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Posts posted by W1_Pro

  1. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1495399149' post='3303508']
    ....and at the other end of the scale..... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-Thumb-Neck-thru-5-string-with-hardcase-/272681082362?hash=item3f7d0f1dfa:g:eJYAAOSwj85YNLjM"]http://www.ebay.co.u...JYAAOSwj85YNLjM[/url]

    Nice bass but £4k ?!?

    Four grand!?!....Hells bells....more front than Sainsburys...

  2. So there's this

    Harley Benton PB 50. Apparently relic'ed - looks like some random paint chipping to me. I'm really not getting his pricing strategy. It's BIN at £115 plus a P&P cost of £18.99.

    A new one from Thoman at todays exchange rate is £93.60 plus £10 delivery.

    So thats a premium of about thirty quid over a new bass.
    Have I missed something?

  3. So I'm in the process of attempting a repair like this on the top of my Shortbass. I do have a hole with a separate piece of wood thats actually detached mind you. My plan- gleaned from youtube- is to stabilise the area by glueing bits of veneer across the split from underneath, clamped with rare earth magnets whilst they dry. Then spread a lavish amount of glue over the veneer, and drop in the wood that has come away. Leave to dry.
    Then, make some similar colour filler with some PVA and sawdust, and fill the cracks. I daresay it won't be perfect- especially with my woodworking skills- but I have hopes it will be playable once more, as these don't seem to be easy to get anymore.
    Good luck!

  4. apparently it's a Fender.


  5. I hope someone can help with this. I've been scouring the net for one of these- needs to be a white one with the t bird logo- to no avail. I've looked for that Aurora projects lot that have been recommended on here in the past, but they seem to have disappeared.
    Any ideas anyone?
    Many thanks

  6. I recently bought one of their 'Cats Eyes' branded acoustic six strings, which is Chinese, and I have to say it's a belting instrument. Cost less than £150 IIRC. The precision in the link a couple of posts above is about £850, at todays exchange rate (which is very poor) an off-the-shelf Maruszczyk Jake is about £820. Does anyone have one of each? Which is the better buy?

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