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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1465320876' post='3067129']
    I'm very happy with my MXR M87 Bass Compressor, I reckon that would be worth a look in that price range.


  2. Hahaha!!! All the past owners are on this thread! :D

    That's right, this bass has a good Basschat pedigree ... Warwickhunt bought it from the original owner in Germany, then sold it to Big Thumb, who sold it to Bloc Riff Nut, who sold it to me.

    So, who's next for this remarkable bass then?

    I'm not looking for trades, btw .... Just a sale.

  3. [URL=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/pictfunk/media/IMG_0098_zps1ce719d2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e27/pictfunk/IMG_0098_zps1ce719d2.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

    There's nothing particularly exotic on my board, but it works a dream. The knobs get tweaked a fair bit, but I've marked my "default" settings on the pedals. It's really handy having those settings to come back to, as a basis. A $hit-load of hours have been spent working those out, considering each individual pedal, and the variables of multiple pedals working similtaneously. When I'm using effects I make no attempt to retain anything "organic". It's more of an exercise in getting as freaky as possible, but still achieving practically useful sounds that work well in a band mix ... with a simple board.
    To keep things neat and tidy, I bought a 1-gang extension cable and hard-wired a female kettle socket into it, then attached it to the board with velcro. The (wall-wort-type) power supply is always plugged in to this, so when I take the pedalboard out of its bag, it's just a case of connecting a lead from my bass into the tuner, a lead from the ODB-3 to the amp, and plugging a kettle lead into the board.

    [b]Bass[/b] (active) >>>
    [b]Korg Pitchblack [/b]Tuner. It's fine having this at the start of the chain, as the board is very quiet >>>
    [b]MXR M87 [/b]Bass Compressor ... Uber-squashy, and good for peak limiting at these settings. It's always on >>>
    [b]EHX Micro POG [/b]Octaver >>>
    [b]Marshall Shredmaster[/b] Distortion... That's the strange-looking thing in the wooden housing. The friend who I inherited it from sought to rehome it in mahogany, for no apparent reason. It's a classic pedal, and apparently quite sought after by guitarists. I was previously using this for a bit of high-gain fuzz, but it was losing some low end with the gain past 12 o'clock. At lower gain settings there is no loss of low end, just thick smooth wooly overdrive. At these settings it makes a great overdrive, and it also works really well with the filter and/or octaver, for some amazing synthy vibes.
    [b]MXR M82[/b] Bass Envelope Filter >>>
    [b]Boss ODB-3[/b] Bass Overdrive ... I know it's a "Marmite" pedal, but I love it. I've got the treble dialed right back and the gain set relatively low, but I still wouldn't describe this pedal as an overdrive. It's more like a fuzz, sounding huge and beastly-dirty in a kinda synthetic way (I think that's why folk hate it?). I virtually always use this on its own, occasionally in conjunction with the filter for blasting into noise meltdowns, when things get mental and out of control. >>>
    >>>[b] AMP[/b].

    This board, like all boards, is a work in progress :)

  4. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1405854567' post='2505755']
    I'm tempted to try this mod too: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226516-disabling-or-replacing-piezo-tweeter-in-markbass-cmd121p-combo/"]http://basschat.co.u...-cmd121p-combo/[/url] which will take away that annoying hiss and calm down the treble a bit.

    Do it!!!

    It will take you 10 minutes, and the difference is incredible.

  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405588763' post='2503250']
    Great idea - but reading between the lines Fender are saying, 'That's nice dear, but we don't consider consumers' input in the slightest when coming up with new products and in any case we hardly ever deviate from our tried and tested lines. When we do try something a bit different it gets slagged off on the forums so we don't bother any more. We're doing all right anyway, thanks very much. If you want to make your idea a reality it's best (for us) if you pay through the nose and get Custom Shop to do it because we aren't interested. I'm just a bean-counter anyway and know bugger-all about bass guitars and care even less'.

    Exactly this

  6. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1404755955' post='2495467']
    4.3kg on my digital bathroom scales, but it sits so well on a strap, it really doesn't feel like it.

    For sure. The bass is so well balanced and the playing position so comfortable, that the weight is not so much of an issue as it might be on other basses. My SB is the heaviest bass that I've ever owned, but it's more comfortable to play than most.

  7. [quote name='RoRi' timestamp='1404922660' post='2497040']
    Imho I consider this music as 'neo-funk'. Check both albums by this band!!


    Hmmm, I like this

  8. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1404915196' post='2496948']
    yeah i know what you mean. but this isn't funk . thats why the word Neo is in front of it. ;) i personally find proper funk, a bit unmusical when it comes to harmony/changes etc. it has its limits musically shall we say. like you say, each to there own. :D

    I'm not just talking about straight funk, I mean funk in any mixture or measure. Take Herbie Hancock's Man-Child album, for example. Mega-musical jazz-funk fusion, jazzed up to the max, but the soul of the funk element is intact. It doesn't sound like canned nerd funk. It's music for the brain, but it still makes you want to get down and sleazy.

  9. Just a wee curve-ball here ...

    It was said that the Aria Pro II SB basses were "A poor mans Alembic", being Japans "affordable" answer to the outrageously expensive Alembic basses of that era. Matsumoku incorporated much of what Alembic were doing, did it very well, and created their own classic in the process. If you've never tried an SB, I'd highly recommend it ... It may divert the course of your GAS and save you lots of money.

  10. Nice composition, and very skilled players.

    ... but to me this feels like that kind of highly musical "funk in a can" jazz-funk-fusion that somehow misses the root of the funk. Och, each to their own, and I'm sure that many folk will think this is excellent. Personally, I'm a bit sceptical of funk when it isn't reeking of sex ... this feels a little contrived and artificial.

  11. Good review ... and interesting observations/ opinions regarding new Warwicks. I'd love to try one. If the quality is that good, I'd reckon that the (2012) 30th anniversary Streamer Stage1 might potentially be the bass of my dreams.

    That's an absolute stunner of a bass you've got yourself there. The gold and black just ooozes class. Very swish :)

  12. Aye, I would agree that £450 is about right. It's a gorgeous bass, it will sound great, and set up well it will be lovely to play. I'd have loved something like that when I was starting out :)

    If I was going to inspect this (or any) bass, I'd check the following ...
    [*]Lift the truss-rod cover with a flat headed screwdriver and check that the truss rod nut hasn't been chewed
    [*]look up and down the fretboard checking to see if theres a twist in the neck
    [*]knock on the back of the neck. If you hear a rattle tighten the truss rod. If it still rattles, walk away.
    [*]check that three control knobs actually control something, and that both pickups work
    [*]lift the back cover and check for obvious signs of modification
    Good luck man.

  13. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1404732993' post='2495113']
    I am GASing for a Stingray. Another bass player I know is GASing for a Jazz. I have a Jazz, he has a Stingray. So we are going to lend to each other, hopefully cure the GAS, and not lose any money doing it.

    Time to set up a BC GAS-aholics lending service I think...

    Fantastic idea!!!

    Moderators, would it be possible to have a place on the forum for such a thing?

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