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Posts posted by Davo-London

  1. I visited this week, which was a real pleasure. Again no photos, so this could could be pure fiction. However, I did have a nice chat with Alex and he got to thrash my 64 Precision. He has a very heavy RH technique does Alex. Goodness me. I'm the opposite - light gauge strings, low action. Alex likes moderate action and "proper" strings that make you work.

    Anyways I got to try the:[list]
    [*]Super Midget
    [*]Super Compact
    [*]Big Baby 2
    I had brought along my tone hammer 500 so there was no lack of power. I liked all three cabs. If I was regularly gigging I would have gone for the BB2, which I thought had the best all round tone. I wasn't getting a lot of subs but there was plenty of clarity and punch across the entire frequency range.

    The Super Midget was in contrast equally clear and punchy without the rounded bass of the BB2. You have to see the SM to really believe it's diminutive size. I didn't go mad with the vol controls but there was oodles of capacity for making a nuisance of yourself. I'm not a dirty/pedal/grind merchant and so I was immediately drawn to all the Barefaced cabs for their transparency.

    Finally, the Compact not surprisingly sat between the other two with again more rounded and fuller bass than the SM and similar to the BB2 with just a fraction less clarity that the BB2.

    So overall for weight, size, power and sound I had to go with the Super Midget - the overall package was amazing. I have to say these were not hi-fi conditions as there was a lot of noise going on in Factory 4 so you can take my musings with a pinch of salt.

    Best regards to Alex and the crew

  2. The first time I heard Jaco it was on a cassette of Heavy Weather that was lent to me by a school friend. I was 15-16 and had been playing bass for a couple of years. OMG I still remember it to this day. I just couldn't believe it. Loved WR and Jaco instantly. That was about 40 years ago. Saw WR and Jaco about 3 times at Hammersmith Odeon (Apollo).

    Happy days

  3. Fab review, thanks for taking the time to post it.

    Interesting that the 3rd generation Super Midget is able to hold up on it's own. I think if you were able to carry all your rig in one go - you should do it! Just to make the point. No-one will notice but it'll make you feel better!


  4. Yes I agree - I noticed that. OMG it doesn't seem to bother him. I'd be surprised if it is intentional though. It may also be recorded at a slight angle and that along with the strings following the neck curvature may equate to what looks like a bigger gap between A and D.

    His playing is effortless.


  5. My own contribution is his drummer, Gary O'Toole, taught me to play drums. So I should be positive but it all sounds so dated somehow. His guitar work is fine but not memorable. I would say that Steve Howe made a greater contribution to the guitar repertoire than Hackett.

    But that's just my humble view.


  6. I have used professionally speaking 5 basses:

    - fretless Jazz/equivalent - for that irresistible tone for use in church music
    - fretless Godin A4 - used as the nearest thing to a URB that runs horizontally!
    - precision bass - for nearly everything although you need two - one with flats and one with rounds
    - jass bass/equivalent - for those moments when you need to push the envelope

    That's 5 basses

    That's all I need.

  7. My list, which I iterate is about the bassists that I really enjoy:

    - Jaco Pastorius (Weather Report)
    - Bruce Foxton (The Jam)
    - Percy Jones (Brand X)
    - Linley Marthe (Zawinul Syndicate)
    - Sting (Police + Sting)
    - Chris Wolstenholme (Muse)
    - John Burke Shelley (Budgie)
    - Chris Squire (Yes)
    - James Jamerson (various)
    - Bernard Edwards (chic)

    That's my starter for 10.


  8. Had you thought of other tweaks?
    [*]Could do a 50-57 headstock (lighter - reducing neck dive)
    [*]Vintage bridge (cos they're better)
    [*]You sure you want ash/maple? That maybe rather nice but might be a bit trebly?
    [*]Gotoh - Res-o-lite machine heads? (Cos they reduce neck dive)
    Just thinking ...


  9. Project bass?

    Buy body and neck off ebay and then add components as you like?

    Lots of black bodies available from £50 to £200 depending on wood etc. Select a neck of your choice and then enjoy creating your version of Walters bass. I like someone's idea of bare knuckle pickups too.


  10. I replaced the Bridge on a 76 Precision with a Badass II back in 1979. Then in 2004 I did an A/B comparison and found the difference was small but I preferred the Fender!

    It's not worth doing, the original design is fine.


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