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Posts posted by Aussiephoenix

  1. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='75596' date='Oct 17 2007, 02:49 PM']have you tried the EH micro Qtron?
    some complain of volume spikes, but i've not experienced it.
    you can normally find them around the £65 -£70 mark[/quote]

    if they are complaining of volume spikes, then my problem wouldnt be changing much would it? hehe.

  2. I have re-acquired one of these not long ago, (the original green version with 2 knobs), and only remembered now why it is that I sold the previous one...

    I feel that it's uncontrollable... when the "wave" is at its extremes (be it highs or lows) its just too damn loud in comparison to its non-active sound... (difficult to explain this)

    I'm looking to get a replacement. something that isnt too expensive, no, no boutique pedals please...

    basically what I want is something that does give me that funky env filter, but something that keeps the volumes kinda steady... or not too over the top. has to be deep. (love that deep env filter sound) and a nice long sweep.

    what do you recommend? know where I can hear some samples?


  3. [quote name='birdy' post='62930' date='Sep 20 2007, 12:46 AM']The temporary insanity has disappeared and this is no longer for sale, sorry. What WAS I thinking of!!!


    I was thinking the same thing... I was lucky enough to have that bass lended to me temporarily by bassaussie, and I was blown away by it. great bass.

  4. [quote name='jhk' post='60228' date='Sep 14 2007, 07:47 AM']Can anyone advise me whats the best or the most reliable/practical versions of racklights.I don`t want the goose-neck type.I`ve heard the behringers are not great either.
    Prefer the single horizontal type rather than extendable bulb holders(if that makes sense).
    Maybe someone has the old `trace` type for sale.
    All I know is that I`m struggling to see the graduations and print around my amp knobs and switches in poor lighting(probably `cos I`m an old git and in denial)

    Thanks in anticipation

    I use the lights on the behringer BTR2000, no problems so far...

  5. [quote name='FretBuzz' post='59522' date='Sep 12 2007, 08:37 PM']I am a long-term 4-string player, but I am curious about the 5-string world. My only 5-string experience was with a Yamaha TRBII 5 and I found the neck way too wide for me. I guess I am asking which 5-string has the narrowest neck? Ideally, no wider that a 4-string neck - I don't mind the string spacing being very close. What should I be looking at? Does it exist?[/quote]

    Curious... usually the biggest problem 4players have when jumping to 5's is that the string spacing is too close...

    to me, the wider the string spacing the easier it is to get all my techniques flowing without hindrance.

    my MTD Kingston 5 (that I'm selling) was great for me to get around it with its 19mm at the bridge.

  6. [quote name='dood' post='58147' date='Sep 10 2007, 12:39 PM']*SNIP* Or go the whole hog and have the MM pup AND the P pup. Now there's some tones I'd like to hear! *SNIP*[/quote]


    that's what I'm building (more like putting together, with a lot of hard work) at the moment.

    The base is a P-body, holes (Not Split-P holes) filled and re-routed for a Sandberg like PM configuration, topped off with a Jazz neck and a clear Stingray pickguard.

    I'm hoping it will have some major ballsies for those thumpier sounds we crave.

  7. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='53128' date='Aug 31 2007, 08:54 AM']Anyone owned/tried both? Whats the difference (apart from 50 watts)?[/quote]

    To my ears the Fafner is grittier, rockier, while the td650 is more Hifi sounding.

  8. Its funny that there is always a Faction war when Flea's name pops up...

    tastes will differ...

    Technically, he isnt the best, and I think comparing bassplayers is stupid, as each has his own style of playing...

    However, he has his signature sound which people will either love or hate... but add to that his entertainer's streak... I mean, not many people can play as he does and jump around like that... He's pure energy, and he passes that on to the audience like none I've ever seen.

    He's the reason that I got into bassplaying, and I'm proud of my roots. his work on BSSM was divine inspiration for me.
    I learned a lot through hearing him play when I started out.

  9. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='50159' date='Aug 24 2007, 02:19 PM']Drooool ......................... That Bass is a beaut! If it were headless I would have to have it!!!!

    I don't have the spare cash right now, but out of interest how much would it take for you to part with it? (a feeler for your feeler!)[/quote]

    + F'n 1 :) Gorgeous bass!

  10. [quote name='Wil' post='50124' date='Aug 24 2007, 01:28 PM']Well, I must say, I have a tendancy to lust after basses even when I'm going through periods of not playing much. They have a certain mystical quality that makes me want to own them! Like collecting antiques I suppose.

    Once I get my hands on the bass I'm after there's always a honeymoon period and then my affections will move onto something else. I'm pretty much expectant now that whenever I buy a bass, no matter what it is, I will eventually become a bit bored with it and want to get something else, but that keeps things interesting I guess![/quote]

    Man, this makes so much sense to me its scary...

    I remember a time, where a bass was a bass to me... then as I started exploring new instruments and realised that bass was crap, I started lusting for [b]A[/b] better bass...

    After I got that, I got curious about WHY that bass was better and started reading up on what makes a decent bass, started exploring new brands, more boutique like brands, etc, and that was it...

    for a while, everytime GAS hit, I'd sell off one to buy another, always keeping just the one instrument... its funny how your financial limit seems to increase with every purchase, and suddenly 2000€ isnt really the absurd ammount it seemed a few months ago.

    right now, I have 3 basses and I'm building another... these basses fulfill me, but, there's always GAS...
    when its not basses, its amps and cabs, when its not that, its pedals, etc... but the worse by far is the basses...

    thankfully, my girlfriend understands, and doesnt bother me too much about it... (she would if I bought a sadowsky or a Drozd though, haha.)

    Still, sometimes I'm ashamed at my lust for gear instead of focusing on my technique...

  11. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='49947' date='Aug 24 2007, 08:51 AM']that's exactly what I want![/quote]

    There's those, and the Elbow ones like you can see between the Phaser and Env Filter on my board. the straight ones only work for pedals (usually same make eg: boss -> boss) as the inputs/outputs tend to be in different positions between different brands.

  12. Well, my pedalboard isnt as posh as some i've seen here, but it suits my needs perfectly.


    IN -> Boss Bass Chorus CE-2b -> WOBO -> EBS Multicomp -> MXR m80+ -> OUT

    LOOP A -> DOD DFX94 Sampler\ Delay
    LOOP B -> DOD FX25 Env. Filter -> Ibanez PH-7 Phaser

    Portable, functional, and relatively good quality.

    the power comes through 2 linked daisy-chains that hookup to my boss transformer and that connects to my rack voltage regulator.

  13. I dont know what your reality is like over there, but in Portugal its a bit restricted... there are hardly any places for a starting out Originals band to play live, and there is no interest whatsoever from our discographic companies for rock/funk/metal bands. only poppy stuff and classical portuguese music, you know, all that SUX.

    So, if you're a musician, you have 2 choices... either stay in an originals band, and play in the garage until the band breaks up, then do it all over again with another band,


    If you want to play live, you surrender to covers, as thats the only thing that attracts public to bars, and since thats what the bar owners want, thats the only type of bands they'll have.

    with 1 or 2 exceptions of course.

  14. I think you did both (shed light and confuse)... :)

    [quote name='BOD2' post='48169' date='Aug 21 2007, 09:29 AM']In addition there are two "sides" to the switch that operate in tandem. For each side of the switch, one tag is the common contact and there are three pickup contacts. The pickups were connected to one side of the switch and the tone controls were connected to the other side of the switch (except that one tag wasn't used on this side because there were only two tone controls but three pickups).[/quote]

    Hmmm what exactly is the "common" contact? does it mean that whatever pup config you have selected at the time, the output line ("sound?") always goes through that common contact?

    Hence, you'd have the general volume attached to one of them and the ground attached to the other?

  15. New developments:

    I've just been browsing some wiring diagram sites including this one:

    [url="http://www.stewmac.com/wiring101/diagrams_for_3and5_way.html"]Stewmac 3 and 5-way switch wiring[/url]

    From what I've read (and what LITTLE I know...) is this config what I'd want to endup with?:

    pos1 (lug 1) - Musicman Humbucker
    pos2 (lug 1+2) - Musicman Humbucker + Precision Pup
    pos3 (lug 2) - Precision Pup
    pos4 (lug 2+3) - Precision Pup + Musicman Bridge coil
    pos5 (lug 3) - Musicman Bridge Coil

    Of course, there's no mention here of what to do with lug "0" or the lug positions on the 2nd "pole"...

    Can anyone help fill the gaps or blow a hole in my theory please?


  16. Only a couple do I regret selling...

    I had an old Padauk topped 5 str basscollection that was a beaut, and if Only I'd swapped the electronics on it, It would have made a kickass bass.

    Also sold off my Oakland Fretless... oh boy, that was THE biggest mistake EVER. I've played and heard MUCH more expensive fretlesses out there that didnt even come close to the sound of this beaut.

  17. 29, Male.

    Basses: 4 and 5 String Fretted bases, Passive or active electronics.

    Style: really my own, as no matter what kind of music I'm playing, it always sounds like me.

    I have a influences from Bassplayers such as Flea, Steve Harris, Les Claypool, etc, but I Learned on my own, and most of my band experience has been with Originals bands, so, I've had full use of my creative skills in a way to mold my sound my own way.
    I play mostly without Fx, but I love well placed fx in a few songs.

    it all goes to serving the music itself and not my ego. (I'm not that good anyway, lol)

  18. Hey...

    I'm still having some trouble with my wiring options for a 5way switch... I wonder if any of you out there know about these switches and can help me figure out how to wire it to obtain the config I'm looking for.

    2 pups: Split P and Musicman 2 coil.

    Switch: Allparts 5way switch -

    So, I've been reading a little, and supposedly, positions 2 and 4 arent much use to me, as they seem to combine the other 3 options...

    What I wanted is:

    pos1 : P
    pos3: P+M
    pos5: M

    Now, this is the tricky part:

    pos2: P+M Coil 2 (Like a PJ... Kinda)
    pos4: M Coil2 (Like a soloed Bridge J)

    C'mon guys, I know there are some wiring wiz's out here...


  19. [quote name='Muppet' post='38717' date='Jul 30 2007, 12:21 AM']I've never seen on in white with black binding. I much prefer it over the black - very very sophisticated. Excellent.[/quote]

    I'd only seen the black one, but thats really nice too...

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