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Posts posted by MIJ-VI

  1. [quote name='Dave_MuadDib' post='874069' date='Jun 21 2010, 09:33 PM']Well, this has SERIOUSLY annoyed me, as Guitar Parts Resource are a company I'd previously heard nothing but good things about.

    So I ordered some shielding foil from them a couple of months back. A great deal of the stuff, likely enough for a good 3-4 basses, if not more. I waited patiently as it was coming from America to the UK. A couple of months passed, and it was nowhere to be seen, so clearly something must have gone wrong. So I dropped them a friendly email saying I hadn't received the item yet, and if they had any clues or knew anything about it. I even copied and pasted everything from the paypal page including the transaction ID so they knew exactly what I was talking about. Their response was one micro-sentence, simply stating that they "couldn't even look up something" that old. And [i]that was it[/i]. Not even the slightest attempt to help, apologise, sympathise or even offer a single dollar off of a re-purchase. They didn't have the courtesy to address me or sign a name at the end - nothing. Just an absolutely rude message of "tough". They haven't even replied to my follow-up. And because I waited more than 45 days for it to arrive, PayPal can't do anything. So I've basically given these guys money for nothing. Hope they're happy.[/quote]

    They owe you what you paid for and you can prove it. That foil is yours.

    Please write them a professional letter which includes the date and time of the terse (non)response you received from someone who was either having a bad day or just doesn't like their job.

    Guitar Parts Resource LLC
    12456 Lancaster Street NE
    PO BOX 266
    Millersport, OH 43046

    Phone: 740-467-2823
    Fax: 740-467-3245

    [email protected]

    And after you've written your letter...


    I won't wish you luck since situations like these call for tenacity.

  2. The Bass Merchant Ltd UK - Bass guitar and amplification sales and services in South East England

    For further information on our products, services, or to request a brochure from us on our many brands, please phone, write to the address below or email us on: [email protected]

    The Bass Merchant Ltd
    Unit D1 Colchester Seedbed Centre
    Wyncolls Road
    Severalls Ind.Est
    CO4 9HT
    Tel: 01206 751173
    Fax: 01206 751173

    Opening Hours:
    Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5:30pm
    Sunday 10am to 4pm


  3. Perhaps a book similar to this one could be found at a local public library?

    Electrical Safety for Live Events (Paperback)

    Then there's this resource:

    The M e t a project brings together music makers and workers across the British Isles!
    S a f e G i g g i n g
    by Dave Cross

  4. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='834891' date='May 11 2010, 05:43 PM']20khz at aged 20 not bad I'm not as deaf as people seem to think.

    [u]I'm always asking people yo repeat multiple times[/u], they must just be quiet people.[/quote]

    This would be a reason to have your ears checked.

    At your age adopting preventative measures would be prudent.

  5. [quote name='theosd' post='834419' date='May 11 2010, 11:13 AM']I'm 23 and hear nothing at 17kHz too... And [u]for some reason now my ears won't stop ringing[/u] lol. I think I lose this game :)[/quote]


    "Tinnitus (pronounced /tɪˈnaɪtəs/ or /ˈtɪnɪtəs/,[1] from the Latin word tinnītus meaning "ringing"[2]) is the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound.

    Tinnitus is not a disease; but a symptom resulting from a range of underlying causes that can include: ear infections, foreign objects or wax in the ear, nose allergies that prevent (or induce) fluid drain and cause wax build-up. Tinnitus can also be caused by natural hearing impairment (as in aging), as a side-effect of some medications, and as a side-effect of genetic (congenital) hearing loss. However, the most common cause for tinnitus is [b]noise-induced hearing loss[/b]..."

    Please visit an audiologist to determine the exact state of your hearing, and get some proper protection.

    IMO competent hearing protection forms a more valuable investment than any electric bass.

    (The relevant links in my signature have more hearing info.)

  6. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='818297' date='Apr 25 2010, 12:38 PM']You don't mention if the trussrod's been adjusted at all? If it's not already cranked up, I'd suggest slackening the strings and giving the 'rod a half-turn clockwise before tuning back up to see if it makes a difference; repeat until it won't turn any more, THEN look at replacing the neck :)[/quote]


    [url="http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=How+to+adjust+a+truss+rod.&meta=&btnG=Google+Search"]How to adjust a truss rod.[/url]

  7. OP. Now that you've cleaned the 'board, you may wish to do the same for the strings:


  8. [b]Equal loudness contours and audiometry - Hearing test on-line[/b]

    This hearing test measures the relative sensitivity of your ears at different frequencies.

    I can't hear frequencies above 8 kHz. :)

    How about you?

    Please post your test results to encourage the use of hearing protection by those whose ears aren't shot.

    Thank you.

  9. [quote name='RichardH' post='776995' date='Mar 17 2010, 03:57 AM']How about the [url="http://www.purple-chili.com/bass-cabs/pcb410t.htm"]Purple Chili PCB410T[/url] - 23.5kg.

    Proportion a bit different from the "usual" 4x10, so may not suit.[/quote]

    A nice deep cab design loaded with [url="http://professional.celestion.com/bass/orange/index.asp"]BN10-300S[/url] drivers which go up to 4kHz. No need for tweeters! :)

    [i]And[/i] it's domestically made.

    If I lived in the U.K. I'd check this out.

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