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Posts posted by Stag

  1. yeah - the big ugly gash (ooer!) in the body to stick that in put me off as well. Shame as it was a nice bass and a proper luthier could have sorted the neck out with a bit of luck. Im more in the market for an EB-0 tbh... maybe... I may be getting some cash soon and a Gibbo Jack Bruce sound is about the only other thing ive lusted after since my teens!

  2. why do people dig great big holes in basses to stick new p/ups in them?


    I watched it for a while, awnted to bid.... and to be fair it went for what I think is a very decent price, but with the neck bowing etc I think it might have been "A Project Too Far" for me....

  3. i do stay away from eBay as much as I can these days after a bad experience once, but hey, theres no harm in looking is there....


    now, im not a Rick expert even though ive owned one for 7 years but this just seems.... odd? Somethings not quite right here.

  4. [quote name='En_Djinn' post='114537' date='Jan 6 2008, 03:33 AM']If you listen carefully Bonham clicks his sticks once to lead back in after the vocal, except the for the second verse, where its timed with the end of the vocal :)

    Hope this helps, good fun when you crack it![/quote]

    I was just about to mention this... that's the way I did it.

  5. erm

    is now the right time to ask Mr Hall to start making a few more 4080's? Im sure he's never been asked that before... heheeh


    Seriously - its a matter of consumerism. If you want one, and dont agree with the price, dont buy it. Simple really. I think its a hefty rise.... but we all know if you realllly want something you tend to find the money for it (Ask the Shuker posse! Hehe!). I personally wouldnt pay for any bass out of my price range.

  6. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='107375' date='Dec 20 2007, 10:33 PM']Is that part of the original Death Star model from Star Wars in the recess on the back of your bass?[/quote]

    knew id seen it before. Ive done that run in an :) X-Wing on the PC in about 1994

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