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Posts posted by Foxx

  1. [quote name='voxpop' post='493977' date='May 21 2009, 09:47 AM']I have a very nice Windmill Tay Tee Jazz for trade.......



    More pics please..[/quote]

    Nice bass, but not really what I'm looking for, thanks for the offer, and good luck for your sale. :rolleyes:


  2. [quote name='sjc75' post='493817' date='May 20 2009, 11:13 PM']I've just listed a rare Warwick Thumb 4 B/O in the forum....I had a Clover 5 with Delano's in it and it was very nice so would defo be interested in your Sandberg if you want to have a look at the Thumb....cheers S[/quote]
    Warwicks aren't really my thing really, thanks for the offer though. :)

  3. I have a Sandberg ken taylor 5, in trans blueburst over an ash body, 3 band active EQ, push/pull pot on volume for passive option, 2 MM style Delano humbuckers.
    Near mint condition apart from one small ding on the headstock, no scratches or dents on the body.
    More pics available on request.
    Would be interested in trades for US Fender jazz basses, possibly Precisions, US vintage reissue '62 jazz or Precision, or Sandberg J and P type basses.
    Located in West Midlands

  4. [quote name='grumble' post='469140' date='Apr 21 2009, 11:08 PM']Put this up for sale in 6 months or so and I will have it, picked up a new bass a couple of months back and 'er indoors would remove parts of my anatomy if went for this. Shame coz I fancy a crack at a fiver and the price is right.[/quote]

    Could still go for it, if you keep it quiet, one bass looks much the same as the next to most women i've found, so she may not notice straight off. lol :)

  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='467556' date='Apr 20 2009, 03:38 PM']No, sorry. The lined fretless is likely to be however (pretty much unused '62 reissue with reverse tuners).[/quote]

    I assume it would be possible to get the lines replaced by a luthier to match the colour of the fingerboard, likewise with the side dots?

  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='467355' date='Apr 20 2009, 12:04 PM']I should add that moving from lined to unlined necks - and surprisingly vice-versa - is not as easy as you'd think. In fact, I've been unable to make the move to lined from unlined as having become so used to working from dot markers [u]at[/u] the fret position (as they are on an unlined neck) as opposed to [u]between[/u] the fretlines (as they are on a lined neck). So, whilst I thought buying a lined fretless neck would improve my intonation, it's actually made it worse as a result of the "should I be fingering at the dot or at the line line" confusion when I'm playing! I'm either going to sell my MIJ lined neck (I have two '70's unlined necks as well), or get some dots put at the fretlines so that it's consistent with the unlined necks.[/quote]

    Are the 70s unlined necks for sale?

  7. Hi all, i am putting up for sale my Yamaha RBX765A, i acquired this recently but don't get on well with the modern small body design, as i'm used to Fender basses and find them most comfortable to play and what not .
    It's in good condition overall, has a few scratches on the back, and the back bottom edge which i've photographed as best i could, slight tarnishing to the gold hardware, other than that there are no issues as far as i can see.

    Located in Kidderminster, West mids.







  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='461142' date='Apr 13 2009, 12:26 PM']I think it's a safe assumption it will turn out to be a thumb rest/anchor; It's just about spot on positionally for someone used to a 2 pup bass... or at least it's exactly what I would have done! :)[/quote]
    I wondered if it was, i've never seen one that shape before though. lol I prefer to play over the pickup on precision and jazz basses personally, so i've never really used such a device.

  9. I'd stick with the Fenders personally, i can't quite see whats to be gained by spending the amount a sadowsky(or other) costs, for what is essentially a copy, and the Fenders keep their value.
    Besides with the ones you have i cant think why you'd want to change them, i still regret selling my '79. lol

  10. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='460477' date='Apr 12 2009, 11:50 AM']Im not saying they're not well made, just that they didnt feel right (for me)

    And the way that the beautiful finish was destroyed on a few of them was plain wrong (again in my opinion)

    If im gonna have a beaten up bass i want it to at least have happened naturally threw heavy use/gigging etc

    other wise its like buying an expensive pair of jeans that already have holes in them (how old do i sound now! dam it!) lol


    I have to agree with you on the relics, i find the whole idea absurd, as someone pointed out on another thread, you wouldn't pay extra for (or probably wouldn't even consider buying ) a car with dents and scratches like that!
    And ditto with the jeans. lol

  11. I've got a ken taylor 5 string, and its bloody brilliant bass, only thing for me is i find the body a bit cramped, with two MM pickups on there and a 24 fret neck, to this end i'd swap for a california JM5 if i had the chance, as i guess i'm more used to traditional Fender shaped basses than more modern styled ones.
    In terms of sound and build quality they can't be faulted though in my book.

  12. [quote name='martthebass' post='442265' date='Mar 23 2009, 10:36 AM']Hmmm...I can see the Market is a bit flooded with rays and precisions at the mo so I'll give this one last bump before shelving the idea for a while.[/quote]
    Would a Sandberg ken taylor 5 string be of any interest?

  13. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='441767' date='Mar 22 2009, 02:55 PM']I'd just like to say here that Nick's basses are always absolutely pristine. I've had two off him in the last year or so & both looked brand new, like they'd come straight out of the box.

    Buy with confidence :)[/quote]

    Definitely seconded there!

  14. [quote name='foxthebiker' post='441764' date='Mar 22 2009, 02:48 PM']Yes, I did! Seriously though, I have been playing a bit down in Devon, where most of them are and I need to thin the crop as I haven't played down there for a while and could do with the cash.....for some other gear.....[/quote]
    Dare i ask how many there are, or will the sudden build up of GAS kill me? hehe

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