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Posts posted by whimsy23

  1. Well, tried it with a battery and it's doing the same thing. It's so weird, it'll be working as normal then it starts doing the crackly/interferance thing. Even with the input lead plugged into nothing, it does it and it comes and goes at random. It seems touching the input nut/jack with my fingers also starts it off.

    No email back from the shop either. Gonna ring them tomorrow or take it back Saturday (I ordered online but it's in Nottm so not far to go). Sigh, it was sounding so tremedous as well.

  2. Got a brand new Sansamp BDDI not long ago, used it for the first time tonight and it cut out after about 10 minutes. Now it seems to be intermittent, making crackly noises, the bass sound being very quiet, but the signal is fine when the pedal is switched off. Anybody had this experience or know what it might be? I'm totally new to the pedal and it was sounding brilliant until it died on me. I've just tried it again using a guitar and it was working fine for a while and then the same thing happened.

    I checked all the leads they're fine, the power block I use works with everything else (and was working with the sansamp, still is) and I can even take the input lead out and it continues making the crackly noises. I will try it with a battery tomorrow but I don't think it's a power issue?

  3. Well it looks like I'm going for wah > DD3 > muff > BDDI but now you've thrown that spanner in the works... I might give that a go too. What the sound engineers do varies so much, last couple of gigs have been proper rough and ready, no mics, no bass through the PA, just cranking the amp up! Also had a DI between bass and amp (grr), DI from the amp, and mic'd up (WIN. I often lend my cab to others, sometimes the head too, and it sounds ruddy bloody good whoever is using it with whatever bass!).

  4. Yeah we have one guitarist so even though he's using a 5150 (so badass!), a nice beefy, slightly distorted bass sound compliments it well. I suppose experimenting is the best way but it does make sense to have the digitech and dd3 before the distortions to get cleaner signal.

  5. Hmm interesting point about the delay.

    The gate would be to cut out any hiss from the distortion/fuzz pedals, it wouldn't be a harsh gate (hopefully). I play in a hardcore-ish band so it's all very loud/high gain stuff.

    There's a DI out on the SVT so it's either or with the Sansamp, I guess it'd best be late just to be safe as you know what sound guys are like, they'll try and cut your entire set up out if possible.

  6. I really need to sort my sh*t out! I am using:

    OLP MM2

    Line 6 G50 wireless system
    Digitech Bass Synth Wah
    Big Bass Muff Pi
    Boss OBD3
    Boss DD3
    Boss TU2 (easier to hit as a mute button than the ampeg footswitch)
    Sansamp BDDI

    Ampeg SVTPRO4
    Korg rack Tuner

    Any suggestions on what order I should use them in? Usually I just go straight into the main input, should I consider sticking some through the effects loop? I'm also thinking of getting a gate pedal, would that go towards the end?

    Questions, questions. Help from the more experienced here is always appreciated.

  7. No, not that kind! I've got tonnes of them already :)

    I am after the kind that's blows air at me to keep me cool. Tried google but obviously typing "fans" or "metal fan" into google throws up the sort I don't want and is frustrating. Looking for a site or shop that sells 'em? Specifically the ones that tilt and you occasionally get at decent venues, not a regular house one.

  8. My band had our first two gigs recently, both went quite well. They were both in the same venue, the first one I used someone else's cab and wish I hadn't. It was a compact 410 and was too low to hear anything out of. The sound guy also plugged me straight into a DI, bypass the amp totally and he refused to put anything through the monitors. Second gig (remember, same venue), I used my own cab, which was infinitely better for starters and we had a different sound guy, who MIC'd up the bass cab and did whatever we asked with the monitors and my word it sounded f***ing massive. I don't recall sound guys mic'ing up bass much these days?! They should do...

    Anyway, fully enjoyed both gigs. Our set is only 15-20 minutes (5 songs, average 3 minutes each, we've just written a couple of new ones though) but I think it'll definitely be worth taking my own cab to all gigs in the future, even if it is a tiny bit of a ballache, it's worth it actually knowing what sound you're going to have.

  9. I've been playing mine for a while now and whilst it's obviously vastly inferior build quality to an actual Stingray (it lacks a bit of sustain because of the wood used), you get a fairly full tone and some punchy bottom end. It's the way it plays similar to a Stingray which was my main reason for getting one. I tried a few different basses and was close to getting a Jazz, but those and P basses didn't quite feel the same.

    One of the best £200s I've spent!

  10. I picked up an SVT 4PRO a while back and have used it for a few practices, love it so far, though unfortunately, I haven't been able to test it out with my 410 cab at a high volume. My new(ish) band has our first gig soon though, so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes.

    I can see/hear why it's good for dub... lovely, full resonant bass tones and clarity too.

  11. Anybody interested in owning one of these? Very nice pedal I bought a while back but I'm not going to be needing it and need the money...

    In good condition (bit of a scratch and a nick on the front, nothing major), original box, power supply & instructions.

    Looking for £70 inc delivery (it's pretty heavy).

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