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Posts posted by GarethFlatlands

  1. Well I've already paid but I'm happy if it needs to go back up with a refund. It is for charridee.

    Edit - Just seen Sibobs post, it sucks that it's ended at the "wrong" time and people waiting missed out. I hope it wasn't anything that you guys had GAS for for a long time.

  2. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1400428145' post='2453713']
    Have all the auctions just ended 8~hours early? or is that my browser messing up?

    Nope, it had 14 hours left when I posted at 10am and it's now telling me I won. Odd.

  3. Put a bid in and will have to keep my eye on the auctions, maybe fire off a bid before I go to bed and hope for the best. Current bid is on an Earthquaker trem and I've got my eye on a nice looking 8 stage phaser as a backup.

  4. [quote name='Davebassics' timestamp='1399568617' post='2445473']
    Would be useful when it comes to multi layered PCBs with annoying ground planes that suck the heat away. My experience with maplins soldering irons has been varied. I had one were the handle melted and another where the tips corroded within a week. My first soldering iron from maplins lasted me 4 years and costed £3.99. Those were the days!

    Likewise, my £20 (on sale) heat adjustable one died after less than 10 hours of use and my £5 blue plastic one still works fine.

  5. For sale/trade

    Subdecay Flying Tomato fuzz.

    Fantastic sounding fuzz with a few neat features, such as external bass/treble controls, an input buffer meaning the pedal can take active or passive pickups and works anywhere in the signal chain and a bias control for that spluttery 'velcro' fuzz sound. Sadly underused since I got it and I'm having a clearout so this is going. Comes with the box as pictured. Pedal is in good condition apart from the front where you can see the lettering is coming off.

    I don't really have any trades in mind at the moment but you can ask! Asking for £50 + P&P.

    Official instruction manual here. [url="http://subdecay.com/manuals/ft2.pdf"]http://subdecay.com/manuals/ft2.pdf[/url]

  6. He was very good, I didn't know a huge amount of his back catalogue which probably helped as he essentially just played 1 45 minute song and then an encore which might have annoyed people hoping for a 'best of' set. Both he and his band were indeed on top form. I was blown away by what a great, non-flashy player he is.

    Any suggestions on where to start with listening to his recorded output?

  7. A friend mentioned it a while ago and I completely forgot about it... until Monday where he said he'd bought me a ticket and forgot to mention it!

    So tomorrow after work, we're hitting the pub for food and then watching him after that. Really looking forward to it, I'm not that familiar with his material but I like what I've heard and I'll let you all know how he was.

  8. [quote name='Me And My Bass' timestamp='1396349435' post='2412488']
    Design - popular classy Scottish drink made by monks in Devon!


    Ah, wreck the hoose juice. Nice!

    Incidentally, I tried bucky for the first time ever in your home city of Glasgow.

  9. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1395518866' post='2403378']
    My other 'arf is a cellist so I'm used to hear her music drifting through the house. Her Elgar Cello Concerto ('67) is perhaps what she is most famous for and most Cellists seem to feel 'unworthy' to try to better it.

    That's very cool, there's 2 string players in the flat downstairs and they occasionally have other players round for practice. They usually practice short sections but when they play full pieces, alone or as a group they're incredibly good. I sometimes just put a wildlife documentary on TV, mute it and listen to them play. Makes me embarrassed to play my trumpet in my room as I'm terrible!

  10. My folks didn't listen to anything too out there, a lot of regular stuff from the 60's through to the 80's. Some of it I've never got on with and still don't some that they got right and I've ended up listening to myself including Kate Bush, The Police, Paul Simon and Pink Floyd. I actually made a Spotify playlist called 'Songs from my parents cars' which I put on when I want to feel a bit nostalgic, though I've left out the stuff I wasn't too fond of!

  11. I think if you have a Line 6 M5 pedal but no expression pedal then you can just select the frequency with the control. Plenty of models to choose from too so it might be worth a look, although a nice analogue pedal would probably sound better in the long run,

  12. Congrats, I'm sure if you've got the cash for one then they're worth it but sadly out of most peoples price range. All the vids I've seen of them have amazing tone.

    You might want to update your 'interests' line under your name now though :)

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