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Posts posted by Stag

  1. Hi - has anyone had a luthier respray their bass?

    I ask as im looking to get my Musicmaster refinished. Its down to the wood at the moment and I hate it. Just needs a respray rather than a full sanding etc as its ready to be painted now... how much will this cost me?

    Oh, and if anyone knows of any luthiers in East Anglia who would do it for a good price, please let me know. Cheers!

  2. [quote name='99ster' post='45377' date='Aug 14 2007, 06:56 PM']Been lamenting this poor thing in the eBay thread....

    Oops - sorry bout that. Was just shocked at the state of it and had to post without using that oh so elusive search button....

  3. What in GOD's NAME happened to this.... I mean.... it bring a tear to my eye, it really does...



  4. I did quite well on my recent acquisition of a 76' Musicmaster for £200 (in need of a little work) in the back of a little shop in Beccles after it was brought to my attention by some nice chaps on this very forum that there was one there waiting for a loving home!

    New stuff bargains, now thats what interests me. I used to think Sound Control when it was the Academy Of Sound was very very reasonable on price for new stuff but now its not as good...

  5. Cetera's post - genius! Being gene onstage, well, they are gonna love that aint they?

    I met my current flame at one of my gigs, been about 3 years now so thats doing quite well! Having said that in the past I have met a few [u]NUTTERS[/u] who've attached themselves to me (not physically I hasten to add) so its not all a bed of roses!

    I'd like to hear a female's story on this, they must get LOADS of blokes cracking onto them. I mean, there's loads of foxy famous bassplayers.... fact....!

  6. Hmmm.... welll...

    I went and tried it...

    ...and bought it! My GAS for an MM has been solved. It really is a very very easy thing to play. The neck is in pretty fine nick for such an old instrument, tuning doesnt appear to be a problem although as you said the E string is a bit "off" but nothing that cant be fixed with a new string and a proper set up. rather impressively the case that came with it had the original Fender neck tag with the bass testing dates on it, and the original owners manual! I've had a quick shufty on the Fender site and the serial number dates it to 1976.

    As for the body again as said above its been sanded down BUT whoever did it did a fine job on it. I also wasnt aware of body or arm contours on the body of the guitar but the manual proudly states "Offset waist - easier to play when sitting (patented)" so perhaps it was supposed to be there? Either way, its in need of a respray and im canvassing a few people in the area to see what they would do it for. Got him down to £200 and to be honest on parts alone its worth that so im very happy with it! Tone pot is facked but thats a minor job. Even if it needs a new pot and just a bit of soldering that aint too hard.

    Ill post a before / after pic soon, will get it refinned probably next month with a bit of luck.

    Cheers all for your help!



  7. What's this shop in Beccles called? My girlfriend's parents live there so we tend to go there quite a bit... wonder if they'll still have it?

    Im still in the market for one if anyone has one they want rid of.... did fall in love with this one but its already been sold (sob) :



  8. I must say the SC in Norwich has always been helpful to me. When I got my Ricky about 8 yrs ago the Norwich guys didnt have one in, but they called the Manchester shop who brought it down to Norwich for me to try out... and I bought it so it worked out for everyone concerned. Sadly they dont do that anymore - have been in recently asking them to check with the other stores to see if they had any Musicmasters in any of the stores but they cant check other stores stock anymore for some reason.

    The guys in the Norwich store have always been very pleasant to me, and generally pretty helpful when ive asked about stuff.

  9. Second gig in Norwich for my sideproject band, The Ordinance - at The Brickmakers Music Pub (voted best pub band venue on England a year ago I think?) in good old Naaarwich (Norwich). It's a whole night of Zeppelin and I think ill be persuading my singer to let me use his '75 Fender for the night and have my Ricky on standby for the real "grunty numbers"!



  10. dammit i was gonna suggest JB on Crossroads (live)!

    Um, pretty much anything by Zeppelin is a given really.

    On an odd slant, I really like Music Of The Mind by Jamiroquai, that's a lovely little workout.

  11. I have always had my suspicions that its a refin, and if its the case they did a crackin job on it I must say, no blemishes or tone changes in it (apart from the lovely nicotine stains where I used to stick fags under the strings at the top, oh dear). Could be a hybrid jobbie as well... but all the parts are definitely Rick :-)

  12. They are abstract, and I think that's why I like them - the most errr.... "normal" bass I have is my Rick and that has some odd features (see BassPorn :-) ). Also, for simple portability's sake im interested...

    yellowisfriedegg - will be a month and a bit yet before the hallowed financial bonuses are handed out at the toilet where I work (Dood knows!!! haha) so I need to able to afford it first. But id love to see it! Maybe put some pics in BassPorn?

    Cheers - Stag

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