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Joe Nation

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Posts posted by Joe Nation

  1. It's not a bad song by any means, and they have previous slower/softer songs. But I agree I reckon they're just getting old and either don't have the brains or the balls to do anything really amazing. The sound stage/green screen video is pretty bleh too. Plus Anthony's hair and moustache make him look creepy and Chad looks like Will Farrell (Flea still looks like he'd eat a bag of bolts for fun though).

  2. On 18/03/2022 at 23:00, squire5 said:

    If I'm totally honest, I have NO idea what that means😮

    Phew, I'm not the only one.


    I also have no idea what the chrome pickup cover thing is for on certain older Ps and Jazzs (I get that the bridge cover is hiding the mute, but there ain't no mute over the pickup is there?).

  3. Ibanez can be either "EYE-ban-ezz" or "ee-BARN-yez" - I always thought the guitar company pronounced it the former way, but I could be wrong; the latter is commonly a Hispanic surname.

    Warwick has only one W; Rockbass has no Ws.

    Korean car brand Hyundai famously has three official pronunciations, depending on whether you're in Korea (HYUN-die), the US (HUN-day) or Europe (high-n-dry).

  4. I think the 0, 1 and 3 might be frets, but could also be fingering as funkle suggested. It should tell you at the back of the book what the notations mean. The bass clef is also known as the F clef - the blob in the middle of the clef is in the same place as an F. Just remember that and work your way up and down from there (remember, only natural notes sit on the stave, sharps and flats are marked with a # or b, never got my head around why that is).


    The treble clef is the G clef, the centre of the curl of that one is on the line for a G. I just looked it up and there's also a C clef which looks like a weird B-shape, it's used rarely for soprano/alto/tenor registers. You can also move the treble and bass clefs to get different registers, which puts the notes in completely different places on the stave but to the untrained eye it will catch you out. Now I've thoroughly confused myself and most of the rest of you, I'll shut up...

  5. I have one of these and it's great, apart from trying to play along to youtube lessons through my ipad and bluetooth - the latency is massive. Before I go buy a cable, can anyone confirm that I can use a lightning-microUSB cable to feed the ipad audio into the Mighty Plug without any latency?

  6. 51 minutes ago, grandad said:

    In my case we, the band members, formed a music club at our local community centre, (Quarry Bank Music Club). Open to all ages regardless of skill level we meet twice a month. Anyone can get up and have a go with plenty of willing musicians to back them. Everyone gets applauded for just that, getting up and having a go. A great night socially with cups of tea & biscuits, many friendships formed & folk just having a go for the pleasure of making music.  Links have been made locally with other venues. 

    This sounds brilliant, exactly what I feel like I need right now (if I had the time!).


    I've never been anywhere good enough to gig - I can barely make it through one song without messing something up. I was in a band with some mates from sixth form back in about 2000 (oddly enough in Diss, same as the OP), but we mostly messed around and watched Kerrang instead of practicing. The self-appointed lead guitarist was a bit of an ego, really into metal and refused to play much else, but the rest of us had more varied tastes - even then I could sense he was going to pull the band in a direction I didn't want to go, but it fell apart when half of us went to uni. I always felt like starting a band with my friends would be easier and more successful than joining a band with strangers, but maybe that just makes it more complicated because you've got the friendship and the band to worry about.


    I reckon if you're not one for gigging twice a week every week, aim to practice little and often but gig few and far between - elite runners train for months for one marathon, they're going to ruin themselves if try to race every weekend.

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