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Posts posted by E_MaN

  1. In my opion what the guy said isn't the big decision about the type of neck you get. With a neck through what you get is a more resonant sound from the notes and a different feel, what I think is for the best. Its also easier I feel to get a cleaner bass sound and through necks seem to be very versatile. However bolt-ons are great and give a really modern sound and are also versatile.

    One thing to consider though is that through-necks do seem to cost more for something decent due to construction.

    I had a Scechter Stiletto Elite 4 through-neck and I wish I never sold it now as it was beautiful - bought it new for £500 which presented great value, however finding one in the UK now is harder since soundcontrol (ugh, I know) stopped inporting them.

  2. [quote name='jono b' post='127932' date='Jan 25 2008, 06:22 PM']Reuben's Jon Pierce has a beast of a bass sound, some excellent lines and flails around on stage like a retard. Hero. I've said before somewhere else, Brand New's Garrett Tierney is awesome too, he has a really 'old' bass sound, vintage Fenders through Ampeg amps. Great basslines again, but he's pretty reserved on stage. For great, aggressive, scuzzy bass try bands like The Bronx, Bullet Treatment, Converge etc.[/quote]

    I saw Reuben live when they supported Billy Talent and I have to say they're not all that, Jon particuarly didn't impress me, but what the hey. Talking of Billy Talent, there first album when they were titled 'Pezz' is not stop with awesome bass lines, I really recommend to anyone because its a total unknown treasure.

    As for Hero's Jason Newsted is still clattering around somewhere.....

    AND Stuart Zender is still out on tour, he's awesome.

  3. I wouldn't bother with MIA at all to be honest, stick to the CIJ, little harder to get exactly what you want, but well worth the search for an excellent bass and a much lesser price tag.

  4. [quote name='Jack' post='122393' date='Jan 17 2008, 07:13 PM']Without meaning to get all anti-Behringer, Im sure there are MUCH better rigs for your money.

    The thing is, if you want something loud and cheap, its going to be big. If you reckon you can get by with just a 2x10, hows about the Ashdown MAG and 2x10? That shouldnt sound too different to your combo (depending on which Ashdown youve got I guess) and youd have a well-regarded, quality, name-brand rig.[/quote]

    the ashdown 2 x 10 looks good, however the MAG runs at 307 watts and the cab 200, will that work seeing the amp has a minimum impedance of 4 ohms and the cab runs a 8 ohms?

  5. OK here's the situation guys and gals - I've just started a new band and I have decided to change my setup. The main reason is for travelling to and from practices and gigs with my Ashdown combo isn't handy especially in the car so I'm looking for a cab and amp with the cab being a reasonable size. I play most type of music but especially metal (\m/ lol), rock, funk, pop etc. and don't want to spend too much over £300.

    I was looking at this [url="http://www.behringer.com/BA210/index.cfm?lang=eng"]cab[/url]

    to go with this [url="http://www.behringer.com/BX4500H/index.cfm?lang=eng"]amp head[/url]

    Any suggestions on this or anything else you have in mind? Will it work well? Will it achieve what I want?

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