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Posts posted by harvey1-8

  1. The 25s were fine for my loud rock band. For the quieter function band I play in I could probably get away with 15s, but I'd rather not get another set of filters and save the £60. I don't feel disconnected from the music with 25s anyway.

  2. I know what you're going through. I've got a '75 MIJ Reissue Jazz and a Stingray as well. All I can say is the Jazz gets so much more use. It fits me like a glove where as the Stingray can feel like I'm climbing a mountain. The Stingray has a fantastic tone and probably presents a better investment in the long run. I think you'll get used to the bigger neck, just give it some time.

  3. Yeah the neck's quite a change from a P bass. I had my T-bird set up really nicely about 3 years ago and I've not had to adjust the truss rod or alter the action since. Great stability in that sense. The bridge can be a bit of a pain to adjust as well, but once you’ve got it in the right position it’s rock solid.

  4. A guitarist friend of mine has Tone Acquisition Syndrome (at least that's what I've been calling it). He’s forever trying different stuff to re-create that tone he has in his head. He's spent quite a bit getting there.

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