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Everything posted by Hemibass

  1. Lovely bass. I was gonna order a 6 string fretless CB but decided i really needed to play on one of his basses 1st. Real shame your not based in London otherwise i might be interested! Good luck with the sale!
  2. lovely bass. Was looking for one for years!! bought a rickenbacker recentely so cant afford this as well maybe if you had have sold a year ago i would have been a buyer. O well, good luck selling, im sure you wont need it, its a GORGEOUS bass. Just link someone a video from Rush's Grace under pressure dvd and they will be unable to resist the steinies tone
  3. Hi there, just checking whether this bass is still for sale. I cant believe u wont have sold it buy now but just thought i might as well check
  4. well, thats quite a way away, ill have to wait till i have a free weekend in about 3 weeks. If the bass is not sold, ill contact you nearer then. Thanks
  5. hi there, bass looks great, im definitely interested. Just wondered where your located and if it would be possible for me to have a play on it to see whether i like it - ive not liked every ric ive played on thanks
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