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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1468081559' post='3088510']
    My Pedaltrain Metro 16 arrived today so spent the afternoon wiring her up. All neat and tidy, little pushed for space though! And pardon the vintage Boss tuner, I will get round to updating it at some point...

    Simple, but I love it.

    Tidy. Love what you're going for, there.

    Yeahhh, the tuner sucks arse though ;)

  2. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Everyone seems to love the MXR Phase 90. [/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I borrowed one from a guitard, last week. It was the block-text (the preferred text) version.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I wasn't a fan. I was digging the full low-end, but, whenever engaged, the effect was accompanied by a subtle, yet distinct, overdrive. Nice effect in its own right, but I prefer a phaser that sticks to phasing. Maybe my experience wasn't typical ... or was it?[/font][/color]

  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1467315740' post='3082837']
    Anyone done similar? And how do you choose?

    My Dilemma- My two "go to" basses are both different flavour of Warwick - but then loose that trad. Fender "type" sound...

    Aye, I did exactly that. I downsized from 4 basses to 2. Both of my "go to" basses were Warwick's too. A SS1, and a Thumb, I also had an old Aria SB900 fretless, and a bitsa P-Bass.

    I decided on keeping two basses that would give me as broad a pallet as was possible, considering the options. The Aria fretless was a no-brainer, and keeping one Warwick was a certainty. That was difficult, as I cherished them both, but seeing as I was consolidating, I went for the most versatile of the two (the Streamer). That was a good decision. Only after the Thumb Bass was gone, did I fully realise how totally perfect the Streamer is for purpose, and how much I'd always naturally favoured it in almost every way. But, you know how it goes, the Thumb had this going for it, and that, etc, etc, blah, blah. Truth is ... I didn't need the Thumb bass, and as great as it was, it was an expensive and unnecessary luxury. Like the bitsa P-Bass, just stuff that I didn't need (Fender-type sound included).

    So I now have only two basses. One lively, active, fretted, with round-wounds, and that whole vibe ... the other being mellow, passive, fretless, flatwounds. Very different instruments which offer a lot of vatiety and range (the SB900 is also very versatile in what it does too). I can find whatever sound and feel I want, between the two. Although they are very different, they're both bass guitars at the end of the day, so I've always got a back-up bass.

    Why not keep your favourite Warwick, and something else that will give you a totally different sound and feel? If you don't have such a bass, then I'd be thinking about what bass would best fill the space, and I'd sell the other three basses to fund it.

    Two works for me. Less clutter and distraction that way.

  4. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1467214692' post='3082007']
    On the envelope filter, I'd stick it before the compressor to ensure the filter saw more dynamics in the signal...

    That's a good point.

    Maybe get yourself an envelope filter like the MXR, with a radical sensitivity control. That way you still get good results, post compressor.

  5. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1467212653' post='3081988']

    I have a wee selection of effects now and was just wanting to gauge opinion on the order. I've read a fair few threads and there seems to be many differing opinions! Which is leading to my curiosity to just check with you guys.

    I currently have in this order :

    Bass >
    Dean Markley tuner
    Ebs octabass
    Ebs multicomp
    Ebs multidrive
    Dha valvetone bass
    Ebs unichorus
    > Amp

    I am looking to add an envelope filter, probably an ebs bassiq - I do like their simple two knob design!

    What would you change in the above order and where would you drop the envelope filter in?



    If I had your pedals, I'd set them up like this ...

    Tuner ... first up, so your effects don't play havoc with it.
    Compressor ... I prefer mine at the start of the chain, as it gives my effects something more even to play with.
    Octaver ... this will behave better AFTER the compressor
    Multi-drive ... works best after the octaver, and before the envelope filter, especially if you like using combinations of the 3 for synthy sounds.
    Envelope filter ... see above
    Valvetone ... i'd have one of your overdrives before, and one after, the filter. Put the one that you're pushing most after the filter.
    Chorus ... modulation works best after everything else for me.

    Totally subjective, obviously. The right way is the way that YOU like best.

    have fun!

  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1467014580' post='3080362']
    Have to admit, I fit into the "I love the MXR envelope filter" camp.

    Talking of filers - Frostwave Funkaduck. Always seemed to get great reviews and love by many. I just couldn't get on with the thing - most wild.

    MXR Compressor - again, meant to be amazing. It did nothing for me.

    Trace Elliot Dual band compressor - again, as above.

    Mark Bass Supersynth - can everybody but me get this to track nicely? Or perhaps I'm expecting too much from the tracking speed.

    I'm familiar with all but one of those pedals. I love the MXR Bass Envelope Filter, dynamic w***sville, that thing. Great Compressor too, straight-up gets the job done. I had the Trace dual band Compressor before the MXR. I loved it, and was a fan of the distinct colour it lended to things. No quibbles with its performance. I just wanted something that took up a significantly lesser fraction of pedalboard space. I bought a Super Synth only last week. The answer is in the software. Tweeking gives ... I'm a fan of all that shizzle.

  7. Ha! Agreed, regarding the ODB-3. Such a thick and gnarly sounding pedal when dialed in nicely. I love it, and feel that it's a worthy bit of kit, which seems completely contrary to most of the opinion I've read here (Talkbass too).

    Thanks, Kev. I though I was maybe having a hallucination about that one, hahaha!

    Any other lovers / haters of the ODB-3 here?

  8. Such an amazing tune, and a wonderfully artful bass-line, beautifully played on a fretless. Perfect for the clip which it accompanies too. I can't get enough of this. Had to share, in the hope that somebody else loves it as much as I do ...

    "No Mind", by Rahul Sharma.



  9. I know that all things are open to our subjectivity, but, in this particular instance, I want to talk about effect pedals.

    When considering a particular product, a broad range of opinion isn't always granted. Some pedals win the approval of all (or most, at least). Some are wholly reviled by the masses. There are those which aren't really noticed ... But there are also pedals which definitely split the camp down the middle. Pedals which are loved by some, hated by others, and leave few sitting on the fence.

    What are these pedals?

    Do you use one?

    Does it bug you that everyone, except you, is clearly lacking some part of their brain because they can't hear how amazing the Boss ODB-3 sounds???!!!

    Answers on a postcard, please ...

  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1466960070' post='3080023']
    Get yourself one of these instead, it can cover so many tones in one pedal!



    Ooooooh! Now THAT is interesting. Uber versatile. Anyone used one of these?

  11. He used an old Marshall Shredmaster on song 2. The Shredmaster is a dis-continued and sought-after high-gain distortion pedal, made for guitar. I've actually got one, and it's entirely possible to recreate that sound. However, there is only one combination, within all the available parameters on that pedal in which there's enough bottom-end to make it worthwhile. It's a limited window, but if you're sick for that particular sound, then it's the way to nail it.

  12. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1466361866' post='3075289']

    It's on this page here [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=134"]http://www.markbass....tail.php?id=134[/url]

    on the right hand side of the page, under the artists pictures is a 'downloads' section. The ZIP file is there

    Ahhh, I see. Thank you :)

  13. An Epiphone Zenith. Check it out. Cheap, good for the sounds you'll want, and aesthetically perfect for such an outing :) ...


  14. Interesting question. As a priority, I suppose it comes and goes, depending on what my focus is at the time. Bass is the instrument which I'm most familiar with, by far, and it was also the first instrument I learned, so it has that over other instruments. I was playing percussion more than anything for the last year or so though. Totally absorbed in it, and not thinking a great deal about bass (hence my hiatus from Basschat), so I guess that percussion was my priority. However, a new project has got me back on bass, so, aye, the low end has become my priority again. Subjective, I know, but it's like the weather. It changes, and it's good to just go with the flow and not get too hung up on what we are. That said, when we're in it, it can become all-encompassing. It's a mindset. I'm thinking like a bass player, rather than a singer, or a percussionist (both of which I also do). A side effect is that I'm also thinking about bass, and gassing for bass stuff that wouldn't have even occurred to me 6 months ago. In the future, other things will become my priority, but bass is always there to take its rightful crown.

  15. Hi folks.

    Yesterday my CMD121P wouldn't power up. The first time that I flicked the switch to the "on" position, it made a wee crackling noise, the light came on for a second, then nothing. Same the second time, but less so. The third time there was nothing.

    I tried again last night, and the result was exactly the same ... a momentary trace of life with a wee crackling sound, then nothing.

    This morning it powered up as normal :/ ... Eh??????

    The crackling sound didn't come from the speaker. It was the amp, possibly the switch its self, although I'm not sure.

    I live in a remote part of the northern Highlands, so amp techs are not readily at my disposal. Has anyone got any ideas of what could be wrong?

    Warranty expired ages ago, so it's on me.

    Thanks in advance :)

  16. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1465660916' post='3070060']
    Here we go.. 49" long, 17" wide (super jumbo size) and just short of 6" deep.
    Made with multi-layer stiffening and padding.. there used to be some blurb online about the Tribal Planet GX series construction.
    Might be a delivery upcharge for Highlands depending on the carriers, as it's a large thing!

    I just sent you a message dude

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