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Posts posted by markytbass

  1. Is the active circuit on a printed circuit board (PCB), if it is you can have another one made and either transfer the components over yourself or get it done for you. A quick google or look in your phone book should find something. How bad is it broken?

  2. My problem is that I like too many styles/era's of music and want to play them all. I would either have to play in about 20 bands or find other musicians who have the same idea or are very understanding. I won't bore everyone with a long list but lets say it ranges from Buddy Holly to The Dead Kennedys and beyond.

  3. Thin Lizzy had the right Idea with 2 guitarists with one playing off the other. Any more that 2 and your off into folk territory, and thats only so you can't tell who's pissed.

    And this drove me nuts. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G55eY8oD730"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G55eY8oD730[/url] It reminds me of the time I gave my son a harmonica and he just breathed in and out through it all day.

    See how long you can listen to this for [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdLhRB4dJJI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdLhRB4dJJI[/url] I rest my case m'lud

  4. [quote]Item has been relisted
    And in response to "can I call for the bass and pay cash when it arrives"

    "unfortunately not as the one in the pic is mine,once i recieve your payment via paypal i then order yours from my supplier in the us which accounts for the 14-21 days delivery! but you can pick it up once it is here but your payment must be paid first within 3 days after auction ends"

    - lite_bite_catering76[/quote]

    Seaham is just up the road from me (well up the A19). If I could be arsed (which I can't), I could suggest to the seller that I go and see their bass (if they really have it) and buy their's and they have the other one when/if it arrives.

  5. Guitarists are a funny breed, some of them expect other band members to be mind readres. Have you asked them what exactly it is they want?

    Oddly enough the guitarist /singer in the band I'm in came out with something similar a few weeks ago. It was directed at me and the drummer, we asked him what we were doing wrong to which he answered "I don't know" hence we got nowhere.

  6. I like the Rimini and the maranello basses. I havn't actually played one yet so can't comment on sound etc. I didn't think Nicky Wire sounded too bad all things considered. As for trying stuff in shops I tried a Jet King at a local shop and it sounded pants, that said they only had little 20w practice amps to try stuff through.

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