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Everything posted by Fishfacefour

  1. Everything you can think of is true - Tom waits
  2. Thanks to all the replies above. After persevering and trying different warm up approaches I'm not having any real pain any more. I assume my hands are getting used to the bass again. Anyway, I still managed to get a quick trip to merchant City Music this week. I had a play on a Reverend sentinel and it totally clicked. The size, weight and balance felt right (after a couple of minutes) and the sounds were great. The fundamentals were massive and the voicing switch gives enough play for a range of tones. I tried a Mercalli too which after the sentinel felt clear as a bell but lacked the bottom end weight. It had a great stingray like definition as well as a precision type tone. The Dub king kind of sat in between them sonically but felt pretty uncomfortable. I'm wondering if the short scale stingray will be a good blend of the sentinel and Mercalli sound with a short scale feel? Any experience? Anyway, I'm off to prepare adverts to sell everything I can so I can afford the sentinel before it sells out!
  3. Love roller-coaster - ohio players (I'd love to hear a mash up of temple of love roller-coaster....)
  4. Pumpkin soup and mashed potatoes - the fall
  5. The sun belongs to you - giant giant sand
  6. Why? Heavy doesn't always equate to metal. 😁We've already had wagner and Stravinsky. I'm genuinely interested to hear what others thought of death grips. Their ex-military album felt so much like a metal album to me. Is it heavy or is it extreme?
  7. Man, the bass weight on this is insane! Reminded me of a sound system as a teenager and having to leave as the bass was hurting my insides
  8. Loving so much of the links so far. When I first heard this it reminded me of slayer. It totally challenged me (which I love). And one of the heaviest gigs I ever went to was the Bug in a tiny club with a sound system 10 times to big for the space. Kevin Martin has worked with Earth and Justin broadrick from godflesh as well as all the dancehall and grime artists. A really interesting Venn diagram of my interests!
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