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Phil Starr

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Status Replies posted by Phil Starr

  1. Really digging some Blondie basslines in this lockdown. Nigel Harrisons tone in Dreaming in particular is lovely. Definitely flatwounds right?

    1. Phil Starr

      Phil Starr

      Blondie set list, that's not a bad idea, love Clem Burke as well, rhythm section rules.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I have started learning Forever by Haim, and omfg if this is grade 4 Trinity then I can't imagine getting much higher than this. I'd thought rhythms would come over easy from drums but this is taking some TIME to bed in the feel.

    1. Phil Starr

      Phil Starr

      Just keep at it, it's a fun song to play, we all struggle on some songs and then they suddenly click into place and we wonder why we struggled. It's what makes us better players. Now can I persuade my band to play it......

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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