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Posts posted by Oldman

  1. I would like to sell, but, if I can be specific on trades, well nearly specific'ish. A couple of twelves, Aquilar, Berg, Epi, cash yor way for the right deal. Neo if possible, TecAmp, that kind of stuff, a 2 x 12, a 2x 10, Genz Neox...... You can tell I am overseas bored shitless in a Hotel in Kurdistan of all places, lighten my day. This forum is my lifeline to sanity......

  2. [size=4][color="#410303"][color="#0f0784"][color="#0f0784"][color="#410303"]In 2006 I imported a couple of Dr Bass cabs and had a 2460/115 rig with the Ashdown superfly (featured on Dr Bass Website),[/color][/color][/color][/color] the Superfly did'nt cut it at all and I changed it out for a Warwick 5.1 Tubepath which did.[/size] I only changed the rig 'cos I went all lightweight with a small Amp One. Point is the construction and sound (in my opinion) was great for me, a good buy for someone, type Bump.

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