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4 Strings

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Posts posted by 4 Strings

  1. [quote name='neilb' post='792557' date='Mar 31 2010, 10:07 PM']

    Me and Norm, best mates!![/quote]

    All I can see is green. I love that man so much!

  2. "The local shops were asking £2,200. I got mine from GAK in Brighton for £1, 499"

    There lies much of the problem. Local shops providing free hire for trying out gear before buying on-line or for bigger discount shops to make the sale. £700 difference is a big call (might the local shop have had a go at matching?) that sounds unbeatable, but I always try to buy local as I don't mind paying to have a local music shop in which I can try things etc.

    We have 4 local drum shops - well, one is upstairs at PMT - didn't know drums were so popular. My lad is a drummer and we have a great relationship with Gary at Drums Inc in Hornchurch, our most local, all sorts of favours, advice and discount etc and we're very happy to let them have our money for such premium and personal service.

  3. I'm in the 'Go-For-It' camp, it'll be a laugh.

    Eventually your mates will get fed up helping you in and out with it, a bit later you might too. But until that happens you play for enjoyment don't you? Improve your enjoyment by a using a bass stack the size of a small venue. We've all done it, any regrets? 'Course not!

    If your guitarist has a little 1x12 combo you might look at how the mountain of bass looks on the stage.

  4. Great to meet you Lo, I've also looked at many of your vids, great stuff. Looking at 'Aint no Mountain' as I have to learn this one myself.

    Have you ever done the other 'Aint no Mountain', the big one with Diana Ross? Jamerson is masterful and, for me anyway, almost impossible to mimic. Would greatly appreciate your expert take on it.

  5. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='789379' date='Mar 29 2010, 01:52 PM']I'm looking at upgrading from my laney RBW300 which is an 165w combo to something more powerful that'll last me a good while.
    Spotted this combo on ebay going for BIN £199 which seems a bargain so wanted opinions on whether they were any good and knew of only one place to ask :rolleyes:

    This head.. [url="http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-Ultrabass-BX4500H-Guitar-Amplifier/dp/B0002Z82W6"]http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-Ultrabass-...r/dp/B0002Z82W6[/url]

    This cab... [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/BA410.aspx"]http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/BA410.aspx[/url]

    The cab is more powerful that I would need but for the price it seems like a decent investment either way and could always downgrade if it were too much anyway :)[/quote]

    Never used Behringer and so cannot comment, apart from being able to buy 2nd hand a proper Hartke ally cone cab for ~£100 and maybe a bit more required for a matching amp. Bought mine 2nd hand and I'm very happy indeed (paid a bit more for a 2x10 XL with the HF horn from a listee too, perfect)

  6. [quote name='4000' post='788793' date='Mar 28 2010, 07:49 PM']+1. A "decent" bass is simply one that works for you, which could prove to be absolutely anything.[/quote]

    Of course, but the chap asked how much for one. Can't tell him £100 because the vast majority for sale at that price are not going to be 'decent'. As I said, there are bargains around, but if he allows for £800-1000 he should get a decent bass that he wants. If, in the meantime, he finds one he wants for less, then he's saved himself some money. Don't need to spend £3k+ for a decent bass, not likely to get one for £30, but also not to 'save' money by buying one that he doesn't really want.

    Only other comment would be to try and buy from a shop rather than on-line. It'll be a sad day when the last bass selling shop closes.

  7. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='787935' date='Mar 27 2010, 04:38 PM']Unfortunately for the past few years he's had a constant 18 month waiting list :)

    I was in Edinburgh a few weeks ago & a junk shop there had a few basses including a MusicMan at £400, I don't think he knew what he had. There was also an unpriced mid 70's EB3, but they only look good in cherry IMHO.[/quote]

    Wow, whats the name of the shop?

  8. Just had a look and mine are slightly different. I've seen an old pic advertising a Precision and the position of the silk varied with the string to be longer as it goes from E to G to match the Fender type headstock. With the silk as shown in your picture the strings are generic and would fit any 34" bass.

    I was hoping mine would be the Fender specific type, hinting they may be original but the silk doesn't start until a few rounds of the capstan.

    I think it'll take a while to get used to playing with flats, its a sound I have been careful to avoid for >30 years hence countless sets of Swing Bass!

  9. Ok so lots of people got wonderful bargains, unfortunately these seem to turn up just before and after you really need to buy.

    For your original question, you should allow £800- 1000 for a decent bass.

    You can get them for less but if you have that much you will be able to buy yourself a decent bass that you want.

    For this Jaydee will make one for you and it will be uniquely yours, you can get a Musicman Stingray (as opposed to the cheaper versions, fairly decent but not a Stingray) which will satisfy your spec. From each of these you should get change from your sum (esp if the Stingray is 2nd-hand). You should also afford most of the other suggestions too.

    Keep hold of what you want (even if that changes) and look out for the bargains and you might be able to get what you want before saving £800. However, don't buy what you don't really want, regardless of price.

  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='787185' date='Mar 26 2010, 04:50 PM']In 1976 I bought a new Precision and it came with factory fitted flats with green silks.[/quote]

    Really? Thanks for that, the old Precision I have is '78 and was fitted with flats with green silk and I wondered what make they were. From what you say, perhaps they are the original strings. I put them back on yesterday.

    Seems like Precisions came with different strings, perhaps they could be specified.

    Back to the original question from what I could find they were flats, possibly Squier or La Bellas.

  11. A pic would help. From memory the bridge on a 600 was brass (coloured).

    I had a 600 in the early '80s. Loved it, played well, looked amazing and cheaper than those with higher model numbers (enough for me to afford it).

  12. The lad has a 4 string version. Not sure if its a licence thing but its all wood (as opposed to the all synthetic Curbow). Highly unfashionable, I'm sure, but he's not into relic/vintage etc. Its a really nice bass, get used the small body and it plays very well indeed with a big sound and lots of variance with the active. They go ridiculously cheap and he's extremely proud (protective!) of it.

  13. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='786864' date='Mar 26 2010, 12:47 PM']I'd like to point out I play the Original '54 set and don't find it any effort at all - check out The Stax Brothers on Youtube. You'll find I'm not exactly going through the pain barrier.

    BTW we had no idea that we were being recorded at the time, otherwise I'd have uttered the immortal phrase 'I can usually do much better than that'.

    As it happens, the same words I used to Elle McPherson as I slipped quite effortlessly back into my Y-fronts.[/quote]

    How do like them? I'm drifting into the Flat road myself at the moment to play some Motown in a few months. I've put back the old Rotosound flats on my Precision for the purpose. I have nothing to which to compare them.

    By the way, where did you get your wonderful signature pic?

  14. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='672989' date='Dec 3 2009, 11:25 AM']I really like 'em. Never had a problem.
    Tried a few others including Elites, D'addario and Ernie Ball and was underwhelmed in comparison.
    Maybe they suit some basses better than others? Great on a precision for me.[/quote]

    Same here. Used them for >30 years, always ok, most get boiled a good few times. Used to snap Gs (always 35s or, if I can get them, 30s) but that was down to my playing, not snapped a string for many years now. Swing bass every time for me (although I'm recently discovering flats on an old Precision!)

  15. Found some more, this time from the La Bella catalogue:

    (Registered trademark of Fender Musical Instruments, Inc.)
    Flat Wound
    The 0760M set was used on virtually every Motown gold
    record in the 1960s. Donald “Duck“ Dunn used the same
    strings on countless recordings with Otis Redding and
    Booker T. & the MG’s. They are the fullest and deepest
    sounding bass strings ever.
    Set 0760M Medium
    .052 - G ¡ .073 - D ™ .095 - A£ .110 - E ¢
    760M-B Low “B“ .128 - single"

    The reference to Motown is surely Jamerson, but the claim of "Original '54 Fender Style" is interesting. Have we found the root? .052 for the G - goodness, no wonder noone could play Jamerson's bass!

    Right, no more now, I've got work to do!

  16. I also found this interesting, actually from Fender. [url="http://www.fender.com/news/index.php?display_article=444"]http://www.fender.com/news/index.php?display_article=444[/url]

    and also this from the Squier site;
    [i]"Fender entered the picture in the 1950s, when the V.C. Squier Company began supplying Southern California inventor and businessman Leo Fender with strings for his unusual new electric guitars. The V.C. Squier Company became an official original equipment manufacturer for Fender in 1963, and Fender bought the V.C. Squier string company in early 1965 shortly before Fender itself was bought by CBS in May of that year. By the mid-1970s, the Squier name was retired as the strings had taken the Fender name."

    So, maybe Fender branded Squier strings were used for the guitars, but what about the basses?

  17. Piano strings have always been round wound, but the windings in bronze so, despite the steel core, not that great for magnetic pickups (ok for the old microphonic type and the latter day piezo). I imagine steel guitar strings would have been round wound too, although I know tape wound strings were used. Can see here about (the claimed) start of roundwounds for bass ( [url="http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/equipment/bass/equip-entwistlegear-misc.html"]http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/equipment/ba...egear-misc.html[/url] )which would imply the strings supplied with original Precisions would have been flats, mimicking the upright basses of the day.

    This ( [url="http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/images/strings/1966_Fender_Strings_01.jpg"]http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/images/strin..._Strings_01.jpg[/url] and [url="http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/images/strings/1966_Fender_Strings_02.jpg"]http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/images/strin..._Strings_02.jpg[/url] ) shows that Fender's 'Precision Bass' strings were available as flat wound, tape wound and with unidentified (default round?) windings in 1966.

    Slightly earlier than Entwhistle, Jamerson used La Bella flats. Interesting that legend has it that he never changed his strings ('the gunk adds to the funk') but he wasn't using Fender strings that, if available, would have come with his bass, which, I understand, was bought new.

    So, with these little scraps, perhaps La Bella flats were fitted.

    This offers an indirect look (http://www.fender.com/uk/support/basses.php ) scroll down to 'Strings'. The 7150M are described elsewhere as '...the original nickel roundwound electric bass guitar strings from Fender, the world's #1 bass guitar manufacturer!' so maybe they were round and Entwhistle/Rotosound hadn't discovered them - seems unlikely.

  18. Definitely do it justice, Marcus, you've got the sound nailed and great slapping going there. I love Mark King and you've done a good job.

    (I'm resisting the 'look a bit pale... get out more... join a band...' comments!

    Groovy bass too!

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