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Posts posted by markytbass

  1. I don't know about the body but I have used beeswax on a neck I have. I used Lord Sheratons pure beeswax balsem from Wilkinsons, applied it with very fine wire wool (it contains turps). I then applied some Briwax which is also beeswax but buffs up to a sort of gloss. I was amazed at the finish I got.

  2. I played an original Highway 1 Jazz (without Badass and I think without grease bucket), I personally prefered it to the USA. I think it fills the gap between Mex and USA nicely and the finish looks cool. Prices vary from shop to shop, I think Sounds live do them for about £490.

  3. I used to back the tone right off on a few numbers I recorded on a Jazz I had years back. When I had the Cort and the Stingray Everything was full on, they were the first active basses I owned so went ott a bit. Now I have a Warwick and play Blues so have the Eq set flat and only use the neck PU. I find you get a nice warm sound without being too muddy, I like the tone that Jack Bruce gets out of that fretless Thumb bass.

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