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Jus Lukin

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Posts posted by Jus Lukin

  1. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1402436352' post='2473592']
    I am an ex-Christian (the whole evangelical 9 yards) and this sounds horribly familiar. Something that you really enjoy, not 'sinful' as such but takes up a lot of your time and commitment: serious competition for the big G. So you pack it in, you've made a sacrifice, bit of kudos from your fellowship, but the warm glow won't take away the sick feeling that tells you you've made a mistake that's difficult to reverse.

    I'm not going to try to convince you that Christianity is a crock, you need to find your own way on that one, but the :( at the end of your post says it all.

    I'm afraid I have to agree. I have made, and have seen people make, decisions they really didn't want to because they thought it was somehow God's will. Personal beliefs aside, Christianity, and probably most other religions too, have a very strong tendency to make us over-think things and to look for drama where there is none. You're having fun and really getting into a hobby- and church turns that into a bad thing!

    My advice would be to do what you want- if you believe God made you and loves you, and you love playing bass, then surely it was his idea anyway. It doesn't make sense that a powerful creative force should fill a world with such diversity and interest, and then condemn everyone in it to conforming to a very small window of existence. Check out all the bits in the bible about praising god with music. You can't do that well without putting in lots of time beforehand, and someone's got to be the one playing. But I've probably already broken forum rules posting this far...

    Anyway, my answer to all this was to give up the religion instead. Life continued much the same, except that I no longer have to beat myself up over every flipping thing I do, and I have more time and good energy to devote to things I do actually believe in. So, YMMV. :)

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