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Posts posted by FuNkShUi

  1. Thank you for all the advice.
    I totally take on board all what you've said grangur, but I'm not planning on a perfectly smooth finish before putting the metal flake on.
    I'm certainly hoping to get it better that currently is, and will take your advice on buying good sandpaper and taking my time with it.
    But the "method" I'm using is going to have a somewhat lumpy finish anyway, so I'm not striving for completely smooth.
    Like I say though, really appreciate the advice.
    Probably going to do 3 more coats of primer and sanding between each before the metal flake.
    Off to play a gig now, so will do another in the morning :)

  2. Ok i finished sanding it down to what i thought it needed, and i put the first layer of primer on last night.

    Again, not knowing what the "correct" way to do something was, i put tie wraps in the screw holes for the pickguard, and taped up the other holes. As you can see here:

    Just thought it would be better to not have paint go in them :)

    Then came to my professional spray painting set up.....

    Yes, its two dust blankets hung off my squat rack, with the bass hanging off a coat hanger from a roof beam.

    It's like i said, this wasn't ever going to be conventional!.

    So i masked up, and ventilated the garage

    And we were away to go......

    Shake the primer for a minute, hold 200mm away, and spray evenly. Ok, i'll go with that.
    Here's the outcome of the first coat

    That was left to dry overnight.
    I plan on sanding it back and respraying a further 3 layers, before putting the metal flake layer on.
    Hopefully will do another layer today,tomorrow and Sunday.
    Enjoy your weekend :)

  3. Think it was Painy who made a cloth grill for his Aguilars.
    Turned out really good IMO.

    Here's the thread....

  4. [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1479246474' post='3175101']
    Not sure you will get a proper German one for that money, a Rockbass yes, Used German made ones tend to go for around £600 - £700 but if you see one for that money let me know :)

    The German ones do come up for that price in the classifieds now.
    And yes, absolute bargains!

    Edit to say a quick search and this came up

  5. :lol:
    At least you've met one of your goals then.
    You sound as if you'll have a good amount of money to spend.
    If i were you, seeing as you're obviously a fan of volume, i'd be looking to get a cab that can use any and all the watts you throw at it.
    There are many, but the ones that get recommended a lot are Barefaced, TKS, Bergantinos, Vanderklay. Sure i've missed some others.....
    None are "better", just different flavours. Try as many as you can, then decide which your ears prefer.
    A 2 X 12 is popular cabinet for a "one box does it all" option.
    As for the Thunderfunk, i can't comment as i haven't played one, but I've only heard good things.
    For me, i chose to go lightweight because i'm gigging regularly, and the compromise in losing "heft" <_< is neglible, in compared to what i'm saving in ease of movement. YMMV etc :D
  6. Here's the Singlecut Andy made me.

    It's my dream bass, and now the only one i gig with.
    Quality of craftmanship is astounding. Its very light at 7Llbs 8, and the tonal options are everything i could need.

    Here's my full thoughts on it, with a simple video so you can get an idea of it's sounds:

    Here's the original build thread:

    Something i haven't posted on here, mostly because i wasn't sure if i could, so mods take this out if you need to..... Andys work has been featured as bass of the week here:
    [url="http://www.notreble.com/buzz/2016/06/20/bass-of-the-week-ajr-guitars-singlecut-bass/"]http://www.notreble....singlecut-bass/[/url] Pretty freakin cool!!

    Well done mate, thoroughly deserved recognition, putting you alongside some other great luthiers! :drinks:

  7. Nice one Andy.
    Yeh I've finished with all my stripping now, but you seem to have made a far better job of it!
    No real surprise there :D
    I was planning on starting my first base coat tonight, but something has come up, so hopefully get something done tomorrow.
    Cracking job on this one, as always. I love the colour. Vibrant!

  8. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1478796389' post='3171727']
    Hey Kert, you deleted all the earlier pics already (or at least, I can't see them)
    And I wanted to do a before & after comparison ;)

    Keep going with this project matey - you'll be gigging with this bass, and wearing matching sparkly short trousers before you know it ;)

    That's really weird. Hadn't deleted them, and they were still on my IMGUR profile?

    They should be back on the first post now. Thanks for making me aware of it Marc.

    Already bought the sparkly trousers. Years ago ;)

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