!) and they I got the extension cable. 

    The whole thing has gone on for so long it’s past the 1yr warranty (yeah I know about the 6 year thing) so I can’t go back to Amazon (automated responses etc). 
    I used to work in retail for a long time and know how everything works and how to get the best result etc but this is just amusing now. They are so disorganised it’s unreal. 
    You can see why I don’t want one of their products again. 😂😂


    • Sad 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Kowad said:

    Spent my last £1k on a top end Dell that was meant to see me through a masters and PhD in 2006-7. Timing was peak Vista, it crashed about once a day, and had the blue screen of death needing a full factory reset at least once a week!


    Before I bought it, other students had recommended macs, and I was fully “nah! Look how much better the specs are on this dell!” But within 12 months I’d bought my first Mac and I still buy my own macs so I can continue to avoid my employer’s freely provided windows machines 👀


    Windows trauma. I swear. 

    It was the Dell which was the problem not Microsoft!!

  4. 58 minutes ago, grapefruitmoon said:

    I had the exact same issue with the Truetone One Spot earth pin snapping off. GuitarGuitar sent me a replacement with no issues, but I never really trusted it after that and was always super cautious when using it. I ended up buying the Truetone CS6 as it fits on the underside of my pedalboard, it's been great, and as it has a standard kettle/IEC cable I've got no worries about the plug. But yeah, that's Truetone again which you understandably want to avoid!

    It’s annoying as it’s such a fundamental design flaw, it’s so weak, and it makes the whole thing useless 

  5. I bought a Truetone One Spot after being recommended one by a friend. More expensive than a generic one but I hoped the brand promises would be good. 
    Unfortunately the earth pin has snapped off making the whole thing useless and Truetone are unwilling to help me (long story). Seems it is a common issue looking at reviews 

    So I don’t want another Truetone product!! 
    I have maybe 6 pedals max (4 at the moment but thinking of a couple more). What would people recommend as a cost effective mains power supply?

    I really can’t afford to spend loads of money. 
    The One Spot worked really well with a daisy chain cable BTW but the shoddy plug was the weak link. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, ossyrocks said:

    I “intend” to use it with the BF cab. It may look like an early 70’s Bassman, but it’s been rebuilt from scratch by Martin Garton (Gartone Amps), and the only original parts now are the chassis, cabinet, mains transformer and choke. Yes, it’s still a 50w head based on the Fender circuit, but it’s essentially a new amp internally. It does sound really good through the Super Compact. 

    Yes I’ve seen you talk about it (and one person rubbish what you were doing which was weird) and I’m glad you got something you love the sound of. Looks mint!! 

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, ossyrocks said:

    Having been asked to join a newly forming band a few months ago, we’ve now got two hours worth of good material and a dozen gigs in the diary, the first being on Good Friday. I assembled my gear at home this week to do some assessment. I think the two 10’s with the Bergantino are reliably ample and are going to get the most use, but the Bassman has a great vintage valve tone and I’m hoping it will work too if I’m DI’d into FOH as well. 


    mmmmm the fender bassman I love their tone I am very jealous!! Do you use it with the BF cab?

    • Like 1
  8. On 04/03/2024 at 23:15, agedhorse said:

    If you do know electronics, you wouldn't recommend it...

    The person said they think only a small amount got into the casing, plus it was clean water. 

    I’ve rescued many electronics from being damp that have lived for many years afterwards. Most electrical circuits can stand some damp as long as it not switched on at the time, and not for a long time. 


    Of course if the Op can get a new one through insurance then I’d go that way for sure but I’d never bin something without testing and checking it first, especially if they aren’t going to get a new one FOC. 


    If the OP is just going to bin it then they can send it to me and I’ll see if it can be reused. I’ve successfully repaired a lot of vintage and newer electronics, guitar amps are relatively new to me but the circuitry is fairly basic. 

    I appreciate as a repair professional you might not want to touch them due to warranty issues but that doesn’t mean they can’t be sorted. 

  9. I would say it’s probably ok, leave it to dry out naturally in a warm room and it’ll be fine. Open it up and spray lots of electrical cleaner inside it and clean it thoroughly. Unless it’s been soaking for a while or was switched on when wet then it’ll be ok. 
    I do know electronics. 

    • Like 1
  10. Update! Despite still having flu symptoms as well as hot and cold flushes I managed to play ok in the church practice session yesterday. We did Salvation is Here and Mighty to Save. 
    The reason for the practice was to try and get that particular band to try and think more about their arrangements and how to build a song. I was an “extra” bassist. 
    Using the IEMs was surprisingly ok, I borrowed my wife’s Soundmagic headphones she uses as monitors (she is a backing soprano) and my bass sounded great. So many wires around though!! 
    it was hard to play along when I didn’t have anyone singing - when you are listening to the original song it’s easier to know where you are going but apart from a few missed notes I think I did ok. 
    When we did mighty to save we were all asked to play a solo sort of thing so I went full Mike Dirnt (respectfully and in keeping with the song) but I nodded to the drummer and he went for it as well. I was praised for communicating with him to go with me! Really enjoyed playing with the team and they said I did ok. The guy I’m in a separate band (just started not performed live yet) was there too trying out and he said I sounded great. No one else had any issues with what I did. 
    It was so great and I got a glimpse of what it would be like to lead a whole congregation into worship - what a blessing it would be!! I did ask and we do get ambient sounds through the IEMs too which will help me loads. 
    I was shaking like a leaf at some points - combination of nerves and illness, but overall it was wonderful. I must have been doing ok for someone who is self taught and only picked up a bass 14 months ago. 
    Hopefully doing it again in a few weeks. I’ll keep you all posted. 

    • Like 6
  11. 14 hours ago, The fasting showman said:


    The 400rb can get very loud with the right cab ( svt 810 or a 2x15 with EVs or new Neo equivalent) but it is 200w into 4 ohms, probably 125 into 8 ohms. There's some magic in how the RB series GKs work the speakers. 

    Size for size though, I'd not want to claim that a modern boutique 1x12 being driven by the 400rb would be drastically louder than the setup you have, there's so many variables. 

    I guess you could justify it as a head to use with, say, a rehearsal room cab as an alternative to your combo.

    Thanks for the interest despite me not really answering your question! 



    Thanks for your honesty. I think I’ll pass on this but if anyone is reading and hasn’t had a Gk Amp before you are missing out and you should buy this!!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Steve Browning said:


    It's not a 'guarantee' of quality, but the Mesa name is (IMHO). I confess I've not used every make of amp there is, but it's head, shoulders, chest, groin area, hips. knees and ankles above those that I have.

    That’s the point. I come from the very brand orientated world of cycling - MTB mostly - where the lore on where (and who) the products were made was very well ingrained. People rubbished Far Eastern made frames in particular. But after a while we found out that the manufacturers in the far East made exactly what you wanted to whatever quality you needed, as long as you were willing to pay for the quality. 
    So really it’s the backup from the manufacturer that makes the difference, and value of the product in the first place. I don’t know how well Mesa look after their customers (and don’t just say “well no one ever gets and issue” - it’s happens with any product) but the value doesn’t seem great and the manufacturer is way over the ocean. Where are the authorised dealers and repair places that you can go and get these amps fixed under warranty? Maybe the extra cost is worth it, I don’t know, but I know for sure here in the UK a large chuck of the price goes to import taxes and VAT/transatlantic shipping costs which don’t have any bearing on the  quality of the product. 
    I think if I had that sort of money I’d take a short 3 mile drive to Matamp and see how they could fulfill my needs. But that’s just me. 

  13. 52 minutes ago, Richard R said:

    I have assorted reference tracks I use for PA setup. Bat Out of Hell is one I use - not because the mix is especially good, more that I know exactly how it should sound. 
    Top Tip - Never use Daft Punk's Random Access Memories  as a reference album.- the production on that album is so good that it sounds great on anything from a stadium rig and very expensive hi-fi, through ear-buds to rusty tin cans.  I've listened to it a thousand times, and I still don't know how they do it.

    One of our church members is a pro sound engineer and he does a course on how to use all the tech we have, he does a section on how to recognise when something is mixed well, and that album is one he uses as an example. 
    Most people on the musicians team are novices and really appreciate his help. I tried to how to do the FOH desk but it’s way beyond me. 

  14. On 22/02/2024 at 23:05, SumOne said:

    eBay. Someone clicked to buy a £1.5k motorbike from me but never actually turned up to buy it, no money exchanged, but ebay insisted I owe them their %. I never got to speak to anyone, just stuck in some Kafkaesque loop of bureaucracy 'computer says no'. In hindsight there are probably processes to deal with that, but I gave up trying then ignored them. They closed my account, sent threatening letters, I moved house, years later they sent bailiff letters to my parents. In the end I gave up and paid them the money they basically bullied and robbed from me. 


    To my shame, I've actually used ebay a few times since. I try not to though, unless it feels I'm particularly shooting myself in the foot not to. 

    So you used their service, agreed to pay the fees, then when a problem occurred you couldn’t be bothered finding out how to sort it out and ran away from the problem and somehow it’s eBay’s fault?

    The exact same issue has happended to me 4 or 5 times and each time the fees have been waived instantly when I contacted them. But then I follow their rules, strange that. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, Richard R said:

    It means you have a system that would make many church sound engineers envious. 

    It’s not about the kit though it’s the spirit behind it all. I went to a “church” (basically someone’s front room) where there was only 6 of us singing along to a CD and that was a great time of worship, I’ll always remember it. 

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