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Posts posted by JackLondon

  1. [shameless plug]

    All your worries sorted out here > [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=89602"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=89602[/url]

    [end of shameless plug]

  2. [quote name='Golchen' post='852352' date='May 31 2010, 08:51 AM']I LOL'd a bit that Rob's favourite bass player was Jaco!

    Nothing wrong with that of course, but he doesn't appear to have been influenced particularly (on any level!)[/quote]

    You haven't listened to any of his stuff before Metallica then ?

  3. Hello chaps,

    I have for sale Line 6 UX1 which is no longer needed. It's got the CD with POD Farm etc so you get everything as brand new, used maybe 5 times. The cheapest I can find them is £89 so I'd say £60 posted ?

    Line 6 is known to come out with very usefull stuff and this is no different, it includes POD farm which lets you simulate different amps, cabs, effects etc. It also has Abletone 7 for all your recording needs! A very good setup for very small price.

    More info here [url="http://uk.line6.com/podstudioux1/"]http://uk.line6.com/podstudioux1/[/url]

    I'll upload the pics if neccesarry


  4. Hello chaps,

    I've finally ventured in to the dusty sub-forum :) I was thinking about buying an EUB because my missus would chop my balls off if I'd bought the real thing so I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction for a first EUB! My budget with a big stretch is about £300.


  5. Hello boys and girls,

    First of all : Mods if this is in a wrong forum I apologise and please feel free to move it :)

    Straight to business, around end of June/ beginning of July I will be ordering some stuff from Warmoth so if anyone wants something but doesn't want to pay the massive postage then let me know and we can place an order together and split the cost of delivery.


  6. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='847207' date='May 25 2010, 09:29 AM']Hmm, my finance is in Paris on her hens weekend that weekend, I may be able to make it. I am not sure how much gear I can bring, but here is waht I have:

    Ritter Roya "Casa Fronto" 5 String
    Sadowsky NYC PJ4
    MTD 535-21 Mariyln
    MTD 535-24
    Kennedy Custom 6 string with Alembic running gear :)

    2x Accugroove Tri112's
    1x Markbass LM2

    TCE Polytune
    FEA Labs Growler
    Aguilar Octomizer
    3Leaf Groove Regulator
    Subdecay Quasar
    TCE Nova Comp
    SFX Micro-RD
    Big JOhn Granny Puker
    WMD Geiger Counter Civillian Issue
    Analogman Chorus w/deep
    Subdecay Echobox
    Eventide Pitchfactor
    Boomerang III Phase Sampler
    Radial Big City ABY Switcher

    I probably couldn't bring it all, but could bring a selection perhaps.

    If you can come then please bring an MTD :wub:

  7. Hi Chaps,

    I'm in need of advice again and this time it's on microphones.

    Bascially I've got the Boss BR900CD and today I've got a brand new SM58 in a trade. Will this be good for micing up guitar and bass cabs and quite possibly acoustic/classical guitars or would you recommend something else? Ideally I don't want to spend more than £50-70 second hand but I'm just wondering what is out there. The mic does not have to be high quality, just enough for home recording to see what's what!

    Any advice appreciated!


  8. [quote name='GM10' post='842454' date='May 19 2010, 07:56 PM']How did you link the BR to the KRKs as the phonos out didn't work?

    Did you get the KRK 6s from new?[/quote]

    Hi Graeme,

    The socket on the Boss had a loose solder joint so I've managed to fix it and it works well now.

    I've got the KRK's from GAK so they are brand spanking new :)


  9. Hi Chaps,

    I've built a fuzz face for my guitarist but he says that it's not ''beefy'' enough, I use schematic from here [url="http://www.musikding.de/product_info.php/info/p1620_The-Face-Germanium---Fuzz-kit.html/XTCsid/39234f691992d87833cb450a8ffe5743"]http://www.musikding.de/product_info.php/i...3cb450a8ffe5743[/url]

    So my question is what should I change to make it more beefy sounding, I assume it will be the cap C1 which is 2.2uF, should I change it something bigger like 4.7uF ?

    Will this sort it out or would you say I should change some other parts as well ?


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