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Posts posted by bassbora

  1. Just a quick question for all the experts on here. I was thinking about using my GB Streamliner without a cab and just the Direct out. Is that going to damage the power section of the amp at all or is it just fine?

  2. I don’t know if you need more opinions but here goes.

    Since the late 80s I always wanted a Warwick. They just looked so ridiculously out of reach to a teenager and just oozing quality. I bought my first Warwick (Thumb NT5 89) in 97 and have not looked back. I found it very versatile and as has been said that growl is just like a menacing force. From then on I just wanted an 89 6 string fretless. I found that on the Warwick forum (it was for sale here as well) and that bass just sounds huge. It can take on so many sounds and I have to say other musicians think that it just sounds amazing going from funky 16th note groove to upright sounding thump. What I have found out with the Thumbs is that you get a lot of the differences in sound with the right hand technique (and possibly left hand as well). I would recommend an early Thumb if the budget allows that.

    I bought FNA Jazzman to be a gigging bass and that bass has served me very well. I would not say its in the same class as the Thumbs but its a great instrument and gives a great range of tones. Has never failed me yet and I never take a back up.

    If I was looking for an entry level instrument into the world of Warwick I would probably get an older German made Corvette and take it from there. Quality basses and at the moment very low prices (maybe not so after this thread).

  3. I know its not the same but quite possibly the predecessor of the Rumble but I have been using Fender RAD as a practice and teaching amp for the last 15 years or so and it never fails. I even gigged it last weekend with a Warwick Thumb NT 6 fretless and it sounded perfect. Does the low B-string beautifully all the way across the frequency. It does make you wander if my Bergantino 2*12 and Genz Streamliner is really worth the money when you have that little beast sounding perfect.

  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1407347359' post='2519687']
    Don't know if you've bought anything yet but there's a Hamer Chaparral with boomers for sale on here at the moment for a great price:


    Oh my my. Thats the guitar I have been looking for. I have sent a message but there was no mentioning of shipping and I am in Scotland and not London so maybe this will not be possible. Thanks for the heads up mate though. Its the shred machine of my dreams.

  5. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1406216058' post='2509424']
    If the pup's are duncan designed rather than actual duncans, which would link in with the Lic. trem, then its a Dinky. Depending on condition price is about right. If the pup's are Duncans then the bridge should be an original Rose, both in the Soloist model of that era if that's the case its probably a good buy at that price. Best bet is play it see if you like it. The neck might be a big difference from the L59. L59's go for anywhere from 150-250 depending on condition/colour/upgrades etc. They might do a swap if your lucky.

    Sorry for late reply and thanks for the info. I checked back at the shop and the pickups are actual duncans and not a duncan design. But the trem is lic. trem so the pickups might be a later upgrade. Im still thinking about this. I am trying to be sensible and not give into GAS.

  6. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1405761446' post='2504983']
    Just brought a Schecter Omen 6 - NGD by the latest wednesday hopefully!

    I saw one of these in a pawn shop yesterday. I think it was £195. Looked like a beast.

  7. I thought I would make a new thread to ask any Jackson guitar knowledgeable guys about the following. I was thinking about getting an old beat up superstrat type thing and I came across one in this pawn shop I think its the best way to describe it. It does not have any writing on it so I have no idea what model it is or how much its worth. Its priced at £210. The serial number is 9848436 and it had a sticker saying it was made in Japan. I did try to look on google for any information on it but could not really find anything. Its made in 1998 I think. It has Seymour Duncan pickups HSS, shark tooth inlays on the neck and a Jackson licensed tremolo bridge. Head stock is facing down.

    I was also thinking about taking in my Hohner L59 and see if I could do a swap. I got that guitar almost 20 years ago and when I bought my Musicman Axis I have barely touched it. Does anyone have any idea how much L59s might be worth.

    Sorry for pestering you guys with these questions but I just dont know much about guitars and have not looked at any guitar forums and most users here on basschat are always very helpful.

  8. Now back from holiday still thinking about this but I wont do anything yet.

    Many great suggestions thanks for that and robocorpse thanks for the offer but I was looking for a super strat looking guitar.

    Just out of curiosity did anyone on here buy the Chap? If so if you ever think about selling it give me a shout first.

  9. Cheers guys for all the suggestions. I am on holiday now so wont be able to do anything about it just now. But that Chap would have just been the right one but I dont know how much I would have used it.

    I would definitively go second hand since all my basses and guitars are that way. My experience you get a far better instrument.

    I know what someone said above about the Jackson being ugly. There is just something about these old Ibanez and Jackson guitars that appeals to me. As I said Metallica/Megadeth/Van Halen/ etc bands from that era.

    I think I like the idea of an old RG series Ibanez but also the Jackson sounds good. How are the Dinkies? Does anyone know?

    I did plug in the MusicMan Axis guitar and it is a great guitar. I dont know why I am even thinking of another one. The neck is just perfect and if it was good enough for EVH it should be good enough for me. Maybe its not ugly enough like some of these old super strats.

  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1403887602' post='2487472']
    There's a really lovely Chaparral with boomers on Ebay UK at the moment:


    Now that is a nice Chaparral. This is the holy Grail for me. I always liked Vernon Reid and he had a custom Chap with the boomers neck. How can I convince the wife this is a good idea since I dont even play my Axis much?????? I was hoping to spend £250 to £350 so this is a bit more obvious if this appears at the house with a more dent in the bank account then I was thinking.

  11. I am a gigging bassist in pub/rock band and play also with singer/song writer mellow songs which includes a jazz pianist and a fiddle player. I however play guitar at home as well and prefer it on the rock/metal side Metallica/Megadeth/Van Halen/Living Colour. I have always wanted a beat up '80s or '90s shred machine and was hoping some good soul here could give me advise. This is just going to be home use, I am not about to join a metal band on guitar. Would not mind that just dont have the time.

    I like the pointy headstock ones like old ESP/Jackson/Ibanez and since being a Living Colour fan I would love to own Hamer Chaparral with the boomerang inlays but they dont seem to be anywhere. I was thinking about maybe getting a beat-up body and a decent neck and put in maybe Bareknuckle Painkillers in but I guess that is just a waste of money for home use.
    I should point out I already have a MusicMan Axis but I am playing it through an old Fender practice amp and only have Boss DS-1 pedal.

    Any ideas and thoughts would be welcome

  12. Most interesting thread on BC for a long time.

    I was planning on a pro career. Had studied for years and all the rest of it but along came my first child so I decided I wanted stability and regular income. Its now 14 years later after I made that decision and I have to admit I have often thought about the 'what ifs' and all the rest of it.

    I was asked to do some teaching few years back and I quite enjoyed that so I ended up finding a band again. Its only pub covers and we play roughly once a month but these days its enough for me. I would never have been able to live where I do if I would have been a musician and provide the stability that I wanted to be able to give them. The guys in my band are great (would you believe that with 2 guitarists) and they do encourage me to play what ever I want when ever I want. So I do get my musical kicks as well.

    The older you get you see more how there are no wrong and right things. You make decisions you feel are the best at the time (might turn out to be not the most wise thing you could have done) but hopefully you learn from them.

    To the OP it might suit you and your current situation to stay pro. Things might turn out great you never know.

  13. I would hold on to it. Like the others have said why sell a bass you really like to get another one you might not like as much.

    Someone mentioned the weight. I would say it depends. Where are you going to be playing the 6 string if you get one? Are you just playing in your house or do you gig? I gig both a Thumb 5NT and FNA Jazzman. I dont find the weight being a problem for me when I gig the Thumb. I have a Thumb6 NT as well but its fretless so I have not gigged it yet. I dont mind the weight when I play it at home and the gigs I might gig it are more quiet acoustic type stuff and chances are I would be sitting down anyway.

    The Thumbs are quite something else I agree with you (not everyone likes them but so what) and that is the reason I bought the 6 string. I could not think of any other bass when I wanted to get a 6 string.

  14. Hi,
    I also have FNA Jazzman I bought off here year or 2 ago and I use it as my main gigging bass. I didnt want to use my NT Thumb if it would get knocked over or worst case stolen. But I have been really impressed with the FNA. You will hear so many different views on Warwicks but its always just up to they player, how the bass fits their needs or expectation. I love the Thumb. I have 2 NT89s (5st fretted and 6st fretless) so the neck is really thin and fast and since my FNA is 04 it has the newer necks which to me are quite chunky. But I have gotten used to it now. The B string on the FNA is not nearly as tight and focused if you know what I mean and it does not cut through nearly as well as the Thumbs. Many people always talk about the Thumbs having only one tone (this is actually turning out to be more about Thumb than FNA) but I have always thought it was more about your right hand technique hand where you place it and your attack.

    Enough about Thumbs. It might sound like I dont like the FNA but I think its great. Really well built and having the option of the J pickup and the MM pickup gives you so many variations. I usually run it as a JJ config but just when you need that extra boost you can just change the MM pick up and you are cutting through. And having the 3 band Eq is always handy.

    But finally to get around to answering your question, yes I am aware of the screwdriver switch but since I have never felt I needed to change anything I have not experimented with it. Quite happy with it the way its sounding at the moment.


  15. Hi,

    I was in the same situation as yourself. Looking for a good rig for pub/club gigs that would not be too big but loud enough for any occasion. I thought the BF combo of Midget and Compact would be great but didnt really have the money to spend on both since I was also looking for an amp.

    So I decided that 2*12 would be the right thing for me. So after looking at reviews and asking opinions I compared the weight/volume/price on the Bergantino, BF and Vanderkley. I would have gone for the BF as a first choice because (if I remember correctly) at the time it was cheaper and lighter than the others but not much so but the delivery time I thought was too long. I found a Bergantino AE212 on here and just decided to go for that instead (price was also lower than a new BF and was then within the budget for a new amp as well). I love the cabinet. Does everything I need and it does not matter how much volume I throw at it it never farts out or distorts. So I could recommend Bergantino as another option.

    This is all down to taste though I guess.

  16. I just dont have time to learn all the songs my band covers. If I would have the time I would. So I just learn the basic song structure and then fill in the rest. Now the years of studying jazz, theory and improvisation comes in handy even if its basic rock songs. Means I can be gig ready with number of songs (and lets be honest not that many people in the band or the crowed will ever notice if I am doing the bass line a little bit different) than if I was trying to learn it note for note. So I guess after my 20+ years of playing most of the time I am doing it a bit different.

  17. Just bought a cabinet from Jon. He was very helpful and all communication excellent. I had to have the cabinet picked up by a third party and Jon was very helpful with that. Highly recommended for any transaction.

    Thanks that Bergantino cab is just amazing.

  18. This is one beast of a bass. I have one of those (89 with EMGs) and this will give you the Warwick growl for ever. Many say the 5st NT Thumb is the Warwick tone and I totally agree with that. Who ever buys this bass will not be disappointed (I'm a bit biased).

    Bumpedy bump

  19. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1320789743' post='1431568']
    If you're near Dunblane at all this coming Saturday, PM me & you can try my MB combo & see if it gives you any ideas.

    Thanks for all your suggestions and offer to come and try out. I am not close to Dunblane on Sat so I have to decline but thanks much the same.

    I had not thought about GB at all. I used to read BassPlayer back in the 90s and read all the amp reviews and I dont remember GB back then so I had not considered that option.

    After this I think I would go for Barefaced + 400 to 500 W head.

    How are the SWR heads these days? I remember back in the 90s when SM400 was the thing to have. Have they suffered with quality like I have seen people here mention about Ampeg? I was looking into Amplite and Headlite amps and was wandering if they are worth a consideration. Same for the Gallien Krueger amps. Was also looking at the MB500.

    Cheers guys for all your input I really appreciated it.

  20. So guys I am looking for suggestions and ideas for amps and cabs. A brief summary of my playing first maybe to give you guys better idea. I have been playing for 20 years now. I have been inactive for the last 9 years gigging wise but I am starting now again. I am subbing in a band and the guy is going to be away for a year. He has kindly let the band use his amp (Hartke HA3500 and transporter series 4*10 and 1*15 rig). That is fine and this is the amp I am currently using. The guy has indicated that when he comes back he is probably going to relocate and not going to be able to be with the band any more so this is most likely going to be permanent for me.

    This is just a cover band and the gigs are in pubs and small local halls. So in few months I might need an amp when the guy comes back or who knows if he would want to sell the rig. Here is my dilemma, I am not very fond of this rig at all. I have read here before that the amps are fine but the cabs are the week point.

    So my question is how powerful an amp do you guys think is needed and what kind of cabs? I have usually just used the amp that was available at the gig in the past and so I never really needed one so I dont really have much experience of amps. I have read plenty about them but never really had them myself.

    The band is a 5 piece rock band with a loud drummer and one of the guitarist is very loud. I dont ever use any effects so I wont need any effects loop and I would usually go for clean-ish sound. I play Warwick basses (Thumb NT and FNA Jazzman) and they are 5 and 6 strings and I play mainly finger style.

    I also have to take into consideration storage and transport so I have been thinking about size and weight of the rig. The Barefaced cabs sound like they would be the right thing and the Super 12 is then one I am thinking of but I dont know if that would be an over kill for pubs.

    I am also not sure what would be the appropriate amp for this setting and my style. EBS 350, TC Electronic (not sure which one would be enough or not too much) or possibly SWR.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated guys.

  21. When I started playing (as also so many on this thread have stated) Warwick was like a holy grail. For me it was like something unobtainable and only pros would use them and could afford them. I started playing in 1990 and started reading Bass Player almost as soon as it started coming out. I remember the Warwick ads then had the guy from Scorpions and John B Williams. I also remember some fusion and session guys in the States on the ads. So there were all kinds of players well before the Nu Metal.

    Hope its not going to be too long but there are few points I would like to make.

    There have always been hypes about gear as has been mentioned. I remember the time when SWR and Eden were the amps to have but I am not sure if the hype is the same now a days.

    On to Warwicks. After playing a Yamaha for few years it was time to move up a class I thought and I wanted a 5 string. And it just so happened when I was looking I came across ’89 Thumb 5. I compared it to few different 5 strings I could get my hands on and the Warwick was a different class. (Ok I will admit that I had always in the back of my mind hoped I would find one). I think if it would have been Streamer Stage 1 I would probably had felt the same way. The best way to describe the difference between my Yamaha (RBX1000) and the Thumb is like going from a mid-priced Toyota to a 911 Turbo.

    I later bought a Stingray fretless but it was never close to the Thumb. When I saw a Thumb 6 fretless on the Warwick forum 2 years back I had to have it. And it is perfect. It feels exactly like the 5. Same thin neck same incredible response to your technique and I feel you can get so many different tones out of it. And the B string is the tightest you can find. I have read so many times people saying its just one tone but I have to say I totally disagree. And it works so well in any style of music. I have played them in jazz setting with subtle ballades to bebop and then funk and Metal. It always fits in. Mind you if you have read this far this is just my opinion and you might totally disagree.

    I very recently bought a FNA Jazzman for gigging purposes and this is my first experience of other than NT Warwicks. It is quite different and I am still exploring it. I am loving it but its not my Thumb.

    I decided to keep it this long in case someone reading this who had not experienced a Warwick would possibly understand the hype that used to be about them and should be about them (in my opinion).

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