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Posts posted by W1_Pro

  1. Anyone got one of these? I saw one on the web last night and I must say they are lovely looking things. Wondering is anyone has...erm...'hands on' experience?

    Hmmm. seems I got my gridiron teams and basses confused. it's a 48 bass. Not a 49er.....

  2. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1479751285' post='3178992']
    Spotted that but hadn't worked out what all the controls do yet :) I'm assuming there will be a wiring diagram on the Neals web site. Is this the only mockingbird version they do?

    Yes I believe it is. They are also very helpful on the phone- well Skype anyway. Really nice people as it goes.

  3. Thats looking great Andy. Sterling work as usual. :) :)
    I'm sure you already know, but just in case- there is a pickup blend knob on the current setup, which is not standard, this is replaced in Neals rewire kit with a toggle. which can only be a good thing, IMHO. ;)

  4. [quote name='pmjos' timestamp='1479146732' post='3174331']
    The word is compromise. If you take the example of the Hi fi world, if price is no object, what do you buy. A 200W Arcam perhaps at nearly £4,000. And inside surely Class D?.....no. Bloody great torroidal transformers and caps like Heinz bean cans. Heavy, hell yeah. Why because nothing beats a sodding great power supply for great bass and transients.


  5. If you are interested, I have a QSC PLX 1202 for sale for £149. It runs bridged into 4 ohms and puts out 1200w.
    It's the last of our ex hire PLX's. We had forty of them at one point. Never had one go wrong.
    Rock solid amps.Utterly reliable, sound great. PM me if interested.

  6. In 1985, I sold all of the premium bonds my parents had accumulated for me over the previous twenty years-much to my mothers disgust- and bought a TE AH150 with a TE 810 cab from Livewire in Cardiff. It is still, hands down, effortlessly the best rig I have ever owned and I've since spent a small fortune trying to recapture that sound.

  7. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1478981641' post='3173169']
    OK - Schaller, a company I already respected, has gone up to the very, very top of my list of "suppliers with great customer service as well as very good products."

    Their website wouldn't take my order for the spacers this afternoon. They make it clear on their website that they actually do not take direct orders from UK and most other European countries but, instead, give a list of authorised wholesalers and retailers. So when I kept getting a server error at the point I confirmed my UK address for delivery of the order - although I thought it a bit odd it was a server error - I assumed the error was linked to the fact that the site would probably block me anyway.

    Anyway, as Touchstone Tonewoods (their nominated UK retailer) didn't show them in stock and weren't open until Tuesday, I thought I'd drop an enquiry to Schaller's customer service email address. I did this late afternoon today.

    I've just received an email back (it's Saturday evening) from a Dr Bünning.... the owner and Managing Director of Schaller.... apologising, asking for screen shots of the message I'm seeing and letting me know an alternative way of placing my order with them. :o Now that's what I call GREAT customer service :)

    That is pretty amazing Andy.
    As for the info from RhysP.....where would we all be without the interweb? we'd have to do this by fax or something.... :unsure:

  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1464023189' post='3055841']
    Lorne's BC Rich Porn thread hasn't been updated for a while, so...

    Having recently sold my last bass & a few other musical items I had a bit of spare cash knocking about when a friend of mine that collects vintage BC Rich guitars put me onto this, a 1979/80 Mockingbird Standard. It's in superb condition,with none of the knocks & chips on the "pointy bits" that are pretty much par for the course with old Rich's. Nice subtle bit of birds eye in the maple wings too. Frets were in a pretty bad way, so I took it in for a fret dress & it's as good as new.

    I have to admit I bought it largely for sentimental/nostalgic reasons as I used to drool over these when I first started playing. I also worked in a music shop in the early 80s that stocked them, so I've played a lot of old Rich guitars & basses but, apart from an STIII guitar in the late 80s, I've never owned one.

    It's just as good as I remembered, build quality & playability are up there with the very best basses I've owned. I haven't enjoyed owning a bass as much as this one for a LONG time. :)





    [/quote]That is a glorious looking bass Rhys.

  9. Ahhhhhh. Good to know I was totally wrong about the original bridge.... :blink:
    So after a bit of manly googling, I[i] think[/i] the original bridge -on the USA ones at any rate- and I'm happy to be corrected given my already abysmal strike rate, was a badass. I notice that hipshot do a badass replacement that looks ...erm...tall. Happy to look at one of those Andy, if you think there's any mileage in it.
    The wiring is terrifying, eh? I have to say, thank god for Neal Moser!

  10. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1478883584' post='3172454']

    I always like to have a second smaller project on the go when I'm running a full build (and I only do full builds one at a time). There are many times when you are waiting for bits, stuff to set and dry, etc, and it's useful to have something to fill in the time gaps.

    So as the time gap filler for gelfin's really exciting new build, I'm also running with some tweaks on our very own Stuart's (W1_Pro) wonderful BC Rich NJ Mockingbird.

    You know when you pick up and instrument and just INSTANTLY go "WOW"?

    Now, before picking this up out of its case, I would never have said that a Mockingbird would be my first pick of design appearance. But, goodness, this is a beautiful and beautifully made bass:

    Just look at the neck transition:

    The neck is simply wonderful - I WILL be taking profile measurements of this because if I could ever emulate it! The finish is silky organically smooth. The weight is just right. It's one of those basses where in my imagination [i]even I [/i]am sure I could play wonderfully well. And trust me...I don't play [b]any[/b] bass [b]at all[/b] well :lol:

    Trouble is, and the reality is, it's pretty much unplayable at the moment.[list]
    [*]The truss rod works OK, but the frets/fretboard are pretty much all over the place with high areas either side even when the neck has been straightened
    [*]The saddles are at the very, very end of their travel:

    ...and yet the strings are flat against the fretboard - so the bridge needs to be at least 4mm higher than this[list]
    [*]This crack on the headstock was a worry:

    ...on closer inspection, I'm pretty sure that is is just a crack from the trussod cover screw in the headstock plate and not the headstock itself. However, those logo transfers are VERY close to the surface and must be protected at all costs![list]
    [*]The other cosmetic issue is an odd one. There is a line of filler, white or gone white, across the centre beam:

    ...odd. There's a grain difference either side too and yet there is no evidence from the top or back that there is a splice of any sort. Anyway - it's on e the back and my advice is to leave well alone :)[list]
    [*]There is an enhancement too - fitting this excellently presented replacement electrics loom from Neal Moser:

    I'm very excited - Nic's (gelfin) intriguing new build and Stuart's (W1_Pro) wonderful upgrade. Bass tinkerer's bliss :D
    Here we go Andy.
    All set for another triumph!

  11. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1478904564' post='3172680']
    What are those pickups like?

    I have been considering getting some for my Warlock for a couple of years, just because I like the look of the bars instead of poles or blanks.

    I have read that the BC Rich own pickups aren't so good but I've never had a bass with decent enough pickups to compare (being £600 when they were new, and still being made, makes it by far my most expensive bass (though I bought it secondhand)). But having to get two sets is a bit of a pain in the pocket, especially as I've not actually heard them, and as I would also like to change the preamp. All really for the sake of tinkering.

    I keep telling myself that I'll definitely do it if I ever get into another band...
    When I got the bass it was pretty knackered. The electrics were shot- someone had seriously f***ked with the original- and it was all black and smingy. So I never actually got to listen to the pickups in any sort of serious way. From various remarks fellow BC'rs have made on here they do seem to be very well thought of though. I personally think you can't go wrong with a Dimarzio. Doubly so if it's P shaped....;0)

  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1478886385' post='3172500']
    Wonderful instruments.
    If you look at my avatar you will see the incredibly sexy neck transition carve of my own 1979 USA Mockingbird Standard bass.

    Phwoar. A real US Mock. Always wanted one of those. Beautiful bass Rhys.

  13. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1476446425' post='3154382']
    this is posted elsewhere but I think it's appropriate to repost given the thread title


    From left to right:

    Status Series 1 5 String (modded with Aguilar OBP-3)
    Stuart Spector Design NS-94
    1982 Ibanez Roadster RS824BB
    Aria Pro II Super Bass II
    1980 Vantage VA-900B (modded with SD 1/4lb'ers and Aguilar OBP-3 running at 18V)
    '97 Warwick Corvette (German), Wenge neck, Bubinga body

    I also have a 1990 Warwick Streamer 5 string (neck thru with Barts) but that is currently under restoration so will post some pics of that once it's finished.

    That Aria is really nice....

  14. [attachment=229895:IMG_6452.jpg]

    Well, here are three of mine. A 1979 SD Curlee Curbeck, the custom semi acoustic built by Rob Crocker in the 80's and rendered useable by AndyJR1515 of this parish about three months ago, and a Kramer 450B.

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