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captain black

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Posts posted by captain black

  1. In a similar situation myself just now where you're a bit obligated to someone, normally a drummer it has to be said, but things don't appear to be progressing.
    our drummer just decided he wanted a 3-4 month break to sort out his extension!!!!
    left us in the lurch as we were just getting regular gigs.
    had enough of things now and even though we're still doing a couple of gigs which we're committed to I'm calling it a day.
    Pastures new.
    Don't know how old you are but I'm 40 in a couple of days and I don't want to mess around.

  2. Its hard when they're for charity. the people who are organising generally dont have a clue.
    You just turn up and play. your not getting paid so if you go with an open mind as WoT says you never get too let down.
    put it this way, you played a few numbers, probably had a few pints and at least now you know the guys a d**k.
    As someones already said, don't let it put you off as some of my most enjoyable gigs have been for good causes and you're raising money for something worthwhile.

  3. Got to buy a new Laptop so it's last in first out.
    Got this quite recently from Bobbass, here is the link to his post :
    Hope you don't mind me using it Bob.
    Bought this for recording which never actually happened and it's not really getting used at the mo.
    Sounds great tho and is very well built. Check out the many reviews available on the net and on this site.
    Say £70 posted if you're interested.

    Also got Schaller 3D bridge in as new condition if anyone's interested.

    I thank you.

  4. [quote name='deaver' post='449852' date='Mar 30 2009, 08:08 PM']Bass Player is just as bad proofing wise. I prefer the tutorials in Bass Guitar Magazine and [b]you can read it in the bath.[/b][/quote]

    It's not just me then.
    I have to say that the only and I mean ONLY place I read BGM is either in the bath or sitting on the pot.
    Don't ask me why. The wife goes mad 'cos theres a stack of them in the bathroom.
    I subscribe, but I have noticed the downturn in quality and journalism recently.
    But i can't get into Bass Player Magazine tho I've tried. At least it's OUR bass Mag not an ad-plastered American one.
    And, hey, don't forget it's going monthly from the next issue.
    Happy days.

  5. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='449285' date='Mar 30 2009, 10:53 AM']I was recording a school battle of the bands gig last week (dont ask... needs must and times are tough...) for a whole bunch of schools in Edinburgh and, whist I agree with some of the points, those kids played and performed to a level that would put most of the old farts playing in the local pubs to shame.

    I had no affiliation with any the kids but it dawned at me that little things, like parts learned exactly as they are on the record (complete with all the funny intricate rhythmic variations), were nailed whilst, back to the pub bands, you will be lucky if you even recognize what they are doing....

    Just throwing it out there...


    Have to acknowledge at the same time that there are some great young bands out there also. Makes you sick!
    I'm just remarking that I seem to come accross the other type more and more frequently at the moment.
    The facilities for learning that people have right now are better than ever thanks to the internet, DVDs etc,.
    Some take advantage and use it as a springboard to better things.
    Some just stay at that level.
    As ever, i guess it all comes down to personal standards and how hard you're prepared to work and how good you want to be.
    You can't half tell the difference between the kids that are [b]driven[/b] and the kids who are driven around tho.

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