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Posts posted by Les

  1. Got this particular nitemare to come. We're doing a big charity do with 3 other bands at the end of November, don't know much about them, couple are quite young original/cover bands so might not have much in the way of gear.

    They're all using our PA and I'm not sure what's been sorted out backline wise.

    I just know this is going to be a pain. As we're "headlining" for want of a better word, plus we are the only ones being paid I don't want our sound ballsed up.

    Want to be helpful, especially for the younger bands but I'm starting to dread this.

  2. Cheers, but on thinking about it if I want my monitoring to have no affect on the PA but want a compressed bass signal into the PA it'll obviously have to go inline.

  3. [quote name='nash' post='618886' date='Oct 6 2009, 06:53 PM']also distortion pedals shouldn't go in the fx loop ever really. that's just for delays, chorus etc[/quote]

    I'll bow to your experience there Nash, having never used an effect on my bass.

    Sorry to hijack your thread Mik900 but I am actually thinking of a compressor. Where would that go ? Effects loop or in line before the amp ?

  4. Don't know the amp, but if your effect pedal is between the guitar and amp then yes, you'll get your effect when using the line out of the amp. Wouldn't imagine you'd need a DI box with such a quality amp, must have a decent line out facility.

    If you use the effects loop it'll depend if you have an option/switch to send the signal pre or post eq. If you use pre eq then it will most likely be pre effect, so no effect just the signal from your bass to the PA.

    That's how I do it cos' I don't want what I do to monitor myself to affect the PA sound.

    To get your effect to the PA you'd need the post eq/effect loop option.

    Hope that's clear, it doesn't look it to me rereading it. :)

  5. I tend to judge bass players by what they do for their band. And Flea does a lot for his band. That to me makes him great.

    I don't really care how technically proficient a bass player is, who the hell does apart his girlfriend,and she'' go for a piss with the drummers bird when the solo stuff starts. :) I just like good (in my opinion) bass lines.

  6. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    Mr T, very pleased with the cabs, I can get a great sound out of my rig but not at the volume I need in this band. Kinda thought it would be a power issue but just wanted some confirmation.

    Chris, whats an LM2 ?

    Not got any particular allegiance to brands, just had Trace stuff a long time and it's fine. Already talking to LittleAl about an 400 smx he's got.

    I do quite like the look of the Hartke LH500. Fired an email off to them, but not heard back, to find out if the XLR direct out is pre or post eq. Don't really want what I do for monitoring to affect the signal I send to the PA cos' the bass sounds really good through the PA. Do any of you know about the direct out ?



  7. Bit of advice if you please.

    I've used a TE ah150 and TE 4 x 10 for a long time, and it's always been fine. But that was in club cabaret type bands with a drum machine, and a very controlled on stage sound.

    Now in a pop/rock band with a drummer, who is great but loud. Bought LittleAl's compact 2 x 10 and 1 x 15 to use with the amp.
    I'm struggling to hear myself as well as I'd like.

    Though using 2 cabs would get the most out of the amp plus they're easier to carry than the 4 x 10.

    It's not killing the bands sound as the PA takes the brunt of it, but it's annoying me.

    Do I just need a bigger amp ? I'm suspecting this but thought I'd get some opinions first.



  8. [quote name='leschirons' post='609769' date='Sep 27 2009, 01:51 AM']Tonight, Rock band again but with bad atmosphere from the disgruntled parents of a young-ish band who'd turned up (with the approval of the bar owner) to play for 30 minutes whilst we we eating before our spot. Only problem was, they expected to use ALL our gear with nothing being said or arranged beforehand.[/quote]

    WTF !!! :) This actually happens ????

  9. Quite like BJ but not enough of a fan to know about the "bassplayer/your not our bass player" situation. Just done a bit of googling and read up about it. Fascinating.

    Does he travel with the band ? or does he have to make his own way there ? Do they let him in the dressing room or does he sit outside with his buttie box and a flask of coffee ? :)

  10. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='602217' date='Sep 18 2009, 01:51 PM']I use a stingray not because I can show off that I've got a £1000 bass, bit embarrased about it to be honest, not because I can play better with it, not even because I think it's got the best tone, but because the band as whole sound better when I use it[/quote]

    Don't understand the "bit embarassed" part. Why :) ? I've used a Stingray for years and who the hell in the audience knows what it is ? It sometimes get a bit of attention from the odd "bassplayer" in the audience cos' it's an old one, but thats it. Compared to some of the exotica owned on here it's not even that expensive.

  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='602193' date='Sep 18 2009, 01:29 PM']On a more serious note...
    Is this strictly true? :)[/quote]

    Mmmm......not too sure about that. Mine is a nice bass, no doubt about it, but then again I've never played an Ernie Ball one so couldn't comment. Saying that I've seen loads of bands where the bass player's had a cheapy or no name bass and it's sounded great. Quality vintage stuff does have something about it but I don't really think they're any better than modern high endish stuff

    Would like to try an EB one so I can hand it back to the guy saying "Cheers mate, that's really nice, for a copy" Just to be a tw@t and see the look on his face. :rolleyes:

  12. This is the same model and colour of my 79. I thought mine was a bit rough but this makes mine look good.

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370261904497&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]Here's the link[/url]

    I'll be interested to see how much this sells for.

  13. [quote name='davidmpires' post='601064' date='Sep 17 2009, 09:34 AM']Our drummer took some time to nail it,[/quote]

    [quote name='simon1964' post='601072' date='Sep 17 2009, 09:45 AM']Yep - our drummer (who is usually first rate) struggled with that.[/quote]

    [quote name='Bassmingo' post='601096' date='Sep 17 2009, 10:23 AM']...our drummer has trouble with the intro too, its that pesky offbeat.[/quote]

    Glad thats settled. It's the bloody drummer, isn't it ?

  14. [b] Im not bad at copying bass lines that other people make, might take me a day or so to master it upto a few weeks for something complex.[/b]

    If you can add drinking to excess and getting so pi**ed with the guitarist after the bands first gig that you walk home and forget to pick the fee up then you would be eminently qualified to be the bass player in my band. :rolleyes:

    The Shuker is a thing of beauty, but alas it has twice as many pickups as I would know what to do with. It made my brain hurt when I bought my Ray cos' it had THREE knobs on it !! I decided to just turn them all full on and forget about them, that was 25 years ago. :)

    Seriously though, your off abroad soon so it's moot, and you're probably a bit far away from me in Wigan but if you were closer I and my band would have no problems letting you do a couple or however many numbers that you'd had time to learn in our set at one of our gigs. In fact I'd be leaning to the last 3 so I could start the excessive drinking earlier than the guitarist. It really will open your eyes and give you a taste of what I personally think it's all about.

    There must be someone in South Yorkshire on here who would do the same for you ??

    If you pack it in before you've played in front of an audience I think that would be incredibly sad. :lol:

  15. [b]You need to gig. [/b]

    If you want to be in an original band and you can't write basslines then that's the way the mop flops. It's not going to happen for you. Don't think it would happen for me to be honest.

    If you end up in a covers band and you can learn the bassline and play in time to the track, then you've played the bassline as well as the guy on the track, it's just that he had the imagination/ability/flair to actually write it. Doesn't mean your a sh*t bassplayer.

    Didn't know the Rush track so googled it and watched it. Not being able to play that yet is not really cause to beat yourself up.

    My theory is non existent, I don't really listen to much music, I've gigged for a long time, never been sacked so I would hope I'm competent at what I do, but that's for others to say really.

    There are huge gaps in my musical ability, mostly timing, not that I play out of time all the time but sometimes I find things tricky that other people don't. I have to actually count one section of a Foo Fighters song we do and to watch me and the drummer trying to come in on "sex on fire" is pure comedy showband, we land in a heap but manage to get up at the same time so just about get away with it.

    Doesn't make the band rubbish though.

    Find a band, not a bunch of mates and a smartarse guitarist. It will open up a new world to you.

    I haven't been here long so I hope to god I'm not going to offend anybody but I really don't understand this bedroom bass playing lark. I've played for a long time but if I'd done 5 years just playing bass in my bedroom I'd be weighing all my gear in for another motorbike.

    Jeez, that was a long post for me. I'd better go and lie down in a darkened room for a bit.

    Best of luck, what ever you decide to do.

    Oh, and £80 and fifty pence for the shuker. Don't want to get bid crazy just yet as I've been out of it so long I don't acyually know what it is. :)

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